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Chuck Berry is being a jerk


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No, that would be Robert Johnson, who laid the groundwork for both blues and rock as we know it. All Berry did was commercialize {censored}. So what? Doesn't give him the right to be a dick. Anyone who thinks that is just a sheep making excuses for a relic.



You are one stupid dummy...that's not so smart and lacking intelligence. Dumb poo poo dummy, stupid.






Just trying to make you understand in a language you can comprehend, I know this last statement probably looks like gibberish and {censored} but try, please.

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My nieghbor is a bartender at "Blueberry Hill" in St.Louis,when Chuck frequently plays the "Duckroom" there always a sold out show,my friend says Chuck prefers to be paid in cash and have it placed in a small brown paper bag.I heard he was paid as much as $10,000.00 an appearence on the tonight show w/Johnny Carson and asked for his brand of alcohol and the money to be placed in the bag as well,also if he doesn't know you in the clubs he does treat you like s--t,but :cop:then again HE CAN!

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Fail. Robert Johnson laid the ground work for blues? What about W.C. Handy, Charley Patton, Louis Armstrong, Skip James, Son House, and Blind Willie Johnson, all who recorded before Robert Johnson. And Robert Johnson never played an electric guitar. I don't see the correlation. Someone is just hating on Chuck Berry. The man's a legend.



First, thanks for enlightening me on that, seriously. I didn't realize those guys recorded before Johnson did. Johnson not playing electric doesn't really matter to me though, I still think he's more relevant than Berry.


And I still think that regardless of Berry's place in history, he still has no right to act like a prick. Sorry.


And to all the rest of you quoting me, then being insulting trolls; you make yourselves look stupid without actually posting something to back up "you're stupid" or "you're ignorant".

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First, thanks for enlightening me on that, seriously. I didn't realize those guys recorded before Johnson did. Johnson not playing electric doesn't really matter to me though, I still think he's more relevant than Berry.

And I still think that regardless of Berry's place in history, he still has no right to act like a prick. Sorry.

And to all the rest of you quoting me, then being insulting trolls; you make yourselves look stupid without actually posting something to back up "you're stupid" or "you're ignorant".




You're not backing {censored} up. The entire point of his post is that if Robert Johnson deserves credit for laying the foundation of rock n' roll the other Bluesmen must certainly trump him as they were before and he didn't push any further into rock territory than they did.


You're a {censored}ing moron. You should have to polish the head of Chuck Berry's dick after every session of him urinating on girls {censored}ing faces.

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First, thanks for enlightening me on that, seriously. I didn't realize those guys recorded before Johnson did. Johnson not playing electric doesn't really matter to me though, I still think he's more relevant than Berry.

And I still think that regardless of Berry's place in history, he still has no right to act like a prick. Sorry.

And to all the rest of you quoting me, then being insulting trolls; you make yourselves look stupid without actually posting something to back up "you're stupid" or "you're ignorant".

The evidence is all over.


It's like watching someone shoot someone else in the face, calling them out on being a murderer, then having the murderer tell you to back up their claim while they wipe bits of blood and flesh off of their face with a hankychief :poke:



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You're not backing {censored} up. The entire point of his post is that if Robert Johnson deserves credit for laying the foundation of rock n' roll the other Bluesmen must certainly trump him as they were before and he didn't push any further into rock territory than they did.

You're a {censored}ing moron. You should have to polish the head of Chuck Berry's dick after every session of him urinating on girls {censored}ing faces.


Yeah, I understand te point of his post, asshole. My opinion is that Johnson is still more relevant than Berry, and that more importantly in the context of this thread, that Berry has no right to be an asshole.


So how about you and the rest of the Berry sheep go {censored} yourself? You internet toughguys are so quick to hand out insults when you sit behind the comfort zone of your keyboard. I didn't start of insulting any of you, yet you all felt the need to do so.


Polish Berry's dick? I don't think so, you guys are already doing a fine job of that on your own :thu:


BTW, this is what I am basing my OPINION off of:


Considered by some to be the "Grandfather of Rock 'n' Roll", his vocal phrasing, original songs, and guitar style have influenced a broad range of musicians, including Muddy Waters, John Fogerty, Bob Dylan, Johnny Winter, Jimi Hendrix, The Yardbirds, Cream, Led Zeppelin, The Allman Brothers Band, The Rolling Stones, Paul Butterfield, The Band, Neil Young, Warren Zevon, Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Robert Palmer, Jack White and Eric Clapton, who called Johnson "the most important blues musician who ever lived".[1] He was also ranked fifth in Rolling Stone's list of 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time.[2] He is an inductee of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.[3]



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The guy chump, I really could give a {censored} who he thinks he is. Guess what?, he's no longer relevent, the 50's is long over.


I know a guy who played with him and heard another story from someone as well. The guy was supposed to play rhythm for him, and CB got pissed and said the guy was out of tune and din't know how to play. The problem was CB was the one who couldn't tune his guitar, what a loser.

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It's mother{censored}ing Chuck Berry. CHUCK BERRY. Do you not get it? Is there something I'm missing?

Considering that The Rolling Stones were essentially Chicago Blues wannabes in their early days, I'm sure Keith didn't mind being corrected by Chuck Berry. C'mon. If I got to play with Chuck Berry and he told me to lick his damned shoes, I just might do it (though I don't think he'd ask that.)



I know Keith didn't mind being jerked around by Chuck... He didn't even mind Chuck giving him a black eye, for God's sake... and most likely, he would ask you to lick his shoes... He's a little bitter...Understandably so though. He was one of the most intelligent ARTISTS of the early fifties...a TRUE ARTIST with an artist's intellect.. It is shameful he had to grow up Jim Crow...

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The guy chump, I really could give a {censored} who he thinks he is. Guess what?, he's no longer relevent, the 50's is long over.

I know a guy who played with him and heard another story from someone as well. The guy was supposed to play rhythm for him, and CB got pissed and said the guy was out of tune and din't know how to play. The problem was CB was the one who couldn't tune his guitar, what a loser.

Chuck Berry not relevant? :confused:


Fail plus infinity. :cop:

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He didnsay he wasn't relevent ever, just not in the last 30 years. BTW, keep working on the CB licks, I'm sure you'll figure them out eventually.


Chuck Berry not relevant in the past 30 years? Still fail plus infinity. :poke:

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Chuck Berry not relevant in the past 30 years? Still fail plus infinity. :poke:



No, no he's right. Berry hasn't been relevant in the past 30 years.


I find this interesting:



In the 1970s Berry toured on the basis of his earlier successes. He was on the road for many years, carrying only his Gibson guitar, confident that he could hire a band that already knew his music no matter where he went. The All Music Guide has said that in this period his "live performances became increasingly erratic, [...] working with terrible backup bands and turning in sloppy, out-of-tune performances" which "tarnished his reputation with younger fans and oldtimers" alike. [3]For instance at Newcastle City Hall, he played a good set for 45 minutes, left the local band riffing for 5 minutes and was gone, when an encore, never mind only 45 minutes, was the norm.

Among the many bandleaders performing this backup role were Bruce Springsteen and Steve Miller when each was just starting their careers. Springsteen related in the video Hail! Hail! Rock 'n' Roll that Berry did not even give the band a set list and just expected the musicians to follow his lead after each guitar intro. Berry neither spoke to nor thanked the band after the show. Nevertheless, Springsteen backed Berry again when he appeared at the concert for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995.



Again, regardless of his place in history, he sounds like a real asshole, and has no right to be.

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Chuck Berry stole a lot of {censored} from Ike Turner. He was a mediocre jazz guitarist without much respect from his contemporaries. He found a marketing niche for white kids. He ain't exactly Coltrane.


Or Miles Davis. Who also was a huge asshole, but at least he had more skill to back it up.


I agree about the Turner comment; he doesn't get nearly as much credit as he deserves, despite being......yet another asshole. :D

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Chuck Berry stole a lot of {censored} from Ike Turner. He was a mediocre jazz guitarist without much respect from his contemporaries. He found a marketing niche for white kids. He ain't exactly Coltrane.



Exactly what did Chuck steal from Ike Turner? I'm fairly familiar with Ike and I don't see it.


Chuck was a mediocre jazz guitarist? Chuck has far more country influences than jazz.


Its all cool. If you don't like Chuck thats fine by me.

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Chuck Berry stole a lot of {censored} from Ike Turner. He was a mediocre jazz guitarist without much respect from his contemporaries. He found a marketing niche for white kids. He ain't exactly Coltrane.




Yeah, Ike was important... that's why we all sit around singing all the Ike Turner hits that have become part of the cultural lexicon...


Ike Turner couldn't shine Chuck Berry's shoes... if you need proof, go look up the lyrics to ''Downbound Train"

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Yeah, Ike was important... that's why we all sit around singing all the Ike Turner hits that have become part of the cultural lexicon...

Ike Turner couldn't shine Chuck Berry's shoes... if you need proof, go look up the lyrics to ''Downbound Train"



I'll side with you on this one.

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