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Am I Gonna Miss Out? (new amp worries)


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I ordered my Shiva a couple days ago, it comes in 4-8 weeks and I ordered the EL-34 non-reverb version. I'm very excited, but in the back of my head I keep worrying that I'm going to miss out on the reverb.


I ordered the non-reverb version because I heard it sounds better, but now (after ordering my head) a couple people have told me this isn't true. I wouldn't normally freak out about something like this, but its such an expensive purchase that I want it to be perfect. Also you can't add interal reverb afterwords.


Am I going to live without reverb?


Do the non-reverbs actually sound better?



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Depends on what kind of music you play. In my jazz quartet setting and especially my trio setting it's really hard to get by without it...things just sound much more full in general when it's used. That said I think the reverb in my Mark IV is woefully underrated. Nice and dark and doesn't get in the way...but again it's playing jazz.

But as already said...$60 pedal will get you there too.

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Depends on what kind of music you play. In my jazz quartet setting and especially my trio setting it's really hard to get by without it...things just sound much more full in general when it's used. That said I think the reverb in my Mark IV is woefully underrated. Nice and dark and doesn't get in the way...but again it's playing jazz.

But as already said...$60 pedal will get you there too.




may i know whats the setting for ur mark iv reverb and clean channel?


seems like the reverb when turned on

makes the amp brighter


and on the lead channel

almost too bright

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i would rather hear a good digital reverb than spring reverb anyway.


i actually turned around the other day when I heard the reverb on a GT10 in stereo through some PA speakers. Sounded like I really was in a big room.

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Cody Bonette, guitar player/singer for As Cities Burn, is the main reason I wanted to get a Shiva. He posted this in a message board...


The secret to good tone...is...not using pedals. Everybody and their brothers cat are trying new distortion pedals...but strangely enough, everybodies guitar sounds like a swarm of bees.

The best tone I have ever found is my Bogner Shiva, with a 4x12 Bogner cab. I used my Bogner Shiva on about 95% of the record, and it was compared to Mesa, Marshall,Vox, etc. If I couldn't use that...I would be forced to club adam and take his oldschool Mesa Boogie (new mesa amps sound like bees). HINT stay away from Marshall...these sound like bees, paper thin and fuzzy.

My board has my wireless, 1 boss tuner, 1 boss Noise Suppressor (to eliminate noise and feedback while jumping and doing 360's), and of course my footswitch for my Bogner Shiva head.

The foot switch gives me, Clean Channel, Distortion, and boost!!! The boost will melt your face. I use this for guitar solos and when adam doesn't play his guitar...ex.Life is Good.

So, in short, it takes a lot of money to sound good. I tried for years to have good tone for cheap...it will never happen. Sorry.

Hope that helps.

...looks like he has a non-reverb head too! I think he would of mentioned reverb or at least the function on his footswitch if he used it (or had it).

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