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marshall! is it?????


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for those of you that have had the opportunity to try many different amps including boutique stuff e.g soldano,diesel,engl,mesa,bogner e.t.do you find yourself back at the humble marshall after all your tone searching????


just wondering......

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I have allways like marshall's. I have played through ton of amps out there from messa, vox, to fenders, vht etc. and i allways come back to marshall. I guess its the music i like and grow up listening to was done on marshalls so it only makes sense for me to like that amp. I would not trade my DSL 50 for the world. :love:

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for those of you that have had the opportunity to try many different amps including boutique stuff e.g soldano,diesel,engl,mesa,bogner e.t.do you find yourself back at the humble marshall after all your tone searching????

just wondering......



Started with a marshall jcm800 in the 80s.

Owned since-

Fender,bogner,soldano,mesa,orange,crate,hiwatt,yamaha,krank,kmd,engl, and Im sure some I have forgotten over the years...Some of the companies Ive owned a few different models.


And Im back to Marshall.


I guess Im just a marshall guy, I like the mid sounding, volume heavy sound of a cranked marshall!

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I've always played Marshalls. I currently have a JCM800. A little over a year ago I bought a Mesa F-30. My Marshall hardly ever got turned on for over a year.

The last two days I have been playing my Marshall again. What the hell was I thinking! The F-30 might be up for sale pretty soon.

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bump for a good thread. Modded Marshall circuits for me...Just, because I prefer a little darker/smoother on the highs/low mids. I'd really to like to play a Voodoo amp or a Cameron CCV100. But, yeah Marshall designs for gain channels are the most versatile and have the greatest crunch for rock tones IMO.

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