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OT-Some Interesting Videos of Obama's Church


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would be nice to not have a pres who is a believer in superstition.

when will we get an atheist? hillary? he only god she believes in is WOMAN!

As much as I hate to say it, it will be a long, long time before the US has an atheist as a president.

Oh, and the "jazz" comment in your sig? Miles was wrong. The bands that invented the jazz style started out playing in whorehouses in New Orleans, called "jazz houses" in the local lingo of the time. "Jazz" started out meaning "{censored}in'", not "music". :D

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Show me a presidential candidate that holds the U.S. Constitution in one hand and the Ten Commandments in the other hand and truly believes in them both and I'll vote for him/her.

This is pure insanity. No religious test. It's in the Constitution.

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The founding fathers wanted freedom of religion, not a dominating one. Personally I would be pumped if we ever had a secular leader that was still for freedom of religion for all. To make sure that there is never one domineering sect and no one can get mad because they didn't get special treatment.

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I don't think I'm going to vote in this presidential election[...]show me a presidential candidate that holds the U.S. Constitution in one hand and the Ten Commandments in the other hand and truly believes in them both and I'll vote for him/her.



boy, am I glad that you're sitting this one out...

Not that I hate Christianity, or any religion for that matter. I just hate it when people try to legislate religion.


And that is what you're basically saying in evangelical code words (Constitution in one hand, and Commandments in the other LOL)

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boy, am I glad that you're sitting this one out...

Not that I hate Christianity, or any religion for that matter. I just hate it when people try to legislate religion.

And that is what you're basically saying in evangelical code words (Constitution in one hand, and Commandments in the other LOL)

I'm glad this country still has people who think like you do. Sometimes, I get so depressed by the sheer effort that the Christian fundies are putting in toward making this country a theocracy.

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boy, am I glad that you're sitting this one out...

Not that I hate Christianity, or any religion for that matter. I just hate it when people try to legislate religion.

And that is what you're basically saying in evangelical code words (Constitution in one hand, and Commandments in the other LOL)



Not really. If you think that anything in the 10 commandments is something BAD for any person, then you are clearly screwed up. But, that's ok. I understand that people have the right to live in squalor and shoot up and {censored} anything that walks, etc...

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You never get tired of coming into these threads just to prove how delusional and out of touch you are, do you?

Where the {censored} do you live? The past? Come work a day with me in Southeast DC. I bet I can change your mind, bucko.



DC is the product of our liberal government. Seriously, how is this not easy to see?


And if you are confusing racisim with blacks killing other blacks or mexicans killing blacks or blacks killing mexicans, then you are retarded. That isn't racism. That is ignorance.


Ever seen a movie called "Freedom Writers"? You should. Hate is something that is manifested out of stupidity. People don't know WHY they hate someone of another color.


Proove to me that white people are killing or harming black people in DC in a rampant fashion. Proove it.

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Not really. If you think that anything in the 10 commandments is something BAD for any person, then you are clearly screwed up. But, that's ok. I understand that people have the right to live in squalor and shoot up and {censored} anything that walks, etc...




you totally corrupted my point.



ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'

TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'



not everyone is Christian, and that's why its bad for politicians to legislate Christianity.

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wow that preacher is {censored}in crazy and the people who follow him sound {censored}in retarded


jesus was hebrew and the rest was just a giant pity party for why blacks who didnt do {censored} for school arent making as much money as the white kids they made fun of for doing their homework

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you totally corrupted my point.

not everyone is Christian, and that's why its bad for politicians to legislate Christianity.



I am aware of that. But don't you think that everyone shouldn't commit adultry? Don't you think that everyone shouldn't murder? For crying out loud, the 10 Commandments are so universal, it's not even funny. With the exception of "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," they all are indicators of a productive society.

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Not really. If you think that anything in the 10 commandments is something BAD for any person, then you are clearly screwed up. But, that's ok. I understand that people have the right to live in squalor and shoot up and {censored} anything that walks, etc...



Well said.



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I am aware of that. But don't you think that everyone shouldn't commit adultry? Don't you think that everyone shouldn't murder? For crying out loud, the 10 Commandments are so universal, it's not even funny. With the exception of "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," they all are indicators of a productive society.

Hmmm...if only we had something that somehow codified these principles, and set penalties for breaking them. Y'know, something independent of religion.


Hmmm...what would we call them, hypothetically? I know. How about "laws"?

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What I mean is, don't steal, don't murder, don't screw around on your spouse, don't lie, and so on. Doesn't it make you sick when our nation's leaders participate in such activities?



as far as I know, we have yet to elect a president who approves of stealing and murder- and participate in such activities. As for adultery, it is highly immoral- but not against the law; and again, no candidates support it or have participated in it (except possibly for Mccain)


yet, you still say that none of the candidates follow the 10 commandments, yet clearly none of them are {censored}ing, stealing, and murdering people... so I have to wonder-- is it ONLY the 10 commandments you want them to adhere to



or Do you want them to embrace and impose on this country something much much more...



again, I say "10 commandments" is evangelical code word for "Pastor in chief".

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With the exception of "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," they all are indicators of a productive society.

What? I can think of several others that have nothing at all to do with "a productive society." To wit, the first three (or four, depending on how you count) are completely irrelevant to the function of society.


That's 30% (or 40%). The rest are, to put it mildly, not profound. Nor are they original. They were preceded by several hundred years by the Code of Hammurabi.

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This thread is pretty much a waste of time considering how many 'smart' people here denounce racism and yet think Obama's preacher is justified in his racism because the 'white man is keeping the brotha down." Sorry, any way you look at it, it's still racism. The double standard bull{censored} cracks me up.

I'm done with this crap.:lol:

I was accused of racism once by an employee who came to work drunk and I fired him...he explained that I was a racist while he was assaulting me in my own shop. Yeah, buddy, I would not have hired you in the first place if I was racist. :idea:

Too many people using racism as an excuse for their pathetic actions or lack of actions these days.

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What? I can think of several others that have nothing at all to do with "a productive society." To wit, the first three (or four, depending on how you count) are completely irrelevant to the function of society.

That's 30% (or 40%). The rest are, to put it mildly, not profound. Nor are they original. They were preceded by several hundred years by the Code of Hammurabi.



Hey now, being informed of something outside their own little narrow banded fairytale is just not on their to do list. :poke:

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Hmmm...if only we had something that somehow codified these principles, and set penalties for breaking them. Y'know, something independent of religion.

Hmmm...what would we call them, hypothetically? I know. How about "laws"?

Ok, so we have these laws that are useless because we don't have people who believe in them running our government. So perhaps since we have these laws, wouldn't it be nice to have someone leading this country who believes in upholding the LAW AND our CONSTITUTION?

There is absolutley nothing wrong with the 10 Commandments. If you think they are only a "Christian" thing, then you are ignorant. As pointed out below, they are not original in the least, but they are wonderful concepts that should be adhered to. If someone believes in the 10 Commandments and another believes in all those things but chooses not to be associated with a religion, then they are a worth a {censored} human being. They share FAR more than they don't.

I swear, some of you people hate anything that the faith of Christianity stands for just because of it's association with Christianity. Yet, if you said that a Muslim came up with it, that would be perfectly cool.


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And if you are confusing racisim with blacks killing other blacks or mexicans killing blacks or blacks killing mexicans, then you are retarded. That isn't racism. That is ignorance.



You phail.


Racism is a form of ignorance. Are you {censored}ing mental? You come in every thread, spouting off your conservative rhetoric and make absolutely no {censored}ing sense.

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What? I can think of several others that have nothing at all to do with "a productive society." To wit, the first three (or four, depending on how you count) are completely irrelevant to the function of society.

That's 30% (or 40%). The rest are, to put it mildly, not profound. Nor are they original. They were preceded by several hundred years by the Code of Hammurabi.



Does this make them any less relevant? No. GTFO!

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I swear, some of you people hate anything that the faith of Christianity stands for just because of it's association with Christianity. Yet, if you said that a Muslim came up with it, that would be perfectly cool.


No, I think most of us hate all infantile myths from the beginning of our civilization equally.

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You phail.

a form of ignorance. Are you {censored}ing mental? You come in every thread, spouting off your conservative rhetoric and make absolutely no {censored}ing sense.



Are you stupid? Because seriously, you just said what I said and then called me an idiot for it.


If you eliminate ignorance, racism will disappear, won't it? Excuse me for cutting right to the chase.


Sort of like how a white man murdering a black man is a hate crime yet somehow when a white man murders another white man, it isn't motivated by hate. Dontcha think that any murder falls under hate? Don't you think that all murders are hate crimes?


Yeah...of course it is. Some journalist you are...

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