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I was on google earth and wonder


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Ill probably start out at the regional level, but i wanna jump past it. Id like to fly cargo for ups or fed ex, they make more money than people who fly humans, believe it or not.

Ill end up going wherever delta's flight school sends me though, ultimately. All i can hope for is being based out of a cool city.

In a perfect world, fly an airbus, or a boeing for ups. Or start for delta in a 737-400

Where did you go to school for piloting? I have been thinking of doing the flying thing since I first rode in an airplane with my friend's dad, who is a pilot for UPS. I know you said wherever delta's flight school sends you, but what pre-requisites did you have to get into that flight school?

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Where did you go to school for piloting? I have been thinking of doing the flying thing since I first rode in an airplane with my friend's dad, who is a pilot for UPS. I know you said wherever delta's flight school sends you, but what pre-requisites did you have to get into that flight school?



I fly at my local airport where ill get most of my ratings. theres a few schools for learning how to be a pilot.


major requirements:

20/20 vision

cant be diabetic

dont fail a drug test

normal physical (medical)


read write speak english.

college degree (for some airlines)

american citezen

clean driving record

no arrests, etc


Those are the big ones.


As far as flying certificates, you can show up to the flight school with 0 hours, and no ratings. Front to back, expect to pay about 70,000 dollars for the school, and youll be done in about a year.


The flight requirements are:

Private pilots license

Instrument Flight Rules rating

Commercial rating

Certified flight instructor rating

Certified flight instrument instructor rating

Multi engine rating

Multi engine instructor rating

Multi engine commercial rating

Jet rating

Commercial jet rating

ATP rating


FCC restricted radio operators license


2500 hours total time

250 in a twin

250 in a turbro prop, or turbo fan multi engine aircraft.



Thats about it. The hard part is getting your multi hours, because doing it alone is hard, money wise.



Ill get all of my ratings done at my school, send out to daytona beach for deltas school to get my ATP, and jet ratings.


Along with those, im gonna get my aerobatic/spin endorsements as well.

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I fly at my local airport where ill get most of my ratings. theres a few schools for learning how to be a pilot.

major requirements:

20/20 vision

cant be diabetic

dont fail a drug test

normal physical (medical)

read write speak english.

college degree (for some airlines)

american citezen

clean driving record

no arrests, etc

Those are the big ones.

As far as flying certificates, you can show up to the flight school with 0 hours, and no ratings. Front to back, expect to pay about 70,000 dollars for the school, and youll be done in about a year.

The flight requirements are:

Private pilots license

Instrument Flight Rules rating

Commercial rating

Certified flight instructor rating

Certified flight instrument instructor rating

Multi engine rating

Multi engine instructor rating

Multi engine commercial rating

Jet rating

Commercial jet rating

ATP rating

FCC restricted radio operators license

2500 hours total time

250 in a twin

250 in a turbro prop, or turbo fan multi engine aircraft.

Thats about it. The hard part is getting your multi hours, because doing it alone is hard, money wise.

Ill get all of my ratings done at my school, send out to daytona beach for deltas school to get my ATP, and jet ratings.

Along with those, im gonna get my aerobatic/spin endorsements as well.

Thanks for all the info :thu: One of the local colleges here has a pilot program. I was going there last semester for a degree in Political Science. I am planning on being a lawyer. All my life I have been pretty torn between that and being a pilot. A pilot is so much cooler though. $70,000 is a lot, but not when you factor in graduate school being about $128,000 alone :freak:

The 20/20 vision can be corrected right? I know in the military you can have it corrected after you have become a pilot, but not before.

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Awwww man i really wish i kept doing the flying. I was ready to go solo when i was 16/17. Never did it cos of exams at the time and kind of chose music over it. Dam it. Gonna have to save up soon and get my PPL.

And yeah the sr71 will be landing at around 170-180knots...not mach 3! Still has an approach speed faster than most jets though.

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Thanks for all the info
One of the local colleges here has a pilot program. I was going there last semester for a degree in Political Science. I am planning on being a lawyer. All my life I have been pretty torn between that and being a pilot. A pilot is so much cooler though. $70,000 is a lot, but not when you factor in graduate school being about $128,000 alone

The 20/20 vision can be corrected right? I know in the military you can have it corrected after you have become a pilot, but not before.

you can have corrected sight. just have to wear the glasses when you fly. the biggest deal with being a pilot isnt as much that its hard and expen$ive (which it is) is more the lifestyle change you have to make. more of the fact that as younger pilot forget about bein home on thanksgiving, xmas eve, xmas, newyears, etc. planes fly on those days, and since u have no seniority, your gonna get those {censored} flights. along with the red eyes, etc. you wont be home a lot, and youll have no say in your days you fly, other than getting a guranteed 72 hours a month (thanks to the union) my gf's dad is a pilot, my dad is a pilot (neither fly commercially) but she knows what to expect and shes fine with it, so cool for me :thu: that and you rarely have a say in the city your based out of. unless you decide to be a commuter and not a base operator (as a commuter, automatically subtract one day off your vacation days in between tours, as youll be 'commuting' to your base that day.) but the pay is great, the job kicks ass, and u join a select fraternity. if you can handle a job with odd ass hours, high stress, and limited time with your wife, kids, family, holidays, etc, its a great job me thinks :cool:

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FWIW, my family is all up in the airline business, specifically cargo. My dad is internal security at the FAA but he was the cargo manager at JFK for Air France for like 15 years. My uncle has been working at Evergreen (all cargo) as a loadmaster for 747 etc for like 20 years now at JFK. If you want to fly cargo and need any more info at any time, I'm sure I can scrounge some up for you.


Evergreen may be a cool outfit if you want to fly 747s. That's about all they fly, all cargo, all international and bizarre places. A lot of Middle East flights though--they carry a ton of US Army mail and stuff.

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FWIW, my family is all up in the airline business, specifically cargo. My dad is internal security at the FAA but he was the cargo manager at JFK for Air France for like 15 years. My uncle has been working at Evergreen (all cargo) as a loadmaster for 747 etc for like 20 years now at JFK. If you want to fly cargo and need any more info at any time, I'm sure I can scrounge some up for you.

Evergreen may be a cool outfit if you want to fly 747s. That's about all they fly, all cargo, all international and bizarre places. A lot of Middle East flights though--they carry a ton of US Army mail and stuff.



Carge flyers get way more money. And JFK is one of the hubs id wanna apply for.


My top would be

KJFK- new york

KSAN- san diego (thats my home town anyways)

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+1 I doubt they would let people see area 51 even if it is just a satellite picture.



There are private companies with their own personal satellites in orbit that can take pictures (undoctored pictures) of Area 51 for you. The government has absolutely no say in what they do.

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There are private companies with their own personal satellites in orbit that can take pictures (undoctored pictures) of Area 51 for you. The government has absolutely no say in what they do.



that's kind of nuts!

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There are private companies with their own personal satellites in orbit that can take pictures (undoctored pictures) of Area 51 for you.
The government has absolutely no say in what they do

i HIGHLY doubt that! You're forgetting who you're talking about here... the US gov't... they controll EVERYTHING in the US. ... EVERYTHING. :thu:

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i HIGHLY doubt that! You're forgetting who you're talking about here... the US gov't... they controll EVERYTHING in the US. ... EVERYTHING.

...but they can't tell what private businesses can and cannot do with their services...yet.

Just do a search, and ask them to take a picture of the facility for you. I'm sure they do it all the time. You'll just need some money.

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dude, im sure the government has their hand in everything. if they were to feel that national security was at risk even in the most minimul way, they would step in and name themselves censors of the program, filtering out what they want you to see and what they dont. even if the company tells you that the govt isnt involed... more than likely they are just so people like you can say that its not been tampered with by the govt and you believe it... that exactly what they want you to believe. :idk:

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dude, im sure the government has their hand in everything. if they were to feel that national security was at risk even in the most minimul way, they would step in and name themselves censors of the program, filtering out what they want you to see and what they dont. even if the company tells you that the govt isnt involed... more than likely they are just so people like you can say that its not been tampered with by the govt and you believe it... that exactly what they want you to believe.

Big Brother is watching you............................all your base are belong to us

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dude, im sure the government has their hand in everything. if they were to feel that national security was at risk even in the most minimul way, they would step in and name themselves censors of the program, filtering out what they want you to see and what they dont. even if the company tells you that the govt isnt involed... more than likely they are just so people like you can say that its not been tampered with by the govt and you believe it... that exactly what they want you to believe.

The government has no reason to be involved. They know exactly were each active satellite is. Even if you do get pictures, you're not going to see anything.

BTW, there are private businesses all over the world that do this all the time. What is the U.S. government going to do? Shut them down? They can't. It's out of their jurisdiction.

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The government has no reason to be involved. They know exactly were each active satellite is. Even if you do get pictures, you're not going to see anything.

BTW, there are private businesses all over the world that do this all the time. What is the U.S. government going to do? Shut
down? They can't. It's out of their jurisdiction.




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