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fffffuuuuu all you hater. the Snax rules.


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I wanna get one but I'm scared it's gonna get too complicated on me.

I don't record cause for some reason I just don't like to.

But I feel it would be perfect for me.


It's just..what poweramp? What footswitch? How much time am I gonna spend tweaking the patches? Can I change effects on the fly and not the amp model?

Can I set it up so on the footswitch I have 4 "channels" one clean, one slightly dirty, hot rodded Marshall and then hi-gain? If so what footswitch does this? And then can I preset different effects on different buttons?


I'm positive there are answers out there but I'm too lazy to look it all up.

But if someone feels like answering all this so I have it all in one place that would be swell

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:poke:The Snax sounds pretty good, but it has this bizarre tendency to transform guitarists into defensive, self-righteous pricks.



Could be said about both sides of the nut-hugging fence. In defense of the snax nut-huggers, as least they could say they've used both instead of some of the morons that think they know how digital modellers work, when they clearly don't.

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Seriously these threads are getting old. Its as bad as everyone pluggin the 5150 every day for how many years. Then the bee pictures came out and Bhz followed. Funny at first, then it was so repetitive it got boring.


They are right. Gatt damn go to other forums and some snax boys are into every gatt damnn post about other gear besides the snaxfx. Then they are real fast to chime and say "Mine can do that and I don't have to buy 5 cabinets, I can emulate them.... or "My snax can do what your modeler does and does it better"............... hardy hardy hooooooo." Then if someone says something negative about the axe or that axe users comments, seems like all their snax clan come in start the slam fest ! If they get slammed BHz commences on really ridiculous levels!


Really, I've seen as many douchebag comments from tube guys and as many axe users. Chill already. Choices are cool ! Be GLAD you have them!

I really like having choices. My Snax works great where I want it and my amps work great for those needs. Preference can be met with gear options. Wow.. when was that ever something to complain about !


They both have or will have maintenance issues. Mine did, others have, and more will follow. It's man made, it can fail and some will. This to me is a stupid argument!! No guarantee any real amp or computer modeler won't fail. Just be smart and prepared for that if you play out.


I really wished I had so many choices of gear when I started playing so many years ago. My choices were very limited.

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Seriously these threads are getting old. Its as bad as everyone pluggin the 5150 every day for how many years. Then the bee pictures came out and Bhz followed. Funny at first, then it was so repetitive it got boring.

They are right. Gatt damn go to other forums and some snax boys are into every gatt damnn post about other gear besides the snaxfx. Then they are real fast to chime and say "Mine can do that and I don't have to buy 5 cabinets, I can emulate them.... or "My snax can do what your modeler does and does it better"............... hardy hardy hooooooo." Then if someone says something negative about the axe or that axe users comments, seems like all their snax clan come in start the slam fest ! If they get slammed BHz commences on really ridiculous levels!

Really, I've seen as many douchebag comments from tube guys and as many axe users. Chill already. Choices are cool ! Be GLAD you have them!

I really like having choices. My Snax works great where I want it and my amps work great for those needs. Preference can be met with gear options. Wow.. when was that ever something to complain about !

They both have or will have maintenance issues. Mine did, others have, and more will follow. It's man made, it can fail and some will. This to me is a stupid argument!! No guarantee any real amp or computer modeler won't fail. Just be smart and prepared for that if you play out.

I really wished I had so many choices of gear when I started playing so many years ago. My choices were very limited.




This post made ZERO sense to me. I am sure there are good points but I just read through the whole things and am just confused?

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I guess I'm the only person who owns one and loves it who DOESN'T think it's the end all be all of equipment.


Yes, the Axe-fx is a revolutionary tool for guitarists. Perhaps the most revolutionary of the decade? Maybe so.


But it's NOT for everybody. It DOESN'T do everything. And it isn't perfect.


But it is pretty damn good at what it does.

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^^^^^^^^^^ :thu:


This post made ZERO sense to me. I am sure there are good points but I just read through the whole things and am just confused?



Let me shorten it for you ;) Now that the beer has worn off ! :p


Who cares what anyone uses or likes. Personally, I like having choices.

Amps do what they do well. Snax does what it does well. :cool:

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Could be said about both sides of the nut-hugging fence. In defense of the snax nut-huggers, as least they could say they've used both instead of some of the morons that think they know how digital modellers work, when they clearly don't.



Not really, there are a large number of guitarists (me included) that DON'T own a snax, but don't say a word about why their amp/gear is better than something else, they just don't say anything.


There does seem to be a constant, "I have to convince everyone that the snax is as good as any other piece of gear and/or better than every piece of gear" attitude amongst at least *some* snax owners.


It's like penis size, usually with that type of thing, if you have to talk about it and build it up that much, you're trying to convince yourself probably more than anyone else, and most of the claims prolly aren't true.


If you have a big caulk, you don't talk about it, you just use it.


I use a modeler, it's great, and I don't use amps anymore, but I've never posted to that effect or feel the need to defend it or brag about it one way or another. I just use it.

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Seriously these threads are getting old. Its as bad as everyone pluggin the 5150 every day for how many years. Then the bee pictures came out and Bhz followed. Funny at first, then it was so repetitive it got boring.

They are right. Gatt damn go to other forums and some snax boys are into every gatt damnn post about other gear besides the snaxfx. Then they are real fast to chime and say "Mine can do that and I don't have to buy 5 cabinets, I can emulate them.... or "My snax can do what your modeler does and does it better"............... hardy hardy hooooooo." Then if someone says something negative about the axe or that axe users comments, seems like all their snax clan come in start the slam fest ! If they get slammed BHz commences on really ridiculous levels!

Really, I've seen as many douchebag comments from tube guys and as many axe users. Chill already. Choices are cool ! Be GLAD you have them!

I really like having choices. My Snax works great where I want it and my amps work great for those needs. Preference can be met with gear options. Wow.. when was that ever something to complain about !


Bit of the pot calling the kettle black I think; you seem to pop up in every single Axe-FX thread (usually either to knock it or to damn it with faint praise), writing long-winded rants... :lol:

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