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SO - Digitech is making a move on Line 6 Pod HD's crown?


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What say ye, oh mighty pissypant brethren of the guttersnipe interweb world?


My understanding is that device is not doing anything different modeling/algorithm wise than the existing RP series. It's just some marketing idiots attempt to vibe on the Apple mojo/interface, so tonally the POD's are going to sound better and not put your $500 iPad at risk on a dirty bar stage.

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I think the idea is cool. The iPad interface will add a new dimension to controling the FX unit. With the popularity of the iPad, I was wondering when they would integrate it into controling FX processors and other guitar gizmos. I bet Line6 isn't far behind. Zoom and Boss may also be toying with the idea.


But MF shows the digitech at 499$ and you have to add the iPad... Will bring the total package over 1000$ and depending on how sounds the unit, players may look into higher equipment such as the AxeFX. My thoughts.

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Digitech are on the downward slope as far as effects are concerned. The only things they've managed to get right in the past few years are a select few of their Hardwire pedals, and the newer JamMan loopers. Between this, their overpriced excuse for a head/cabinet, and the Whammy DT, they're pretty much shooting themselves in their digital feet.



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Digitech are on the downward slope as far as effects are concerned. The only things they've managed to get right in the past few years are a select few of their Hardwire pedals, and the newer JamMan loopers. Between this, their overpriced excuse for a head/cabinet, and the Whammy DT, they're pretty much shooting themselves in their digital feet.




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Digitech are on the downward slope as far as effects are concerned. The only things they've managed to get right in the past few years are a select few of their Hardwire pedals, and the newer JamMan loopers. Between this, their overpriced excuse for a head/cabinet, and the Whammy DT, they're pretty much shooting themselves in their digital feet.



I've been of the belief that Digitech has always sucked. Been believin' that for 23+ years now I've not seen a product yet that changed that belief with the exception of the Bad Monkey.

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I've been of the belief that Digitech has always sucked. Been believin' that for 23+ years now I've not seen a product yet that changed that belief with the exception of the Bad Monkey.



They've had some neat things come out. The JamMan pedals were enough to make Boss step up their game. I really dug the DL-8 Delay/Looper when I had one, some really nice sounds out of it. I'm also a big fan of the Whammy, but to each his own. I'll agree though, their regular X-series pedals are pretty {censored}ty. And akin to the OP, their multi-effects pedals are just gruesomely bad. Both appearance-wise and tonally.

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Lots of dirt, sweat, beer, mud, fluff etc etc. find s it's way onto my pedalboard. If I had an iPad, I probably wouldn't mix it with those things.



does seem like a kind of odd combo. maybe for the bedroom/sunday morning player that already has an iPad this would be something to think about.... briefly.

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I like the added effect that the iPad has virtual pedals in the actual display. They needed more temptation to actually step on the iPad apparently. Somehow I'm thinking there aren't a lot of music stores willing to set this thing out on the floor display.

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I have NO idea what kinda crack they we're smoking when coming up with this, and I like Digitech.


Why can't they make a bigger, badder GSP1101? The existing one with the Beta firmware is an amazing unit, that tops Line 6 or anything else in that price range. Only thing better, really is the Axe FX, and the 11 Rack.


They should iron out and tweak the current Beta firmware into something official, and than build an even more badass unit from there.

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i just dont see what problem is that this version fixes. the problem is not that the digitech rp series is so hard to use that you need an ipad to make the interface easier/better. RP units are very easy to use, i never read the manual and am a complete idiot with most music gear and i figured the entire RP1000 out in a few minutes. plus the original RP comes with a usb cord to hook up to your computer which makes it even easier. so instead of making the exsisting product sound better which as an ex rp1000 user was the real problem, they instead give us this product which sonically sounds exactly the same but just hooks up to an ipad.


its a total fail since it still sounds the same, maybe if they made improvements to the sound quality, maybe but still i think the idea in general doesnt make a lot sense for most people.

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All I have to say about the HD thing is that since the GSP1101 we redid all of our amp & effect models using our then newest technology, High Definition Point to Point models (some two years ahead of Line 6 HD stuff).


If you read the other thread you can use an extention cable if you want to have the iPad off the floor. I have a GSP and and RP1000 both of which I've used a ton. I have an iPB-10 and I'm really digging the ease of use. Again why doesn't everyone wait to try it out before you flame it.


The great thing about our company is we make enough different things that most players will find something within our line.

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All I have to say about the HD thing is that since the GSP1101 we redid all of our amp & effect models using our then newest technology, High Definition Point to Point models (some two years ahead of Line 6 HD stuff).

If you read the other thread you can use an extention cable if you want to have the iPad off the floor. I have a GSP and and RP1000 both of which I've used a ton. I have an iPB-10 and I'm really digging the ease of use. Again why doesn't everyone wait to try it out before you flame it.

The great thing about our company is we make enough different things that most players will find something within our line.


Do you need an ipad to use it ?

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"Yeah, we'll sell you this car here for $20,000, but you're gonna need to buy the engine to throw in it if you actually want to drive it."


Ohhhh Digitech. Since you work for the company Doug, any word on a non-DT version of the Whammy on the horizon? Something smaller/true-bypass/retaining the signature glitchiness?

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