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How do I get good tonez from Mark III


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Wow I can't seem to dial it in because I could never get it loud enough. Jesus when you put it up to 5 everything changes on that amp. It's frickin sick!!!! It sounds like Metallica used to. Now I just need a place to play it in...well that or maybe a powerbrake. Anybody have good experiences with power brakes and this amp?

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try these [assuming you have a long head]


Volume 1 - 6

Treble - 8 pulled

Bass - 2.5

Middle - 5 pulled

Master - 1.5 pulled

Lead - 7 pulled

Lead Master - 4 pulled

Reverb - 6

Presence - 3


something like http://www.chain-metal.nl/mark3/?bg=0&d1=60&d2=80&p2=1&d3=25&d4=50&p4=1&d5=15&p5=1&d6=70&p6=1&d7=40&p7=1&p=30&g1=80&g2=30&g3=70&g4=45&g5=20&t=Will%27s+main+sound [although I'm a big Lynch fan, so I really tried to cop his bright sounding tone, YMMV.

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Presence on 3


My head looks exactly like this one but black. Let me try the lower presence. I'm really going for killer thrash tone right now. I'm usually an Engl and a Marshall player. This amp is quite different from those. There is an unusual frequency in the mid that kind of annoys me. The amp rules though!

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My head looks exactly like this one but black. Let me try the lower presence. I'm really going for killer thrash tone right now. I'm usually an Engl and a Marshall player. This amp is quite different from those. There is an unusual frequency in the mid that kind of annoys me. The amp rules though!


This one is rare... One of approximately 200 made. 180 Watts, Simul-Class MKIII, Coliseum Series 300



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Was that thing in a fire!?


No, :lol: but I used to tour with it, so it's been across the entire US, and has been cleaned up since that pic.


I got it new in '86, and have been contemplating having a nice wicker/wood box made for it. :thu:


It's All clean now, see... of course the tolex is still 22 years old and it's a gigged amp not some showpiece of a bedroom collector.



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