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Entirely sick of all the governments in this country.


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yeah because Ron paul is going to make your driving ticket magically disappear and reinstate your licence for free

Easy solution: don't drive like an arsehole

There's a reason why there's traffic regulations. If you can't be arsed abiding by them, don't drive or face the consequences. It's called 'responsibility'.

Number 1: Go {censored} yourself.

Number 2: One ticket I got after crashing a truck on a highway in the snow. The rear-end of the truck came out in the snow and that's it. I was given a ticket for "speed too fast for road conditions." {censored} THAT. No one was even around me, I was going 50-55mph and wind caught my truck, that combined with the ice spun me around.

Ticket number 2: I somehow passed a school bus on a split boulevard type deal. My fiancee was with me, she nor I saw a bus. The cop spun around from the other direction and pulled me over (ie: he was going South, I was going North). I had trouble pulling over because cars were in front and behind me, explain that...I was the only person out of a large group of cars that passed a bus. I think not. Another bull{censored} ticket.

The other ticket was my fault for speeding on a motorcycle which I got reduced to failure to keep right.

Overall I'm trying to say the government {censored}ing sucks and the more power you idiots give them, the less life and freedom you'll be allowed to have.

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Jesus, you are a blithering idiot.

Independant is just a guilty so called conservative.

I'm not as far left as you are right. Honestly those far right and left asses are way out on that plank that I think they need to be shook loose and let them sink. If you believe in personal responsibility, how about holding our government to that same principle?

These corporations wouldn't be in such a mess if they would of practiced good business sense.

How about that "common sense" ?

I'm pissed off at the ones who let it happen and the people like you who just don't want to use their head to see past the bull{censored}. It's people like you who are part of the problem. It's like somebody coming into a group of people to stir up {censored} and then walk away to watch them keep right on fighting amongst themselves all the while never fixing the problem.

I don't listen to those political hack wanna be's on the radio; I think for myself. Their part of the problem too. Why do you think they get paid so much? Their just perpetuating the problem.

Dude...yer so full of failure here, I am not sure where to start.

Well how about here:

I never said "Independents aren't guilty". Do you remeber asking me how far right I was? So I told you? Now you are trying to argue that I said Independents are completely innocent. :facepalm:

I agree...either extremities are asses! SO there ya go..common ground after all.

And what do you mean "people like me"? Where exactly have I said corps shouldnt' shoulder their own responsibility? I never did. I worked for GM, and I know what's happening there. It's been coming for a LONG LONG time.

I said I am all for responsibility...be it citizens, governments, or corps. Never said anything different.

It's weird, it's like you should be arguing with someone else. You keep arguing things I never said. :idk:.

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Ive come to realize Joe that no matter who's in charge, there are things that are just going to flat out suck and theres nothing that we can do except adapt and just grin and bear it.





No doubt, I'm just getting completely sick of all the BS in this country. If you tax me on everything I do, then I should get something for it, but I don't.

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OP: I hate the DMV too, I think we can all agree about that. I also agree, notification should be given. And clearly, since driving while suspended carries a fine. But ignorance of the law is not a defense against it. You say you don't want government interference, but you also refuse responsibility for knowing your own legal status. In that very same post you disavow responsibility for the 10 points (in 18 months???) you've accrued. Did you fight them in court? Or did you just decide that The Man is holding you down? How were they "not your fault"?

I find that a lot of people complain about "government control" when laws and regulations make them do something they aren't responsible enough to do on their own - taxes, hiring minorities, slowing down in school zones, not raping pension funds... It makes you sound like spoiled three year olds. "I dun wanna clean my rooooooooom! I hate you! You're not my REAL DAD!"

Our Democracy works DESPITE itself. What's the quote, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried"? Yes, corruption exists on both sides, but you gotta be {censored}ing HIGH if you think both sides are the same. If you're so intellectually lazy to not be able to discern between capable civil servants and greedmongering whores, maybe voting in general isn't your thing.

But you don't get everything you want, for free, all the time. Don't bitch about taxes and then complain about getting fined to help pay for the roads you drive on. The level of self-entitlement in this country is just mindblowing to me. I agree 100% that our bureaucracy is a bloated piece of {censored}, and you don't get worse than the DMV, but seriously, what's our solution?

Thinking Ron Paul is any kind of answer is like saying you're gonna run away to live with cool Uncle Jerry, who has a motorcycle and stripper girlfriend. It all sounds great until he gives you a pack of smokes and half a fifth of Beam for dinner and tells you to go {censored} yourself, he's going to go get laid.

Ok, my taxes pay for the roads, not fines. Look that up yourself you self-righteous douche.

The government, from local on up to Washington, is {censored}ed. Do you really think the taxes you pay go to proper use?

Have you ever seen anything posted on any DMV brochure that says if you get 10 points in 18 months that you need to pay an addition fine and that fine won't be brought forth to you, you need to seek it out by going to the DMV.

I don't even know why I respond to a prick like this.

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i could be mistaken but... aren't you the one who wanted to be a cop? but you were told you had personality issues, or something? btw, those roads you were driving on when you got all your tickets... the gubment built 'em.





I believe you've mentioned this consistently although I have also consistently corrected you. I was told that at the age 21 I didn't have enough life experience for the job. I am glad this happened as I now make much much more than any cop on the books.

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Just don't make the mistake of thinking it's any better anywhere else.

people who think the USA is the best place in the world have never been anywhere else.
i agree with the OP- this country and this government seems pretty useless and greedy to me. it's all about money. they want your money- money money money money money- that's why they have all those highway patrol cars out on the roads pulling people over- generating revenue. and they'll do it until the bitter end.
to all the people who say driving is a privilege and you shouldnt break the law- it's not that simple. speed limits everywhere are in my opinion rediculously low- i dont need some government lackey telling me how fast is too fast- i'm a big boy- i can figure that out on my own. i'm a very safe driver- never had an accident. i sure wish i could take some kind of action against every cop i see driving way over speed limits without their lights on.

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people who think the USA is the best place in the world have never been anywhere else.

i agree with the OP- this country and this government seems pretty useless and greedy to me. it's all about money. they want your money- money money money money money- that's why they have all those highway patrol cars out on the roads pulling people over- generating revenue. and they'll do it until the bitter end.

to all the people who say driving is a privilege and you shouldnt break the law- it's not that simple. speed limits everywhere are in my opinion rediculously low- i dont need some government lackey telling me how fast is too fast- i'm a big boy- i can figure that out on my own. i'm a very safe driver- never had an accident. i sure wish i could take some kind of action against every cop i see driving way over speed limits without their lights on.



Speedlimits everywhere are too low? You don't need anyone telling you how fast you can go? What a moron! Stay away from me and my family on the roads. You are an engineer for the Highway Dept? You've done millions of traffic studies? Idiot!

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Speedlimits everywhere are too low? You don't need anyone telling you how fast you can go? What a moron! Stay away from me and my family on the roads. You are an engineer for the Highway Dept? You've done millions of traffic studies? Idiot!



looks to me you're the idiot.


"millions of traffic studies"--LOL


do me a favor and keep your slow ass in the right lane

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people who think the USA is the best place in the world have never been anywhere else.

i agree with the OP- this country and this government seems pretty useless and greedy to me. it's all about money. they want your money- money money money money money- that's why they have all those highway patrol cars out on the roads pulling people over- generating revenue. and they'll do it until the bitter end.

to all the people who say driving is a privilege and you shouldnt break the law- it's not that simple. speed limits everywhere are in my opinion rediculously low- i dont need some government lackey telling me how fast is too fast- i'm a big boy- i can figure that out on my own. i'm a very safe driver- never had an accident. i sure wish i could take some kind of action against every cop i see driving way over speed limits without their lights on.



Actually, I've been to Germany, Canada and Mexico, does that count? And since when does one's travel log have jack {censored} to do with being observant and studying {censored}ing basic world history, a subject I'm guessing you did rather poorly in?!


People like you, on the other hand, who think that the US is the only country in the world that suffers from widespread government corruption and base greed are actually a big part of the problem. You actually empower these {censored}bricks by turning a blind eye to that which you find inconvenient to your personal belief structure and beloved dogma while they rob your blissfully ignorant ass blind without even giving you the common courtesy of a reacharound! You don't have the capacity to understand that it's not a US problem, a Republican problem or a Democrat problem, it's a HUMAN problem.


Do yourself a little favor sometime if you can actually drag your head out of the sand and breathe something other than "{censored} THE USA" dogma for an hour or two and do a little basic research. You'll see what I mean... then again, nevermind, you're so completely in love with your dogma that I'd really hate to see your fundamental belief structure so totally devastated by the truth. I seriously doubt you could handle it.

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Actually, I've been to Germany, Canada and Mexico, does that count? And since when does one's travel log have jack {censored} to do with being observant and studying {censored}ing basic world history, a subject I'm guessing you did rather poorly in?!

People like you, on the other hand, who think that the US is the only country in the world that suffers from widespread government corruption and base greed are actually a big part of the problem. You actually empower these {censored}bricks by turning a blind eye to that which you find inconvenient to your personal belief structure and beloved dogma while they rob your blissfully ignorant ass blind without even giving you the common courtesy of a reacharound! You don't have the capacity to understand that it's not a US problem, a Republican problem or a Democrat problem, it's a HUMAN problem.

Do yourself a little favor sometime if you can actually drag your head out of the sand and breathe something other than "{censored} THE USA" dogma for an hour or two and do a little basic research. You'll see what I mean... then again, nevermind, you're so completely in love with your dogma that I'd really hate to see your fundamental belief structure so totally devastated by the truth. I seriously doubt you could handle it.

I have a few friends who transplanted to England and France and I know they would prefer living back in the States as far as govt freedoms and views go.

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People like you, on the other hand, who think that the US is the only country in the world that suffers from widespread government corruption and base greed are actually a big part of the problem.




you wanna point it out to me where i stated anything even remotely close to "the US is the only nation in the world that suffers from government corruption"?

i just think it's hilarious when people act so "proud of the USA" and 'united we stand' bull{censored}.

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you wanna point it out to me where i stated anything even remotely close to "the US is the only nation in the world that suffers from government corruption"?

i just think it's hilarious when people act so "proud of the USA" and 'united we stand' bull{censored}.



You implied it quite clearly, so YES, RLY!


And where the {censored} did I state anything about "united we stand" or "proud of the USA"?! I'm the one who's been blasting BOTH sides of the political spectrum and calling the government the "fundamentally corrupt Washington Mafia", remember?! My only point was that you're DEAD {censored}ING WRONG if you think, as you quite clearly state, "anyone who thinks the USA is the best place in the world has never been anywhere else", and as you IMPLY that the problem somehow is ours alone! Sweet {censored} man, your comprehension skills are lacking!


Out of curiosity, what other countries have YOU visited to base YOUR pompous little blanket statement on there, Mr. World Traveller?

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Imagine if everyone disregarded traffic laws. Even minor ones like "I only BARELY ran that red light"...or "It's only 10 mph over the limit" or " but I *HAD* to change lanes in the middle of the intersection".

"You know cause gosh, the laws aren't really necessary anyway. I don't feel they should apply to ME. I'll drive however I dman well feel like".

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to all the people who say driving is a privilege and you shouldnt break the law- it's not that simple. speed limits everywhere are in my opinion rediculously low- i dont need some government lackey telling me how fast is too fast- i'm a big boy- i can figure that out on my own.





Ohh, too good. Bravo.

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You implied it quite clearly, so YES, RLY!

And where the {censored} did I state anything about "united we stand" or "proud of the USA"?! I'm the one who's been blasting BOTH sides of the political spectrum and calling the government the "fundamentally corrupt Washington Mafia", remember?! My only point was that you're DEAD {censored}ING WRONG if you think, as you quite clearly state, "anyone who thinks the USA is the best place in the world has never been anywhere else", and as you IMPLY that the problem somehow is ours alone! Sweet {censored} man, your comprehension skills are lacking!

Out of curiosity, what other countries have YOU visited to base YOUR pompous little blanket statement on there, Mr. World Traveller?

If I remember right (:rolleyes:), 9 was in the military. Not exactly a glowing endorsement for immersing yourself in the details of the different cultures of the world. Still, counts for something.

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Once again 9ball proves he can suck 9balls! Probably his fantasy! Biggest idiot on HCAF.


cry about it some more you {censored}in {censored}

you're probably one of those duechbags who sit in the left lane going the exact same speed as a car next to you so no one can pass you because you dont think anyone should drive faster than you right?

or maybe you're one of those people who drive slow as hell everywhere they go and then get pissed off when someone goes to pass you and speed up trying to block them off?:rolleyes:

people like that actually create more of a hazard than a sensible guy behind the wheel going a few 10 or 15 over some bull{censored} ass speed limit.

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