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Will a Mesa/Boogie 20/20 be heard amongst a cranked MarkIV?


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I am serious about this- WILL IT?




Look, here's my situation.


I need to power one speaker, just ONE speaker. It's rated at 400 watts, so any amp I get I know won't get blown up.


This speaker is for my rotating Leslie project.

The speaker will be inside a 4x12 cab, running above two 12" 200watt EV speakers that are pumping the output from my Fireball.


My MarkIV will be running a 4x12 cab that is next to this cab with the speaker in question.



I've been considering lots of options on how to run this particular speaker (eg. the Tiny Terror). I am also limited by space & rationality. I don't have room for big rack units or amp heads. It would be impractical to get a VHT 2150 big muthafukka to run just ONE speaker...


Yet, I do need volume. I don't want this leslie speaker to be drowned out.



I'm not worried about headroom, especially since the Leslie will be used for overdriven tones anyway. But I do need volume.



Is the Mesa/Boogie 20/20 capable of being heard amongst a cranked MarkIV?

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20 OR 40 watts is plenty loud. to a full on cranked mk 4 (which would be impossibly loud..).. doubt you'd get drowned entirely, but who the HELL cranks a mk4? ever?


i play the rough equivalent of the 20-- and with good efficient speaks, yep.. it'll hang with a mk 4. nope. not as loud full bore-- but 20 watts is pretty doggone loud. i don't have trouble playing over drummers, and unless the mk4 is drowning out the drummer-- you should be ok.

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40 watts'll hang just fine into an efficient speaker, and I'm betting a 400 watt speaker is plenty efficient. The Mark IV has just about the best master volume going, too, and even Class A/Triode/Tweed Power will be heard with a loud drummer. (Your power section will break up, but you'll be heard just fine.)

20 OR 40 watts is plenty loud. to a full on cranked mk 4 (which would be impossibly loud..).. doubt you'd get drowned entirely, but who the HELL cranks a mk4? ever?

The only thing I've owned that was louder was a '76 JMP. That being said, one of the two dumbest volume-related things I've ever done was with a blasting Mark IV in a room with the loudest drummer I know (who coincidentally owns the loudest kit I've ever heard. It makes me sound like I hit like John Bonham. I hit like a girl. :lol: ) and a bassist with a full stack and a big-ass tube power amp. I didn't have my earplugs in when we started playing. I swear to god my eardrums were distorting. It was so loud in that room you could feel it. :freak:

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I am serious about this- WILL IT?

Look, here's my situation.

I need to power one speaker, just ONE speaker. It's rated at 400 watts, so any amp I get I know won't get blown up.

This speaker is for my rotating Leslie project.

The speaker will be inside a 4x12 cab, running above two 12" 200watt EV speakers that are pumping the output from my Fireball.

My MarkIV will be running a 4x12 cab that is next to this cab with the speaker in question.

I've been considering lots of options on how to run this particular speaker (eg. the Tiny Terror). I am also limited by space & rationality. I don't have room for big rack units or amp heads. It would be impractical to get a VHT 2150 big muthafukka to run just ONE speaker...

Yet, I do need volume. I don't want this leslie speaker to be drowned out.

I'm not worried about headroom, especially since the Leslie will be used for overdriven tones anyway. But I do need volume.

Is the Mesa/Boogie 20/20 capable of being heard amongst a cranked MarkIV?



You can bridge that stereo output for the full 40W. As for the speaker, I would definitely use something else. A 400watt speaker is most likely not a very efficient one compared to real guitar speaker I would say that speaker is about 95dB/W efficient at MOST. You can try a lower powered speaker with a higher dB/W. A simple vintage/veteran 30 is at 100dB/W for example. This translates into 5dB/W increase, which to your ears mean about 1.5 times the volume (about 3x power equivalent). BIG difference.



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