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Tell Me About Budda Amps


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a friend of mine told me to check them out and i found that the Superdrive 2x12 is right in my price range. so id like to know a bit more about them since i cant find a dealer within driving distance.


im looking for an amp that has a good clean channel for playing jazz, funk, jam, etc- so a good clean is a must for me. but i also need an amp with a decent amount of gain on the higher gain channel as well. Can the Budda Superdrive do it? i wouldnt be using it for extremely high gain metal, but i really want a solid hard rock tone with a decent amount of gain and a thick, solid low end (think Tool and A Perfect Circle), but also have enough gain for smooth, soaring lead tones (think Phish, Allman Brothers, Govn't Mule- you get the picture).


so those who have played them, what kind of tones can it do? will it be what i need?

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I played a SD-II 80 watter once. About blew the hell out of a Marshall 4x10 cab lol That amp was probably the sweetest sounding amp I have ever played. I've played a few nice amps...Bogner Shiva, old old JCM800, reissue 800, Soldano Avenger, Mesa Recs, my Mesa rack rig, and probably another one or two I've forgotten...however this amp was THE best sounding I have ever layed fingers on. Not real real heavy on the amount of gain, but stock trim should be more than enough to play any classic rock or modern rock stuff. Not heavy rock, but more like blues based partying rock, like Buckcherry (who uses Budda anyhow).


If you want more gain, bam, throw a boost pedal and you've got it. Very very nice amps.


Also, I can't really comment on the clean channel, it's been a while and I've forgotten. Had a pretty nice one as I remember, but I was going for the gain!


If it's a Super Drive, it's point to point handwired. If it's a Super Drive II, it's circuit board. The one I played was a circuit board model. Also when I worked at GC, I was wanting to buy a new one (my cost was a hair above 1200 I think). Even though we couldn't get them in our store because another local store had them, the guys at Budda were super nice to me and were willing to bend over backwards to help me get what I wanted. Super nice guys from my experience. If I had the money, I'd be all over one. Hell, after I play the hell outta my Mesa rack rig and I don't like it anymore, I may sell it for a Budda!

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I played a SD-II 80 watter once. About blew the hell out of a Marshall 4x10 cab lol That amp was probably the sweetest sounding amp I have ever played. I've played a few nice amps...Bogner Shiva, old old JCM800, reissue 800, Soldano Avenger, Mesa Recs, my Mesa rack rig, and probably another one or two I've forgotten...however this amp was THE best sounding I have ever layed fingers on. Not real real heavy on the amount of gain, but stock trim should be more than enough to play any classic rock or modern rock stuff. Not heavy rock, but more like blues based partying rock, like Buckcherry (who uses Budda anyhow).

If you want more gain, bam, throw a boost pedal and you've got it. Very very nice amps.

Also, I can't really comment on the clean channel, it's been a while and I've forgotten. Had a pretty nice one as I remember, but I was going for the gain!



Yup. They are great amps for sure. One thing I noted was how smooth the gain was on those amps. They are def. Marshall inspired, but have alot less raunchiness to them. They also sound alot thicker than Marshalls. Clean clips can be found on youtube as once again, I never played clean all that much on the one that I played. From the clips, I'd say it has '> Marshall cleans'

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My bad, it was the Super Drive 30 for $1200 or so...WISH I could get an 80 new for $1200 at cost lol


Still, we sold that used SDII 80 for $1300 :( Mint, just no one in Chattanooga knew what the hell a Budda was or cared enough to spend the $1700 list used. So it sat and sat and sat, until another store noticed it and sold it to someone RIGHT before I was going to buy it.

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i found this video on youtube and it sounds like theres a good amount of gain on tap. do you think he is using a pedal to boost it or is that all natural?



Sounds like it's all amp to me. The one I tried had a very similar tone and feel. I'd suggest the Budda over the Shiva anyday for the sounds you are going for. The Shiva would be too dark for APC type stuff.

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Have the SD45II and it kills.


I've had Marshall's, Mesa's, Sovtek's, Orange's, VHT's, 5150's, etc.. The Budda truly is the most versatile amp I've played. It will definitely cover everything from Allmans to death metal and all in between.


At first it was a little brighter than what I was used to, but Brandon at Budda suggested I try 6L6's in place of the KT66's. Put in some winged c 6L6's and it tamed the highend just enough and really sweetened the amp up.


I work in a studio and the SD45 gets more use than anything else we have. Our amps include 5150, D60, MTS with several modded modules, 2204, Mig50h, and the Budda.


If you have the opportunity to try one be sure to get it loud. Sounds good at low volume but really shines the hotter it gets. Hope this helps.

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peavey makes buddas now. that is all i know.


Is that true?can that be confirmed?


I owned an SDII 80 that was phenomenal and about the only amp that Ive ever sold that I actually miss. LOUD as hell, toneful and versatile and took pedals really well



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Is that true?can that be confirmed?

I owned an SDII 80 that was phenomenal and about the only amp that Ive ever sold that I actually miss. LOUD as hell, toneful and versatile and took pedals really well




hahahahahhahaa, Kage, it is a very small world, don't miss it, just ask and i will lend it to you.


Yes, i own it now!!!!!!!!!!!!


And, Peavey is only in for the distribution of the amp.

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hahahahahhahaa, Kage, it is a very small world, don't miss it, just ask and i will lend it to you.

Yes, i own it now!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, Peavey is only in for the distribution of the amp.


Funny how that worked out Bro, I wonder how many hands it went through before it got to you?

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I've tried a couple in the past. I thought they sounded really good, but were kind of noisy. I don't know if that's the norm with them or not, or if maybe they just get shipped with crap tubes, or maybe I just played a couple of duds. Someone that owns one, I'm sure will chime in.

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I had a Superdrive II 18 watter for a few weeks. It had a very high quality, very *refined* sound. I didn't hear as much "Marshall" in it as others have, fwiw & ymmv.


I ended up selling it, not because it it didn't sound good -- it sounded great -- but because I wanted a little more raw-ness, a little more raunch, and the SDII seemed so "clean." I don't mean in terms of gain...plenty of gain. But even the distorted sounds seemed clean and refined.


In the end, I thought it was a fantastic sounding, well-made amp that just wasn't right for my music/style/tones. I thought it would be perfect for blues & blues-rawk, but it was too nice, literally, for my 70s/80s (and admittedly questionable) tastes.



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