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Who here has a mental illness?


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I used to get real bad panic attacks.
I mean real bad, like cold sweat, freaked out, cant breath.
Really effected me during band tours, and working as a security contractor overseas.
Went to a doctor.
Told me I have anxiety issues, duh.
Gave me xanax, Took em, no thanks, I don't want to be out of it.
Tried to get me to take paxil, lexapro, and whatever else is there drug of the month.
Wasn't having it. I cant be on a prescription like that.
But I was still having my panic attacks.

Then one day I spoke to a therapist for the first time instead of a doctor.
He was the first person to actually LOOK at my lifestyle FIRST rather than prescribe me drugs.
Withing 30min, we came to the fact that I drink coffee nonstop, and sleep 4 hours a night and have a lot of responsibility.

His prescription was easy.
-One cup of coffee a day, no more caffeine.
-Try to get more sleep.
- take at least one day off a week.

No drugs prescribed.
And within two weeks, no more panic attacks, haven't had one since.

There are mental illness issues out there, and they are just as common as the ones doctors make up to get you on pills.
Take a look at your lifestyle before you go to a doctor, it could save you some money.

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Bi-polar but can write my ass off. See my sig for examples. that's the tip of the iceburg. I'm constatly writing and have a huge catalog. No regrets. Were it not for being Bipolar i'd probably be an accountant:freak:

See sig/ MySpace

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i feel for you.i went thru some weird {censored} when my X left..
and i had someone who is bi-polar give me some of their meds
he was using.( wellbutrin)..give me the worst -fing headaches..

i wound up smoking weed for like a year and 1/2 after she left.
(i dont drink so that was my alternative.) which worked a whole
lot better then the meds he gave me..Right now im working out
daily.and ive stopped getting high..I think weed works so much
better then the {censored} the Dr's tell you to use..

I used to get real bad panic attacks.

I mean real bad, like cold sweat, freaked out, cant breath.

Really effected me during band tours, and working as a security contractor overseas.

Went to a doctor.

Told me I have anxiety issues, duh.

Gave me xanax, Took em, no thanks, I don't want to be out of it.

Tried to get me to take paxil, lexapro, and whatever else is there drug of the month.

Wasn't having it. I cant be on a prescription like that.

But I was still having my panic attacks.

Then one day I spoke to a therapist for the first time instead of a doctor.

He was the first person to actually LOOK at my lifestyle FIRST rather than prescribe me drugs.

Withing 30min, we came to the fact that I drink coffee nonstop, and sleep 4 hours a night and have a lot of responsibility.

His prescription was easy.

-One cup of coffee a day, no more caffeine.

-Try to get more sleep.

- take at least one day off a week.

No drugs prescribed.

And within two weeks, no more panic attacks, haven't had one since.

There are mental illness issues out there, and they are just as common as the ones doctors make up to get you on pills.

Take a look at your lifestyle before you go to a doctor, it could save you some money.


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Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

It is when you have a wife and kids. Usually when I do it now it's work related, but it has caused some problems on he home front. I slept in until 9:00 Thursday of this week, and before I left for my client, my four year old told me that he missed me and wanted to know when I'd be home again. It was the first time he'd actually seen me in about 3 days because I was leaving before he got up and coming home after he had gone to sleep. :freak: I always said I never wanted to travel for business because I wanted to be an active part of my kids' lives, but this isn't much better. :cry:

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I used to get real bad panic attacks.

I mean real bad, like cold sweat, freaked out, cant breath.

Really effected me during band tours, and working as a security contractor overseas.

Went to a doctor.

Told me I have anxiety issues, duh.

Gave me xanax, Took em, no thanks, I don't want to be out of it.

Tried to get me to take paxil, lexapro, and whatever else is there drug of the month.

Wasn't having it. I cant be on a prescription like that.

But I was still having my panic attacks.

Then one day I spoke to a therapist for the first time instead of a doctor.

He was the first person to actually LOOK at my lifestyle FIRST rather than prescribe me drugs.

Withing 30min, we came to the fact that I drink coffee nonstop, and sleep 4 hours a night and have a lot of responsibility.

His prescription was easy.

-One cup of coffee a day, no more caffeine.

-Try to get more sleep.

- take at least one day off a week.

No drugs prescribed.

And within two weeks, no more panic attacks, haven't had one since.

There are mental illness issues out there, and they are just as common as the ones doctors make up to get you on pills.

Take a look at your lifestyle before you go to a doctor, it could save you some money.



Yep, my friend spent the first 28 years of his life ingesting caffeine in large doses throughout the day with coffee, tea, etc. Then one day he started having raging panic attacks and often. He finally was able to correlate it with his caffeine intake, and he quit cold turkey. No more panic attacks in over 10 years now.

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I don't have a mental illness (that I know of), but I do have quite a few "quirks". Alice in wonderland syndrome (look that one up...weird stuff), slight dyslexia, used to have social anxiety kinda bad (much better now). I don't consider them to be anything bad...everyone is different and in the eyes of psychologist, pretty much everyone is insane. Who cares what they think?

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I have OCD, and have since I was a kid. I wasn't officially diagnosed until my mid-20's, when it ruined one engagement and nearly a 2nd before I finally sought help. Ironically enough I was sitting in a psychology class for college, and the teacher was explaining OCD, and the lightbulb went on.
Getting help was a good idea, but it was actually quite difficult finding a shrink that actually understood OCD.
I'm on mild meds for it, and while it's still there to some degree, it's much more subdued.

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