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6505+ is this an accurate protrayal


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the mic on his camera is just crap man its not made to pick it up good. But yeah up front they dont sound like they do recorded. I mean a lot of people get them and think they are gonna get the same tone someone has on a recorded. They have dubbed guitars and studio work being done. it isnt going to sound the same live. But yes it sounds way better than in that clip.

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I don't have any experience with a 6505+, but from my experience with Peavey products, they are very touchy. Extremely sensitive to which tubes you put into it, or which cabinet you are running through. There are also a decent amount of dials on the 6505+ for a relatively straightforward amp. You can get awesome tones for really any style out of a 6505, as many pros and amateurs have proved, but it takes time and trial/error to tweak things to perfection. That dude is clearly in the "error" phase.

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Is this really what the 6505+ sounds like? If so, that's pretty, well... terrible...

Anyone help? I was ust about to go out and order one... {censored} until I looked at this... hmmmmmmmmmmm



Wow that guy really sucks and makes the amp sound like total {censored}. It's not that bad in person.

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Is this really what the 6505+ sounds like? If so, that's pretty, well... terrible...

Anyone help? I was ust about to go out and order one... {censored} until I looked at this... hmmmmmmmmmmm



This EXACT thread was posted like 6 months to a year ago about the same video and someone saying they were thinking about buying one until they saw that vid. Could have even sworn it was you, but I must be wrong on that.


Anyways...yes and no. That one sounds congested because of the position of the camera mic in relation to the speaker. Not to mention that guy can't play for {censored}.

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Sounds like a youtube video.


When will you people learn?



They sound amazing recorded but {censored} out front, this is my opinion though...

i love them on record but i hate it when im palying through it.



Because all the bands that use them have two guitarists playing the same part, and multi-track their parts on top of that.


Seriously, show me some widely recognized awesome 5150 recording that doesn't do that.

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