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I'm 99% solo. And in recent years, that's 100%.


I played in bands when I was in my late 20s and early 30s (late bloomer, didn't start playing until I was 20). I got serious about recording when the only band I was really kind of serious about blew up (rather dramatically, with the drunken 220 lb drummer attacking me, even though I weighed about a hundred pounds less and was still recuperating from 2 months in the hospital after a nasty motorcycle accident [i was t-boned by a driver not paying attention] and still using a walker. (It's OK, I ended up with his cute, 18 year old GF eventually.) After that, I only did short term/project bands. And got good at programming drum machines. :D


Nowadays it seems like most of my collaborating is in the form of promises to get together and 'do that recording we've been talking about for so long...' The musico equivalent of 'let's do lunch.'

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Nowadays it seems like most of my collaborating is in the form of promises to get together and
'do that recording we've been talking about for so long...'
The musico equivalent of
'let's do lunch.'


Also, another equivalent for "let's do lunch" is "let's jam." So much musicolingo is centered around food. :)

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yep, know where ya comin from blue, I did my stint in several bands that just couldn't put two and two together, been solo for about 5 years now and I think actually prefer it, altho' I do miss the agravation and frustration of not having to listen to band members sniveling over what not to play :facepalm:

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I play in a band, and yes it can be a huge headache, but when it all comes together it can be worth it.


I would like to get some good recording software and do some recording on my own, but I just don't think I could handle listening to my own singing for very long!

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I'm an Internet Network Engineer during the day and have my son every other weekend so as much as I would LOVE to play in a band, it's a pipe dream. So I do it all over there ---> (motions with head toward studio).


yeah, and you do it soooo well :thu:

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I play out in a cover band a couple times a month. Nobody wants to hear originals in a bar in the suburbs. I don't blame them. It's hard enough for people to get into hearing you flounder your way thru a Tom Petty song, let alone challenging them with something they've never heard. That goes for band members too. Keep it easy and simple, and keep your songs to yourself. Collect your $150 and do it all again in two weeks.


I used to find writing and recording by myself very lonely. I now cherish the solitude and love the experience to the point where I don't want others involved. I suppose that's why I actually get things done now. Back when I thought you had to collaborate, All we ever did was eat a lot of burritos and talk about movies and do anything except finish any music. I got tired of wanting someone else to come up with lyrics. Eventually, I just started coming up with them on my own. I wish I was a better instrumentalist. But I don't really care. I work around and with my shortcomings. At least I have something to show for it.

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Both. I'm in a band that I've been playing with for the last for the last 5 years (mostly the drummer & other guitarist moved for a couple years in the middle). It's way too much fun. We never argue (don't read that as no disagreements). We collaborate very well together. I'm in a band with 4 of my best friends. I also record and do small acoustic sets occasionally on my own. The 2 main purposes of playing solo for me are to get songs the band doesn't play/don't fit the band out there and to get my "100% control freak" jones out of my system. That way its easier for me to let the others in the band have a say in their parts/ general arrangements. Though when I have a very clear idea of what I want, they also give me some leeway and let me teach them their parts, but it better be a really good idea.

both are in the sig vvvvvvv

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Done both, played in good bands and bad, basement bands and popular local groups. The last group I played with was majorly talented, but no focus. It just kind of faded away- everyone has their life commitments. Now I work on songwriting solo/collab as I can, although I don't have a lot of time, and even THAT is apparently irritating my wife. Guess I'll go sit and watch Oprah with her....

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I drink alone.



hahaha that sums it up brother hell yea-- as for me same crew for a year and a half and have went through singers and bassist like Paris Hilton does thongs-- strong consideration for going solo-- not that I am egotistical but gesh people get off your ass! (not directed to any one here of course)

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