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Best home defense weapon besides a gun?

Tommy Horrible

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This. I also wonder why people bother as I would guess the vast majority of those with "home defense guns" would never have the balls to actually fire them at an intruder. I wouldn't, killing someone for being in your home is serious business


Castle Doctrine son. It was put in place to remove fear of protecting yourself. By the time you wait to see if they are bringing lethal force you might have found out the hard way. You can break through my door unarmed and I can legally blow your head off without having to worry about it. Other places that don't have it you can stil ldefend yourself. You just have to prove you were defending yourself and not just murdering someone. Better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6? :o



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A home invasion takes place when you are home.



Damn, maybe the american criminals really are more stupid than I gave them credit for. Still, the poster lumps both home invasions and burglaries together. I'd love to see some data on the ratio between the two.

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Damn, maybe the american criminals really are more stupid than I gave them credit for. Still, the poster lumps both home invasions and burglaries together. I'd love to see some data on the ratio between the two.



It seems to be working out pretty well for them. They prey on the stupidity of the owner a lot of the time. Common sense could stop a lot of them. There was recently one where some guys in masks knocked on someone's door here. The daughter at the house opened the door. She screamed and the mother came down to see what was up. They shot and killed her.



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But the risk of getting a face full of lead is still so very high. Taking the time to wait for the owner to leave shouldn't cost them much, while lowering the risk and still yielding the same potential profit.
And he reaction of the litter little girl sound perfectly understandable, if unfortunate in this acase.

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But the risk of getting a face full of lead is still so very high. Taking the time to wait for the owner to leave shouldn't cost them much, while lowering the risk and still yielding the same potential profit.

And he reaction of the litter little girl sound perfectly understandable, if unfortunate in this acase.



True but it also eliminates the risk of worrying about an automatic alarm and actually having to break in.

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I don't really mean fear of the legal stuff, more the killing of someone. Being British I guess it's something I won't ever understand


I don't want to kill anyone either, but I can't understand why if faced with a grave threat towards yourself or your loved ones you would have a problem eliminating said threat if it was in your power. Fear of losing myself or family > fear of offing a piece of {censored}.

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This. I also wonder why people bother as I would guess the vast majority of those with "home defense guns" would never have the balls to actually fire them at an intruder. I wouldn't, killing someone for being in your home is serious business


You might be surprised what you're capable of when your life is threatened and your deep survival instincts kick in.

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You can have a dog but only if it is a useless Maltese???? I am petting my 65lb Belgian Sheepdog while my kid is tossing him a tennis ball. He's beautiful, funny, and NOBODY comes in his house without his OK! And, if your wife MUST have a lap dog, he LOVES sitting in your lap!

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It's a shame that one would have to even think of defending one's home, in america, or anyplace else.

I use one of these. They are family-friendly and take no {censored} from anyone. My neighors have all been very nice to me, after seeing me and my ""pet" out for a morning walk.


Welcome to America, it's why we have guns.

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Does the velcro on your balls chafe your legs when she lets you have them?

Seriously though, I don't live in a bad neighborhood, but when my Wh. German Shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix goes off in the middle of the night, I go to him, give him a big hug and a kiss, scratch his chest and neck, and tell him what a good boy he is.

I know if I was casing a house I sure as {censored} would not want to see what was making that noise on the other side of the door. A Maltese does not give you that. Basically the Maltese is letting you know you better call the cops and hope they get here in time, and if not your {censored}ed. The big dog is saying, come on dad, get up, we may have to {censored} someone up big-time.


Ah, you understand dogs psychology too. Your pretty much dead on. I would love to have a German Shepard.

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Enough pain to stop an attacker? People can keep firing on others while shot with actual bullets and you intend to stop someone with paintballs? I tell ya what. You and me should have an old school gunfight at 20 paces. You with a paintball gun, me with a gun. You should be able to stop me by bringing the pain right?
Goddamn. Some of you are just retarded.


Remember I'm in Canada... people pretty much don't have guns around where I live. If someone came onto my property with let's say a baseball bat, my little paintball gun firing rubber bullets at 400fps would leave welts all over the guys body. This exact model gun is used as a less lethal weapon for crowd control when used with pepper balls or rubber rounds.




Seriously, what's the deal with the e-thugging? I mean challenging me over the internet to a gunfight with me using a paintball gun? We get it. You live in Texas, everybody has guns.


Also, this was a thread about weapons that aren't actual guns. And you come in here saying "oh you should try that {censored} against my gun. I'd win lol." Chill the {censored} out before calling people retarded. That was completely uncalled for...

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This. I also wonder why people bother as I would guess the vast majority of those with "home defense guns" would never have the balls to actually fire them at an intruder.
I wouldn't, killing someone for being in your home is serious business

worst attempt at photoshop ever

Someone comes in my house, they better kill me because otherwise I'm killing them, they will hurt my family over my dead body. And unfortunately home invasion rapes happen around here.

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more a deterrent. "Rob my neighbor, first"



True, I love my Maltese though. He's like a little person. He's like Brian from Family Guy. He might actually scare some black people though, not to be racist. But if I was getting robbed by some white ICP psycho poor little Eerie Von would get his neck snapped.

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If it was me, I'd go with target hardening and a dog before any sort of weaponry. If they can't get in easily they're less likely to try. Guns aren't really a huge issue here (Canada), and in the 23 years in my neighbourhood the worst that's happened to me is an old gf's car got broken into outside my house overnight because she left her iPod on the seat and her deck in the dash.

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the thing that busts me up about a lotta americans and wanting handguns is that houses are built so cheaply anymore, that if you fired one in your house, you'd probably kill your neighbor if you missed.. drywall, paperboard, tyvek, and vinyl siding don't pose much threat to a bullet... nor to a sawzall if somebody REALLY wanted to get in your house.. :D

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German Shepherds are great dogs but we are more partial to Belgian Shepherds. They look like a cross between Collies and German Shepherds and are all or mostly black. People who don't know the breed think he's a wolf, which adds to the "Not this House!" impression. All of our Belgians over the years have been rescues. So are all the idiot furball ratcatchers, like the latest lovable moron who thinks he's a dog :facepalm:

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