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My PS3 died.... :(


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What about the downloaded games?

Do those get saved to your account info and are redownloadble at any time or do you get {censored}ed?



I think I get a certain number of downloads with them. I should be ok with those.


Maybe I will pull the PS3 HD tonight and see if I can pull a copy on it.

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What kind of 5.1 receiver doesn't have every audio connection known to man these days? Just connect the Xbox via analog.


Was the PS3 one of the older models? It seems that the 60 GB is more prone to breaking than the others, my friend's PS3 broke recently too, apparently the thermal sensor burned out and thus fans won't turn on and it'll stay on for an hour before overheating.

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What kind of 5.1 receiver doesn't have every audio connection known to man these days? Just connect the Xbox via analog.

Was the PS3 one of the older models? It seems that the 60 GB is more prone to breaking than the others, my friend's PS3 broke recently too, apparently the thermal sensor burned out and thus fans won't turn on and it'll stay on for an hour before overheating.


The 5.1 receiver is like 5 years old. If I connect anolog then I have to use analog video as well. :facepalm:


I'm going to pickup a reciever in a few weeks. Got some wicked overtime coming up. :thu:


It's a 80GB. Just over 1 year old. Got it last December with my X-Mas bonus.

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Although it might have had no effect in your case, Compressed Air should be everyones best friend. I've used in on my three years old 360 and never a red ring of death to be seen. Probably because of the compressed air.



I keep one by my TV and give the electronic a goo spray every so often.


The weird thing is that is just happened over night. I wasn't playing when it died. I just came home from work and hit the switch and there was the blinking red light.

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The 5.1 receiver is like 5 years old. If I connect anolog then I have to use analog video as well.

Still not getting it. Surely you can just connect HDMI to your TV and then use analog audio into the receiver? That's what I do on my PS3. Unless the Xbox is designed in some totally idiotic way where it's all analog or all digital for both audio and video...

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if you look online a bit youll see a good number of PS3's have failed...they call it the YLoD (i guess to keep it separate from the Xbox's RRoD). either way, its usually a similar fault to the 360. the unit gets hot and the chips come unsoldered from the board. good thing you got Sony to fix it though, most of the time they wont do jack for you!

and the 360 has an optical audio out. its on the AV connector...ive got my optical hooked up to my stereo. there might be a piece of tape covering it, i cant remember. but its there!

and ive had 2 360's fail on me. first was the E74 error, fixed, and the other one had the RRoD, fixed under warranty (whole new Mobo put in). both still work now, one 2 years later one a year later, but the older one needs a new DVD drive. simple fix, 30 bucks, and i can do it myself, so im going to one of these days!

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yes it happened. this is still a ps3 man, who are inherently elitist dicks toward 360.

i have a 360 and have no problems, and i like ps3 as well. although i will say that the controllers of 360 are superior in my personal opinion.



Ive gone though 4 360s and still on my first PS3.. ALL of my friends have gone though a 360 or 2.. only 1 has had a PS3 fail on him. To be fair though I do know slightly more people with a 360 though.. As far as the controllers go I like both.. I think that if I was new to gaming I would prefer the 360 controller but Im used to the PS controller because Ive been using it for almost 15 years.

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