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and i thought guitar center was bad...


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i feel sorry for those of you stuck with sam ash stores... i went to downtown orlando's sam ash and that store was the biggest piece o' {censored} on all of earth. the first four amps i plugged into were dead. first off a bugera 6262 (buzz, snap, crackle, pop), second was a marshall vintage modern (power amp tubes fried, could hear OD through the preamp grinding, but volume did nothing), third was fender princeton reverb (reverb tank sounded like it was being overdriven, it was feeding back and rattle even with the reverb off and volume off), and last was ampeg something or another (didn't even turn on, probably bad fuse). it took five guitars to find one that was setup nice.


so i went to guitar selling best buy, and that was nice. every amp has it's own higher quality cable attached to it. the private amp room was stocked nice. i play a peavey windsor again, and i actually dug it. yes the cleans suck, but od roared damn nice. the bogner alchemist was turning head as usual. hope best buy does more guitars around michigan.


oh yeah, i forgot i had a 5153 at sam ash on the crunch channel at 1.5 volume for about two minutes, and an employee told me to turn down. i mentioned how {censored}ty his store was, and he told me that he didn't care (to keep it short).



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There is a GC and a Sam Ash within 15 minutes of my house, and honestly i'd rather go to the Sam Ash if I had to. The Guitar Center in Marietta, GA is that bad. They have maybe a bit better selection of guitars and new amps, but you have to put up with endless bull{censored} to even try anything out so why even bother?

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As with GC, the quality of the store depends on the staff and managers.



this, faulty equipment can be replaced easily, finding non-arrogant retards to help you isn't as easy. a shop around here had all cool people except two, one who thought he was god at guitar (could play all the Alice in Chains solos. . . over and over and over and over). The othr thought no one knew {censored} about amps or guitars. When i went in there and matched then topped his knowledge, he became cool with me. people and their egos.

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Lol at the amps :)

I went to the one on Sunset boulevard when I was in Cali last summer and I'd have to agree. The employees were chatting amongst themselves behind the desk looking at me and other customers as if I just took a {censored} on their front lawn.

I'd take GC over that any day.

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Lol at the amps

I went to the one on Sunset boulevard when I was in Cali last summer and I'd have to agree. The employees were chatting amongst themselves behind the desk looking at me and other customers as if I just took a {censored} on their front lawn.

I'd take GC over that any day.

the LA store is {censored}.

One of the worst stores I have EVER been into.

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Sam with Sam Ash.

I've been working for Sam Ash for almost 2 1/2 years. In music store terms, I'm a veteran sales guy. hahaha

The company is going through a lot of big changes right now. It is making a turn for the worst. I went from making an extra $700 a month, to nothing extra...and working alot of extra hours.

I work 10:30 - 9:00 5 days a week.

When you work THAT much, and make 250-350 a week, it really sucks and it takes its toll on people. It really sucks because customer service goes WAY down because of unhappy employees.

If you really want to do something about it, email Paul Ash. Or call the corporate office.

They DO get involved with unhappy customers, and they DO fire people for not performing up to their standards.

Some stores just SUCK no matter what though. GC's and Ash's as well as a million other stores.



for your sake, i'll send an email. that was a horrible {censored}hole.

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for your sake, i'll send an email. that was a horrible {censored}hole.



Don't send an email for my sake, I am not the one who has to deal with them, so personally, I don't give a {censored}.


but if you want something done about it, send an email.



so many people complain about stores like that, but no one ever does anything to change it.

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music stores suck period...dont point the finger at GC or SA..there all
the same..there are a bunch of them here ( 2 GC and a SA) and i wont
walk in there looking for anything that has to do with an amp..
(unless i was renting or something.).the service SUCKS at all of them.
and i have freinds in a both stores..there in business to sell {censored} to there customers.
.the only thing good you can find in any music store would be
guitars..the amps..forget it..( at least out here.)..its all junk.

id rather look for used stuff on ebay.

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So, one of two things is going on. Sam Ash is getting garbage amps from their suppliers or they are getting the {censored} out of them by a bunch of high-gain, cookie-monster wankers. I hate going into those stores. The same {censored}in' kids playing the same obnoxious {censored}, hour after hour. Then when somebody, such as yourself, is really interested in making a purchase, all the {censored} is broke.

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sam ash has always had the worst customer service, worst selection and worst looking stores out of the big name companies. I went into a Sam Ash years ago to look at lexicon pcm 81 they wouldnt even take one out of the back to even show me until i paid for it. I couldnt believe it.

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at the OP: your sam ash experience sounds like the sh*thole Guitar Center i have to deal with, i swear to god, i left because every decent guitar i picked up, was out of tune (bad) or all of there amps (except for there 5150) was screwed. so i just left, and thought, here goes another pissed off customer.

instead i deal with my locally owned store (piano people) who's cost is 100 dollars more than anything advertised online. (i know, he told me)

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I really don't know how the Sam Ash in Margate stays open with the lousy selection, I go there once in a while for cables and small stuff but it is depressing and they bug you if you pick up a guitar or something. I did get a Genz Benz G-Flex 2x12 for $449 on New Years Eve though.

On the other hand, the GC in Hallendale is great. You can play there all day (the kids do on the weekend) and a sales person may come by and say, "If I can help you, just let me know." then walks away. Great selection too. Bought a Palomino V16 floor model there for dirt on closeout. When I got it home it had scratchy pots so I took it back. They openned it up and cleaned the pots while I waited, I sat on the floor with the tech. Very nice place with great people.

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So, one of two things is going on. Sam Ash is getting garbage amps from their suppliers or they are getting the {censored} out of them by a bunch of high-gain, cookie-monster wankers. I hate going into those stores. The same {censored}in' kids playing the same obnoxious {censored}, hour after hour. Then when somebody, such as yourself, is really interested in making a purchase, all the {censored} is broke.



Exactly. Sometimes I don't know how those sales guys take that {censored} day in and day out...I'm in there 5 minutes and I'm about to lose my mind. It just sucks sometimes when you're looking to try out a nice piece of gear and there's 12 kids just blasting away on an assortment of industry standard {censored}box solid state corporate amplifiers.

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Why oh why can't the American worker perform well and maintain quality? It must be some genetic failing of these inbred wretches... OR maybe, just maybe, they work for a poorly managed company who is in the process of screwing them in the butt, and selling the cheapest Chinese made crap possible?


Nah, its the damn american worker, what a loser, lets all buy from china online...

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