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I have to write in silence!


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I prefer quiet. I used to write in my truck while waiting for my daughter to finish her dance classes. Quiet, comfy seat, but enough visual to distract if stumped. The people in the studio must have thought I was crazy sitting out in the cold winter writing songs...


My daughter has taken a year off dance so I've had to find a new quiet place to write. The basement recroom is okay but I miss my comfy seat....

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I've found out recently that most of the "rules" I put in place for myself don't really apply. I still have a hard time working out lyrics out loud when I know someone is in earshot, but I've even written songs while another song was playing on the radio.


I probably still do my best work in relative silence, and with the house/space to myself.

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I don't wish to put undue pressure on myself by feeling I can ONLY or BEST bring forth the inspiration to write a song depending on certain external conditions, like quiet, BUT I have always found ever since I was a humble and lazy school student, that I can focus best with some background noise. I don't do silence well.

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As Leo pointed out... sometimes the cacophony of life can bear gifts. The thrum of rubber on the highway, the clunk-clunk-clunk of the Coaster Train taking me to work... this can get my idea generating machine working.


I tend to work, any work, in very concentrated bursts of energy. Not necessarily short bursts, 8 or 10 or 12 hours of GO! Then...




Noise is just part of the stimulus. So if I'm working on a song, the heated travel to the kitchen for coffee and the hasty trip to the bathroom are all just part of the process. Storming from room to room to room sometimes is just part of letting my mind work.


I like the idea of Glenn Gould, eccentric classical pianist, practicing Bach with multiple radios tuned to different stations on top of his piano. I get that.

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Silence is nice, but not necessary for me. I've actually written alot of lyrics in coffee shops with music and conversations going on around me. Unless it's too loud or distracting, I usually don't have too much trouble blocking everything else out. Writing music, on the other hand, is a different matter... although there have been a couple of times I was able to write music while watching tv.

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i grab a pen and paper usually a scrap, then i walk on the waterfront at the harbour, i always come home with something. sometimes i'll take my guitar but i never end up using it.

whatever song is on the radio that i enjoyed on the way will be the take off point, when i get home and put music to it i always have something and completely different from what i heard on the radio.

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For the most part, I prefer silence. But I do like to move around while I'm writing/thinking. I'll pace or walk from room to room while thinking about the lyrics I'm working on. I also talk to myself a good bit during the creative process. People might think I'm crazy if I was on hidden camera. :)

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