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Recommend good amp for cleans under $700

Steve the Hero

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JC120 is just one kind of clean. I kind of don't care for it at all personally.


But yeah, used Twin, Carvin X100 stuff has a great clean channel, just about any used Fender tube amp really, old Sound City stuff if you can find it, old Ampeg amps...

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As far as Tube vs. SS goes, it really depends on what kind of cleans you need. If you're playing blues and need something to react against your strat, the obviously a Fender tube amp will be great. But if you're a metal guy who wants something for clean arpeggiated chords, never underestimate the value of a JC-120. They are THE amp for that {censored}.


And yes...a DRRI in fact doesn't have enough headroom for a lot of live gigs. It will start breaking up too soon. In fact, I've even had that problem even with BF Twins before. Want NO breakup at all? Get a silverface.

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As far as Tube vs. SS goes, it really depends on what kind of cleans you need. If you're playing blues and need something to react against your strat, the obviously a Fender tube amp will be great. But if you're a metal guy who wants something for clean arpeggiated chords, never underestimate the value of a JC-120. They are THE amp for that {censored}.

And yes...a DRRI in fact doesn't have enough headroom for a lot of live gigs. It will start breaking up too soon. In fact, I've even had that problem even with BF Twins before. Want NO breakup at all? Get a silverface.




So mike it and run it through the PA......

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JC120 is just one kind of clean. I kind of don't care for it at all personally.

But yeah, used Twin, Carvin X100 stuff has a great clean channel, just about any used Fender tube amp really, old Sound City stuff if you can find it, old Ampeg amps...



The JC120 doesn't have to sound all chorused out and 80's like metallica cleans or whatever. I actually think you could probably get it sounding great for ambient music...

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Carvin X amp. Either an X100B or X60B head will do. The XV and XT combos rule as well. I've got an X60B head and I love it. I A/B'd it against a Fender 75, a DR, and a Twin and I like the Carvin a whole lot more.

The heads run 200-400, same with the combos on the used market. They did just re-release the X amps new for 600 or so. I've heard very good things about the new ones, but for the price....I'd rather have an 80's model.

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