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Would you date a girl who didn't go to high school?


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But also like I said in my OP, such subjects, at least for the time being, I am (to a large extent) unable to discuss in depth with my present level of Japanese.



This is the biggest red flag here. I don't see how you can really determine whether she's good for you or not without being fully able to discuss who you are.

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Stick with your plan... date her for a while see how it goes.

I've met a few very intelligent people who didn't go too far in high school for one reason or another. One of the smartest dudes I ever met only had his grade 10 (but read books like a mother{censored}er and would go and sit in on university classes) but I digress.

The structure of school is not for everyone, and personal bull{censored} can interfere with that too (ie have to drop out to work and support family). Granted, its not a good sign if someone didn't go to high school, but it doesn't necessarily mean they're a total dumbass.

Also, waiting for pic :poke:

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Overlooked detail:

She didn't go to high school. Is it because she's not old enough?

She's 19. I'm 25. It's a little younger than I'd like, but eh.

I'm not taking this as seriously as some might think I am... it's just an interesting situation. I'm almost certainly going to date her, at least give it a shot right? But it's interesting for me because all of the other girls I've dated have been in college or graduated from college. The other girl I was interested in and kinda/sorta got involved with over here in Japan is a high school student (17 years old... I know :facepalm:) but she's really {censored}ing smart and we were discussing {censored} like the difference between Japanese and American culture... actually got pretty detailed. I just had to look up a lot of words.

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She's 19. I'm 25. It's a little younger than I'd like, but eh.

I'm not taking this as seriously as some might think I am... it's just an interesting situation. I'm almost certainly going to date her, at least give it a shot right? But it's interesting for me because all of the other girls I've dated have been in college or graduated from college. The other girl I was interested in and kinda/sorta got involved with over here in Japan is a high school student (17 years old... I know
) but she's really {censored}ing smart and we were discussing {censored} like the difference between Japanese and American culture... actually got pretty detailed. I just had to look up a lot of words.

Dude, I'm in a similar situation. The girl I am dating is younger than me. She's 7 years younger than me. I'm 30 and she's 23. It's awesome. I don't even think about the age thing though, at all. I'm having so much fun being with her.

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Date over short term and bang? Yes.

Date over long term and probably marry? Doubtful. Intellect and being successful in a professional career is pretty high up there for me. Not that education or a good job is everything, but for the vast majority it does say a lot.

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if she was making good money in a stable job, I wouldnt give a {censored}. My biggest fear about dating someone without a formal education, is how dependent on me they would be (financially) if we were to continue a long term relationship. but if they have their {censored} together, and everything else clicks, then game on.

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I can't stick my penis in your college degree.


BTW, I've dated girls with Bach degrees in science and they were still pure, unadulterated white trash.


That stupid piece of paper doesn't mean {censored}. Especially in this market Show me your genitals. Women are equal and they deserve respect, just kidding, they should suck my dick.

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The smartest person I know is a multimillionaire high school dropout. He develops software and was my former roommate in the mid-90's. He'd spend hours writing code in his closet, which is where he setup his office in our 2br apartment. He and some friends started a security firm a few years ago, and now they own one of the largest SMB security services businesses in the country. His lack of formal education doesn't mean much, other than he didn't like school.


You'll have to decide for yourself if she's worth dating though. I'm an above average intelligence guy, and I couldn't stand dating anyone I couldn't have a conversation with.

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The smartest person I know is a multimillionaire high school dropout. He develops software and was my former roommate in the mid-90's. He'd spend hours writing code in his closet, which is where he setup his office in our 2br apartment. He and some friends started a security firm a few years ago, and now they own one of the largest SMB security services businesses in the country. His lack of formal education doesn't mean much, other than he didn't like school.

You'll have to decide for yourself if she's worth dating though. I'm an above average intelligence guy, and I couldn't stand dating anyone I couldn't have a conversation with.

So, how many single, good looking, available girls like this do you think are out there? :facepalm::lol: These success stories are great and all, but do not apply to the other 99.9999999% of the population.

Basically the reason I say as far as marriage goes yes I need that is because most girls in their early/mid 20's who don't have a degree either work as a secretary/office assistant, in food service or in retail and do nothing but absolutely bitch and moan about how little they make and their managers or bosses are assholes and everyone makes more than them, etc.. At least in my experience. If you know of someone who does tax or legal or medical field work from being a college or HS dropout yet has career advancement in the firm and banks and isn't whiny, send her mah way!! :love::love:

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So, how many single, good looking, available girls like this do you think are out there?
These success stories are great and all, but do not apply to the other 99.9999999% of the population.

My point was to illustrate that education does not equal intelligence or even knowledge. It can be a good indicator, but a conversation is a better one. I can tell if someone is a dumbass after they talk for a minute.

Basically the reason I say as far as marriage goes yes I need that is because most girls in their early/mid 20's who don't have a degree either work as a secretary/office assistant, in food service or in retail and do
but absolutely bitch and moan about how little they make and their managers or bosses are assholes and everyone makes more than them, etc.. At least in my experience. If you know of someone who does tax or legal or medical field work from being a college or HS dropout yet has career advancement in the firm and banks and isn't whiny, send her mah way!!

Japan != Texas or the rest of the USA. There are huge cultural difference between Japanese and American women. Again, people are reading a lot into this situation based on their experience in America when most of it does not apply to tp20's situation. :poke:

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My point was to illustrate that education does not equal intelligence or even knowledge. It can be a good indicator, but a conversation is a better one. I can tell if someone is a dumbass after they talk for a minute.

Japan != Texas or the rest of the USA. There are huge cultural difference between Japanese and American women. Again, people are reading a lot into this situation based on their experience in America when most of it does not apply to tp20's situation. :poke:

Well of course it's not that black and white. But is it a good indicator? The vast majority of the time, yes. We've all heard the Bill Gates and Michael Dell stories, but those guys dropped out b/c they had their {censored} together and were already at non-{censored}ty colleges in the first place. Again, it's nice to read about, just is not applicable to everyone else.

Actually I don't even know the situation- I'm just barging in here late to the game. :o Reading teh OP is for dorks... :cop::D

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I did once. She was smart and fun and completely and totally screwed up. So...yeah, that went real well.

I know education doesn't equal good person, but dropping out can indicate other issues.

However, doesn't sound like she dropped out. She completed what was required and that was good.

Have a good time with the things you like in common.

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