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Facebook is the devil.


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So this is freaking me out. I got invited to Facebook by one of my classmates I graduated HS with. I get on there, and hook up with a bunch of people I went to school with, and we're trying to get a reunion together, as 2010 is our 20 year.

A chick who I had a huge crush on in HS friends me, and we chat for awhile. We were friends in HS, and I never got up the gumption to ask her out. She's married, living halfway across the country, with 4 kids, but looks just as hot as she did in HS. So, I don't see her online for awhile, and after a few days, she send me a message saying she missed talking to me and where have I been.

Fast forward to now, and things have progressed to where she is coming back this summer to visit one of her girl friends. Without her husband. And she wants to get together with me "for a beer or 5." THEN, we progress to the point where she admits she is infatuated with me, and wishes we would have gotten together in HS. BUt, she's happy with her husband other than that he works all the time and is never home.


Thoughts? Yes, I am married as well.


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You're confused: she's the devil and you're a fool. Facebook is at best a bit player in this little drama. The answer is crystal clear -- you're just an ass enjoying 15 minutes of bravado seeking peer approval for stepping out of your marriage. :wave:

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So this is freaking me out. I got invited to Facebook by one of my classmates I graduated HS with. I get on there, and hook up with a bunch of people I went to school with, and we're trying to get a reunion together, as 2010 is our 20 year.

A chick who I had a huge crush on in HS friends me, and we chat for awhile. We were friends in HS, and I never got up the gumption to ask her out. She's married, living halfway across the country, with 4 kids, but looks just as hot as she did in HS. So, I don't see her online for awhile, and after a few days, she send me a message saying she missed talking to me and where have I been.

Fast forward to now, and things have progressed to where she is coming back this summer to visit one of her girl friends. Without her husband. And she wants to get together with me "for a beer or 5." THEN, we progress to the point where she admits she is infatuated with me, and wishes we would have gotten together in HS. BUt, she's happy with her husband other than that he works all the time and is never home.


Thoughts? Yes, I am married as well.

Aren't you the guy who complained about not getting any {censored} from the wife since '06 or something?? If so, I don't blame you for considering this as an option but IMHO it's not worth it. You need to solve your marital issues within your marriage, not outside of it.

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Everything you own, including all your gear, will have to be sold to pay for the lawyers fees. Just keep that in mind. Leave things as they lay





If you go ahead and start something with her, it will have a very high chance of leaving you totally high and dry, with absolutely nothing - once the {censored} hits the fan.


If you think that this is a chance worth taking, then go for it.

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Dude, she has four kids, do you really see a "best case" scenario here?

There you go. Our law firm sees pathetic guys who have gone down this road all the time. A wife that hates you and is out for your blood (and she'll get it because you deserve what's coming) and another woman with a bunch of children you realize you have no real feelings for...the look in the eyes of one of these men would be enough to turn Hapless away from this path. :lol: Its like a war vet with the thousand-yard stare. A few moments of physical enjoyment (and if its been since '06 that you've had any tail, it really will probably only be a few moments) and a lifetime of hell. :thu:

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