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Critique this mix, Real Drums content, no trigger this time

Tommy Horrible

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Very dark.


Kick is too pointy and seems to have no real low end.

snare needs some top.

The tone of the guitars seems to be fine.


Just everything needs brightening.

I'd maybe raise the OH's a bit too. maybe add in some of the room mics.

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I like the guitar sound, but the snare sounds really dark/dull, and the kick drum click thing is just not good. Not only is it annoyingly trebly, but there's no real low end to back it up, either.


pretty much this.


The entire drum sound is just dull and lifeless. Except the rack tom, I liked the rack tom :lol:


The kick makes me particularly sad.

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pretty much this.

The entire drum sound is just dull and lifeless. Except the rack tom, I liked the rack tom

The kick makes me particularly sad.


That's funny, that rack tom is completely untouched, I thought it sounded bad ass so I didn't touch it, everything else it Eq'ed, compressed, limited, and reverbed. LOL

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To me, this sounds much better. The drums are way better. The overall mix sounds a bit "closed" though - not much on top. It just doesn't open up for me. This may be due to your monitors being too bright so you're mixing to your monitors and perhaps it sounds good in that context. Try playing this mix in different environments and comparing it to similar material. Play it in your car, with headphones, over your stereo system.

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What did you replace on the drums besides the kick? Sounds like there is a sample playing with the real snare. Toms I can't directly remember the first mix but they sound good. I agree the replaced kick is better, but I think you could have made the rest of the drums work fine without replacement or reinforcing. I always like the sound and feel of live snare and Toms. I think I actually prefer a triggered kick.. Even myself being a drummer I'm really into capturing a live sound, but I just can't get my kick to work no matter what I do. It sounds fine live and has a big bottom end, but when its recorded and in a mix it just doesn't work for me.


But anyway I like the mix. Guitars are nice and raw and sit nicely.. For the bands you usually record I think you do a great job capturing the band as I imagine they sound live. For this style, I think that's a great element to capture.

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I think the mix as a whole needs more presence. Because its so dark , it it doesnt sound up front and in your face. As far as the kick sound goes , the click doesnt bother me. I think it fits that style of music just fine. The individual elements of the mix are fine , but I think the whole thing needs brightened up

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I think the mix as a whole needs more presence. Because its so dark , it it doesnt sound up front and in your face. As far as the kick sound goes , the click doesnt bother me. I think it fits that style of music just fine. The individual elements of the mix are fine , but I think the whole thing needs brightened up



This is just a raw mix, I leave the brightening until the end with a multi band compressor, i will post that up when I do it.

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