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too much like the Dylan sound? feedback appreciated

Eclepto Funk

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Yeah, there is a definite echo of protest-folkie era Dylan, but this is a literate protest song with strummed acoustic guitar accompaniment, so I don't know how you get out of that shadow. To obfuscate the issue a little you could try throwing in a quotation from another, equally well known folk singer but ... oh wait a minute :poke:


As far as distribution - before you try and play it for others you could test it out on a sympathetic audience of ... oh wait a minute :poke:


Seriously, nice lyrics, good song - you have nothing to worry about.

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works for me...your vocal is very good for this style...yes it does sound like Dylan...I like your singing...only hesitation on the last word could be sung sooner...but that is a stylistic thing you like to do but, all I know is the few songs I have heard of yours they have worked for me...:thu:

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I agree it has a lot in common with Dylan. This is hard for me to review because I am not big on this style at all, but as far as the performance I agree that the vocal phrasing is a little adverse to the rhythm part. Perfect for a B-Movie montage or traveling music. :) Good stuff man.

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here's a song i just taped a few days ago ... i like the lyrics, but the sound seems too much like Dylan to me ...

would you share this song with others, or is this just a good exercise for myself?

any and all feedback appreciated




Sounds a lot more like you than Bob Dylan from my perspective. There are more than a few phrases that pick up a little Dylanesque thing, but, for sure, you're not in danger of being the new Elliott Murphy.


In fact, even when you quote Simon & Garfunkel's "The Boxer" you don't sound anything like the rather lugubrious reading Bob Dylan gave the same song. Although, the overly familiar lyrics, coming as they do in a several line lump quotation, do sort of jump out in a mildly troubling way.

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There is a similarity between the style of your song and Dylan. Dire Straits was compared the same way. Personally I don't find that to be a problem/issue/concern. It's one of many ways to put your point across in a song. Take metal for example, it all sounds similar, with it's double kik and cookie monster vocals. That doesn't prevent many groups from being successful in the genre. It's not as popular as it once was, but the style is still good. I liked the story and the style suits it perfectly. It's that folk protest song/style that Dylan (and others) were known for. The music business is limited in it's scope. It still works today, let's hope it never goes the way of the dinosaur....:cool:


Rant over.... great song BTW.....

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ido's description of today's metal strikes me as what's wrong with this era where everyone's writing a guide on how to do this, how to sound like that, and giving step by step directions -- and whole armies of bands end up sounding interchangeable. When metal started out, there was an incredibly wide variety of bands from Black Sabbath to Deep Purple to Led Zeppelin. (Though few today cite Zep as a metal band, they were arguably the first to be called heavy metal back in the 60s. I first heard the term not long after their first album came out, used by LA radio icon, B. Mitchell Reid, to describe their sound.)



Of course, the same has gone on in the past. Beatle imitators, Dylan imitators. In fact, I mentioned Elliott Murphy above, whose Dylanesque voice and songwriting style struck many writers and crits as one 'New Dylan' too far.


Sometimes it's a difficult balancing act to honestly reflect our infuences but still sound like ourselves. Of course, an important part of it is growing and maturing as an artist, finding one's own voice, the fiction writers call it. Interestingly enough. ;)

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I like the song. I like your voice. It's the guitar that sounds like Dylan though. I know it might seem obvious that your voice is doing a Dylan thing but... not really that much. Change the guitar and the Dylan comparisons would be greatly reduced. Whether you want to do that, or if it's even advisable is questionable. I like it but if you're concerned, try changing the guitar.

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I like the song. I like your voice. It's the guitar that sounds like Dylan though. I know it might seem obvious that your voice is doing a Dylan thing but... not really that much. Change the guitar and the Dylan comparisons would be greatly reduced. Whether you want to do that, or if it's even advisable is questionable. I like it but if you're concerned, try changing the guitar.



+1 on changing the guitar, not trying to be harsh, not a big fan of that jingle-jangle style

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again, many thanks all




Change the guitar and the Dylan comparisons would be greatly reduced.



the guitar was done that way because i wanted Dylan in the song ... but not for it to be a Dylan song


i know it's a fine line, thus my concern that i might have gone past evoking Dylan and actually turned the song into a Dylan clone


in other words, i wanted the guitar to be an allusion to Dylan and that style of music, but definitely not at the cost of having people say "hey, stop ripping Dylan off"


not sure if that makes sense

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That totally makes sense. The thing is, it's one guitar and one voice. So if you don't want to rip off or emulate, you're going to need to have one of those elements not be Dylan-y. But like I said, the tune sounds great. I think I'd go with more instrumentation if it were me. Old piano or an accordion. Pump organ or Harmonium. Something to evoke that timeless vibe of Dylan but using something he didn't.

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