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New birthday guitar, what should I get???


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Why do you feel like you have to ram your beliefs down our throats? We don't do that to you. If I did, I would be telling you about my love for Satan and his minions. I'm not am I?

So your 'totally radical' sig isn't shoving an opinion down people's throats? You lose.:thu:

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Yah know, if you hadnt decided to go on and {censored}ing on with it, we wouldnt be slamming you so hard. Tell me, what exactly did you think we were gonna do? "I SEE THE LIGHT, I BELIEVE!" Sorry bud, you aint gonna change our minds. What does god have to do with amps anyhow? And Why in Allah's, Xenu's and Flying Spaghetti monster's name do you expect us to put up with your {censored} your spewing if you cannot deal with ours. You are telling us we will burn in fire and eternity forever, maybe its just me, but I dont love to be accused of things I don't believe in. And if you are anywhere close to your so called lord, Love and Tolerance is what your lacking. RELIGION SOLVED!

If you don't believe and it's all a big fairy tale why do you even care? Why do any of you care? It seems you guys are 'so offended' when someone tells you this stuff and you don't even believe in it.:idea:

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Your sig is retarded and makes no sense. Did you come up with it yourself? If you did, I would recommend disavowing yourself of it right now because it blows.

Whats crawled up your ass man. Relax, I thought it was kinda funny, a few other people thought so too. I can't please everyone. Frankly, I don't give a damn. If you want to think it's lame, go ahead, it aint in there for you.

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Carvin be what you're looking for. Built to your specs. Look at the DC400 and new CS styles. They even quote the Bible in their catalog. :thu:

I'm going for a life of sin followed by a last minute death bed conversion to EVERYTHING. And then I'm going to blow myself up in the name of the Lord(s).

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If you don't believe and it's all a big fairy tale why do you even care? Why do any of you care? It seems you guys are 'so offended' when someone tells you this stuff and you don't even believe in it.

nononono the problem is i DO believe, thats why it pisses me off when some kid who doesnt know what hes talking about (AND has bad music taste) makes noncontextual umbrella statements about my faith

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If you don't believe and it's all a big fairy tale why do you even care?



Because people insist that this {censored} gives them some moral authority over the rest of us. My imaginary friend can beat up your imaginary friend.


I don't give a {censored} what any of you believe until you start trying to make others live by it.

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Whats crawled up your ass man. Relax, I thought it was kinda funny, a few other people thought so too. I can't please everyone. Frankly, I don't give a damn. If you want to think it's lame, go ahead, it aint in there for you.



If you really stop to think about it, you and others like you totally {censored} on something that a lot of people hold very dear to their hearts. That's it. If you held something very dear to your heart, something that was at the core of your life and you tried, not always succeeded, but tried to live your life according to whatever this 'thing' might be, and then I came along and {censored} on it, you probably wouldn't be too happy.


I'm all for having a good time and the OP definitely seems like a troll, but when people who profess to NOT believe in a higher power start taking offense at someone saying 'you're going to hell', it seems that maybe you're not so sure of your own choices?? It doesn't make sense to me. If you don't believe, why would you even spend the time to respond?

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If you really stop to think about it, you and others like you totally {censored} on something that a lot of people hold very dear to their hearts. That's it. If you held something very dear to your heart, something that was at the core of your life and you tried, not always succeeded, but tried to live your life according to whatever this 'thing' might be, and then I came along and {censored} on it, you probably wouldn't be too happy.

I'm all for having a good time and the OP definitely seems like a troll, but when people who profess to NOT believe in a higher power start taking offense at someone saying 'you're going to hell', it seems that maybe you're not so sure of your own choices?? It doesn't make sense to me. If you don't believe, why would you even spend the time to respond?



Ok, I can respect a intelligent response. These pushy religious people are just the kind of people I deal with on a day to day basis, due to where I live. I get a bit Jaded. But all in all this isnt about me, no more making it so.

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Because people insist that this {censored} gives them some moral authority over the rest of us. My imaginary friend can beat up your imaginary friend.

I don't give a {censored} what any of you believe until you start trying to make others live by it.



I can't force you to live your life a certain way, neither can the troll who started this thread.


Why would you even care if people who believe "this {censored}" think they have higher morals than you?


Now granted this troll has spun up the forum exactly like he intended, but who cares if he types this stuff. Christians come in all different colors and just because the OP (who most likely is making fun of Christians) plays up the 'fire and brimstone' doesn't mean all of them are like that.

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I can't force you to live your life a certain way, neither can the troll who started this thread.

Why would you even care if people who believe "this {censored}" think they have higher morals than you?

Now granted this troll has spun up the forum exactly like he intended, but who cares if he types this stuff. Christians come in all different colors and just because the OP (who most likely is making fun of Christians) plays up the 'fire and brimstone' doesn't mean all of them are like that.



while you have a good point and you communicated it well, {censored} YOU this is neither the time nor the place


this is a troll thread and will be treated as such. any serious, fun-ruining responses should be deleted. wheres JC?

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Ok, I can respect a intelligent response. These pushy religious people are just the kind of people I deal with on a day to day basis, due to where I live. I get a bit Jaded. But all in all this isnt about me, no more making it so.



Thank you. I appreciate your understanding. I'm all for having a good time and making fun of this or that, but sometimes people get carried away (on both sides).

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while you have a good point and you communicated it well, {censored} YOU this is neither the time nor the place

this is a troll thread and will be treated as such. any serious, fun-ruining responses should be deleted. wheres JC?

I can also appreciate being told to {censored} off once in a while to. I will now go and '{censored} off'.:thu:

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Reminder: I've seen a lot of anti-christian statements in this thread. Please understand they fall under our zero tolerance policy and a QUICK way to find yourself with some time off is to make unprovoked attacks on someones, ANYones religion. Carry on.

EDIT: Is this a real thread anyway? Someone give me a quick run down, I don't wanna read 12 pages. Is this whole thing one big troll? :confused: (forgive me, I'm tired, gang :( )

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