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I'm THIS close to pulling the trigger on a Bugera


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Used Peavey > Bugera, what else do you need to know.



yeah I was also thinking of getting an used PV Ultra +...


but damn this sounds good, there are some near perfect tones there for my taste, especially the clean and lead channels



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I like the clips, the features and I really like the price....

please talk me out of it

If I had a .44 Magnum, I would pull the trigger on the Bugera.


Seriously, they sound good. But like I always say, go over the solder joints after getting one, don't want any happy accidents...

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first time i saw that vid i fell in love with that amp.


and i am a glutton for punishment, and i like the risk of potential death. so i might buy one in the future so my family can collect a fat ass settlement from a wrongful death lawsuit lol.


but knowing my luck it will probably work forever if i ever do get one.

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Dude, if its the sound in your head, snag it. I tried to get my friends to talk me out of mine, as the was a used 5150 right beside it. Names aside, I tried my rig (full pedalboard and guitars) through both as the store owner suggested, and put about 2 hours on a couple different days spread over about 2 weeks. The more I played the Bugera, the more I loved it. Mine has about 20 gigs on it, ranging from three jazz dates, to about 5 or so shows playing post hardcore. Its been in all sized venues, from a tiny place in chapel hill, to Lincoln theatre in Raleigh, NC (which has about 1000 person capacity, probably more). It does exactly what I want, and more, and its super simple to get a great sound from it.

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Dude, if its the sound in your head, snag it. I tried to get my friends to talk me out of mine, as the was a used 5150 right beside it. Names aside, I tried my rig (full pedalboard and guitars) through both as the store owner suggested, and put about 2 hours on a couple different days spread over about 2 weeks. The more I played the Bugera, the more I loved it. Mine has about 20 gigs on it, ranging from three jazz dates, to about 5 or so shows playing post hardcore. Its been in all sized venues, from a tiny place in chapel hill, to Lincoln theatre in Raleigh, NC (which has about 1000 person capacity, probably more). It does exactly what I want, and more, and its super simple to get a great sound from it.


Right on. :thu:


The Bugera's take to pedals great don't they? I was happily shocked when everything I put in front of them (borrowed many from my friends) sounded killer. Analog pedals were the wow...wish I had more money. :cry:

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Oh God yes...I use anywhere from 12-15 pedals on my board, and this thing loves em. And...let me know what pedals you are looking for, cuz I build and might be able to help ya out.



Well, I'm not too big into effects yet because truth be told I'm just now becoming a solid guitar player. I'm not about to fool myself into thinking I'm better than I am by hiding in effects. I've been playing around with my Zoom Lynch sig pedal and realized I'd like a delay perhaps a MXR Carbon Copy or Maxon DD999? and an EHX Small clone chorus maybe. Possibley a whammy of some kind. That would be a good start don't you think? By the way, I heard a AxeFX Ultra. I have no idea why these things are praised as the be alll end all of MFX. It sounded digital and sterile to me. The Rocktron Prophecy II sounded much better to me at half the price. I don't need modeling stuff though. Hope that made sense.

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I've done everything except set mine on fire and it won't check out. Don't believe the bull{censored}.


Truth be told, Behringer gear has a good track record with me. I own a v-amp2, a bass v-amp and an ultra-g cabinet emulator. They're all over 4 years old and none had given me any trouble. My v-amp is plugged into my computer and I been leaving it on 24/7 since 2004 and it still works perfectly.


I also have a pedal tuner and the battery compartment lid broke the first time I tried to change batteries, apparently the plastic hinges are not that strong. The tuner still works fine though, it's just not a pedal anymore :D .. but before that I used it for 2 years on my board (with a power supply) and it worked flawlessly.


I also worked in the MI industry for many years and know a thing or two about the "internet horror stories" .. they do not mean a whole lot and certainly are not a reliable track record of any product.


So I shouldn't be that worried, but it makes me more nervous since this is a $500+ item. Crazy, I know...

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