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Bye Mesa. It's not you, its me.


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Mesa and I have a love/hate relationship. Sometimes I love them, sometimes I want to see them hurled off a bridge into traffic/a river/a lake of fire/ whathaveyou.

Isn't this true form a lot of our stuff?

I don't get why my rig sounds SO great one day, putrid dog-crap the next, and SO great the next. :idk:

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I would second the thoughts on the Lonestar ... that thing is killer. Also love the Stiletto. Hate the F series. On the fence about rectos ... just played through Duncan's new one and kinda dug it, but it's definitely a very particular tone.

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It stands for The {censored} You Network

It is a song I wrote about the camaraderie of old school circle pits. I've had my nose broken, face plants etc back in the day and somehow in the chaos you get helped back on your feet. And you never know who actually helped you out because they are back in the madness before you know it.


Yep, and it's also sometimes difficult to know who to go back in after. :D

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Yep, and it's also sometimes difficult to know who to go back in after.


I had a closeup of the dude who broke my nose. Literally. He was a friend of mine who stage dived from high, and I remember looking up for a split second. He was like an arrow with his hair flying behind him and the top of his head just mashed the bridge of my nose.


I felt the pain, the crunch and heard a guy go "HOLY {censored}!" behind me as he saw it. I went to the bathroom to check it out and the bouncer was trying to straiten in for me.


It is kinda cool as I used to have a ski slope type of nose. It was like free metal rhinoplasty as I looked better once it healed.


It was Kreator playing with Obituray in the 90's. Most insane pit I have ever seen. This happened in the first 20 seconds..haha


All my mates were calling me Joe Bugner all night after it.

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I had a closeup of the dude who broke my nose. Literally. He was a friend of mine who stage dived from high, and I remember looking up for a split second. He was like an arrow with his hair flying behind him and the top of his head just mashed the bridge of my nose.

I felt the pain, the crunch and heard a guy go "HOLY {censored}!" behind me as he saw it. I went to the bathroom to check it out and the bouncer was trying to straiten in for me.

Damn, that had to suck! :eek:

It is kinda cool as I used to have a ski slope type of nose.
It was like free metal rhinoplasty as I looked better once it healed

It was Kreator playing with Obituray in the 90's. Most insane pit I have ever seen. This happened in the first 20 seconds..haha

All my mates were calling me Joe Bugner all night after it.

Free metal rhinoplasty at a Kreator and Obituary show. Now that is full-on WIN~! :cool:

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Damn, that had to suck!

There was insult to injury. I missed the last train. Me and my friend stranded in Bristol in the freezing winter. I was about a 2 hour drive away from home.

I had an army jacket and I was still freezing. I remember it being 4am, in a building site/partially built house, drunk, face throbbing (it felt like my teeth were falling out for some reason) waiting for the train station to open.

When it did, we hung out in the toilets because there was a radiator in there. It must have been funny for people walking in and out. Two metal heads sitting backs to the radiator, one with a busted face at 6am.

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There was insult to injury. I missed the last train. Me and my friend stranded in Bristol in the freezing winter. I was about a 2 hour drive away from home.

I had an army jacket and I was still freezing. I remember it being 4am, in a building site/partially built house, drunk, face throbbing (it felt like my teeth were falling out for some reason) waiting for the train station to open.

When it did, we hung out in the toilets because there was a radiator in there. It must have been funny for people walking in and out. Two metal heads sitting backs to the radiator, one with a busted face at 6am.

That'd have been cool to see those bands overseas but maybe in a bit better post-concert situation. :D:cool:

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...I'm not a 6l6 guy...so yeah...




While I like 6L6's for big and bold cleans,I'm much more of an EL34 guy for crunch and high gain stuff.Getting my '84 MKIIC+ 60watt/reverb head factory modded for EL34's was the best thing that I could do to that amp.It's like a Mark Series Boogie and a hot rodded vintage Marshall had a killer sounding love child.




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