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NAD!!!! Peavey VTM with some sadness and questions....


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However...it was described as in fairly good condition, playable, just missing the backplate and being 20+ years old and whatnot.


WELL.....that's partially true. It overall seems to be in good condition. But I'm scared to plug it in cause the freaking power cable has been melted in three spots!!


This is the first bad thing I've had happen to me on evilBay and the seller has 300 feeback 100% positive. I plan on contacting him about this as I don't want to plug the thing in, but how much should I ask for? I am not gonna try to fix this myself and a bench fee is probably $40-80. What do you think HCAF, how much should I ask for to make this right?


Pics of sadness followed by happier pics:


My camera blows, but you can actually see the insulation inside. Melted as hell.



Two more spots, not as bad as the first, but completely through the outer coating.



Happy pics!



Currently has 2 chinese 6L6GC and 2 Sovtek 5881 WXT in it. No clue on preamp tubes yet.



My ugly Peavey family. Bravo, VTM, and Triumph!


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It looks like he got careless with a soldering iron. If you cant see copper, I wouldn't worry about it, thats what circuit breakers are for. As to what to ask back? maybe 12 bucks for a cord, but good luck.


Ok, how about if it doesn't power up? :(

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{censored} dude
Have you informed the seller about this?


No, that's my next step.


I was just asking here to try and gauge a response.


I'm not a super technical type guy, so I'm not going to tackle stuff myself, but I do want to make sure I've covered my bases. I understand I was buying a used amp, but it was supposed to be a working used amp...not a non-working used amp.

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check the fuse. Maybe a power tube went bad. The back panel is just like the pre amp tube cover flimsy ass mesh.


Hmmm, I pulled the lil cap off the 5 amp fuse thing in the back...I don't see a fuse. WTF am I looking for? I'm such a noob. :facepalm:

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Glass with metal ends.

Cord looks fine to me. If the breaker doesn't trip when you plug it in, don't stress over it.

The missing fuse is a red flag, IMO...unless it's stuck in the amp and your n00bness prevents you from seeing it


Could be, but I can put a screwdriver all the way back to some little plate in the back. Nothing was in the fuse cap when I pulled it out. The back of the fuse holder is maybe an inch or so back.




Yeah, I'm concerned as to why it doesn't haz a fuse. :(

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Damn, I can't believe I pledge my soul to Satan just so you could get a messed up amp faster.





I owe it all to you!!! The guitar would've been here today except wifey was still sleeping when they came. Who would've thought they'd show up at 8:30 am?


I have to pick it up probably Friday since I get off work early then. Or....*goes to check when post office opens.*


Thanks for the use of your soul!

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I'd be wondering why there is no fuse. The fact that the cord is melted is a bit odd as well. It looks like it's melted from the outside though. I would start asking the seller questions. Hopefully they are willing to give you a bit of insight on the history of this amp... at least, where the fuse and cord are concerned. If they don't know or or act like they are avoiding the issue, that would throw up a red flag for me. A fuse is dirt cheap, and replacing that cord is not a big deal, so hopefully that's all it is.

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Yeah, I'm going to contact the seller and ask a few questions before I get too bent out of shape. I'll pick up a 5 amp fuse tomorrow and go from there.


I keep seeing things like "fast blow" or "slow blow" does it matter? I work at a car dealership and we have a TON of old fuses sitting about. Would any 5amp fuse suffice?

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Yeah, I'm going to contact the seller and ask a few questions before I get too bent out of shape. I'll pick up a 5 amp fuse tomorrow and go from there.

I keep seeing things like "fast blow" or "slow blow" does it matter? I work at a car dealership and we have a TON of old fuses sitting about. Would any 5amp fuse suffice?



I believe that fast-blow and slow blow fuses have different values and are wired at different points in the circuit to protect different components. That 5amp one is the mains fuse and as long as you get one that fits, you're good to go. I hope you can find a fuse backing cover in the dealership too.

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I believe that fast-blow and slow blow fuses have different values and are wired at different points in the circuit to protect different components. That 5amp one is the mains fuse and as long as you get one that fits, you're good to go. I hope you can find a fuse backing cover in the dealership too.


Oh, I have the cover. I took it off to take the pic. That's why its so weird its not there. It didn't just fall out. :idk:

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He must have wanted to make another $0.05 on the deal.




Or it was his only fuse and he had other amps to keep running? :idk::lol:


Sent him a message on ebay giving him a heads up to the situation. I'm not super worried about it. I was a sad panda when nothing happened when I tried to fire it up.

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