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Corrosion of Conformity fans: Get yo' butts in here....


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Hell, I even like American's Volume Dealer.

Definitely not their best, but a solid album, nonetheless.



Yup...I love that album.


Why not just grab Live Volume? It's got some tracks from most of their albums. Call it a "best of" if you will...


I was just rocking it out on my motorcycle during lunch...bad ass riding music!

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Why not just grab Live Volume? It's got some tracks from most of their albums. Call it a "best of" if you will...



Truth...I'd call that a good COC primer. It's got a little from (almost) every album. And it's live, which makes it even more badass.

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I want to check these guys out. What album would you say I start with?




Go to I-Tunes and download the following tracks...


1. Albatross

2. Clean my Wounds

3. Seven Days (my favorite)

4. It is that way

5. Who's got the fire

6. Stare too long

7. Diablo blvd.

8. Crown of thorns

9. In the arms of God (listen to 8 and 9 back to back)

10. Man or Ash (Hetfield sings the Chorus!)

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Go to I-Tunes and download the following tracks...

1. Albatross

2. Clean my Wounds

3. Seven Days (my favorite)

4. It is that way

5. Who's got the fire

6. Stare too long

7. Diablo blvd.

8. Crown of thorns

9. In the arms of God (listen to 8 and 9 back to back)

10. Man or Ash (Hetfield sings the Chorus!)


I'm not an iTunes store user but I'll see if I can track some of those down. I actually have Man or Ash already. ;)

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