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What bands didn't get worse with time?


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Prince, Sabbath, Pink Floyd (if you count "real" floyd), and The Time. They've had some bad albums, but they recover in the span of an album or two. Sabbath fired Ozzy and stuff, but that didn't make them a dislikable band, and they might've had a bad album, but they make up for it. Not as good now, but still good. Same with Prince. He's had some bull{censored}, but he made up for it, and while he had a different sound, it was still good stuff.

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And dare I say it? Slayer.

disagree on all except testament.
they only had one good album IMO anyway, and it was a later one.

slayer always got progressivly worse, but thats only because their first 2 albums were so awesome.

i won't bother talking about tool because i don't like them at all, and tool fanboys are very sensitive.

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I know these will get mixed reactions:

Jack Johnson - He has gone from a total acoustic modern folk singer to playing electrics where his latest effort creates some beautiful emotions

Jason Mraz - Dude has always brought the funk, and some really out there stuff for his genre, but each new project really keeps me interested for new reasons

Brad Paisely - Killer chops, great song writer, and can make a cd that is fun from start to finish yet still sneak a total tear jerker in there that you didnt see coming

Lamb of God - Maybe its just that their production has gotten better in amounts not measureable, but Sacrament was such an awesome follow up to their catologue. Catchy riffs, awesome drumming and randys vocals were just killer.

and finally... As I Lay Dying - Yeah thats right, I know they can be lumped in with "whatever"-core is out there, but an ocean between us absolutely killed.

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