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Late to work today. Got sent home for the day


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Yep, it's expected. You're meant to be at your desk and working at 9am, not just about dragging your ass through the car park, yet to decide if it's coffee or tea. Also, in your contract, it will state that you are expected to work longer hours than contracted should it be necessary to complete your function. I know several people who got to work from home and the management used that to extend their working day by 90 minutes to account for "travelling time". See? Managers are {censored}ers!!!! I promise you! Not that they can physically do anything at 8:30 or even 6pm as no {censored}er is at work, but they have to be at their desks at home and the management do call to check!

45 minutes late with no phone call is a big deal though. I don't think I woulda sent him home, depends if a higher up threw a hissy and told me to. But that is kinda extreme. Your kid needing a cough mixture is not life stopping and a quick mobile call or a text at least?

Christ, I'm even thinking like one of them... I feel unclean. I want a new job.



I did call. Boss did not pick up so I left a message. {censored}er never checked it. I showed him on my phone the call log with the time. Still got sent home.

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Not to derail the thread or anything, but how do you find that line of work? Would you say it's more boring than accounting?



I actually like it, it's not that boring, all things considered. For me, it was a natural transition. I started working in the MI industry, first at tech support, about 15 years ago. The company I was working for was wanting to increase their business in South America, and since I was born there and know the language they asked me if I could help with market research, establish distributors, service centers, research the local laws blah blah. I did a good job at at it and they offered me a full time position, training etc, so it was basically just seeing an opportunity and running with it. I've worked for a few other MI companies after that and 3 years ago moved into a different industry doing the same thing.

A background in accounting or a business degree certainly does help, but I am a computer science grad. Never really worked in my field though. Just one of those cases where your career takes a totally different path from your education.

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I'm late like 4 days a week, they are just glad that I'm willing to do the job everyday.

+1 :lol::o

I turned up 1.5 hours late on day last week, and at least half an hour late on the other days. I only live about 20mins drive away (in morning traffic). :facepalm:

They don't really care, and don't even notice I'm not there most of the time. I get the job done, and I'm usually here after everyone's gone home anyway. :idk:

I'd estimate I make it to work on time maybe 10% of the time. :lol:

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The past 2 months, I have been warnning my guys not to be late because time is money and when your not on time, the company does not make money. Sent 2 guys home for being 1 minute late and I am on the fence on weather I am going to replace them with someone who has the desire to work and be to work on time!

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As a new manager, I've learned all the tricks of the trade. Such as giving my subjects meaningless tasks to do right in the middle of a really fun thing they're really in full swing of, managing the balance of paying them the lowest possible under the ever-looming threat of redundancy, giving them targets and goals that sound good but none of them have a hope in hell of achieving and of course the "secret 5 o'clock meetings" with certain members of the team and the odd open disgruntlement at a team member. There's now I in team, but there's a "Keep your {censored}ing head down, tow the line and get on with it" if you look hard enough.

This is classic "Team: someone's about to get canned... it may be this guy for turning up late, which lulls the rest of the team into a false sense of security... but it could turn around and bite you in the ass and it could be any one of ya" ruse. Almost like a Kansas City Shuffle.

Now I have made it to management, I know now that they are all {censored}ers and not to be trusted. That smile is surface mount only and is designed to corale information and gossip off the lower orders. Managers have an option of being nice or bastard... apart from in a recession... We get first choice of the knives and also, yours are blunt.

Got that resume typed up?

is that some kind of ricky gervais impression? if not... :facepalm:

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I've been 30 minutes late to work everyday for the last 2 years.:lol:

So much so that I only consider myself late if I'm like 45 minutes late, than I consider myself 15 minutes late. See it's all about managing expectations. :lol:

I dosen't really matter at my job though. I only have about 5 hours of work to do each day, less If I hustle. So I show up a half hour late, leave for lunch 15 minutes early, comeback a half hour late, and go home 15 minutes early. I've succesfully shrunk the amount of time I'm in the office to the amount of work I actually do, plus {censored}ing off on HCAF.

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I've been 30 minutes late to work everyday for the last 2 years.

So much so that I only consider myself late if I'm like 45 minutes late, than I consider myself 15 minutes late. See it's all about managing expectations.

I dosen't really matter at my job though. I only have about 5 hours of work to do each day, less If I hustle. So I show up a half hour late, leave for lunch 15 minutes early, comeback a half hour late, and go home 15 minutes early. I've succesfully shrunk the amount of time I'm in the office to the amount of work I actually do, plus {censored}ing off on HCAF.


I don't have a huge workload either. Normally I get everything done in a lot less than 8 hours, and have time to check HCAF, email friends etc... they just want everybody there all day even if you're not really doing work the whole 8 hours.

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"sent you home early" on tuesday means they are going to fire you on friday. They just don't want you going postal in the office before the weekend.



Looks like they put him on notice to bring extra ammo to work on Fri.

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I don't have a huge workload either. Normally I get everything done in a lot less than 8 hours, and have time to check HCAF, email friends etc... they just want everybody there all day even if you're not really doing work the whole 8 hours.



{censored} that {censored}. You'll find a better job I'm sure. One where they treat you like an adult there to acomplish something, not just child punching the clock at McDonalds. Sucks having to go on unemployment in the short term, but I'm sure you'll wind up in a better place.

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