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NP(s)D: I haz a problem


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So, apparently, I can no longer trust myself to get a buzz, be online, and not bid on cheap pedals on ebay. :facepalm:


Anyhow, the ones I have in my possession are the Joyo Ultimate Drive and an old DOD FX50-b Overdrive Plus.


For both initial impressions only:


Joyo Ultimate Drive: Guitar- Godin SD, humbucker and singlecoil ->JUD->Peavey Bravo


Wasn't sure what I was expecting. I believe this is pretty much a clone of some version of the OCD..so..I think I was expecting something different. In my limited fooling with it (and limited ability) I liked it as a stand alone drive pedal rather than a boost. As a boost, I struggled finding a balance with it. It added too much gain or not enough. Too much lows or highs depending on where the high/low switch was. :idk:


I only fiddled with it for 15 minutes or so, but in that time I liked it alright as a stand alone OD, but not much boosting the Bravo. That's a very limited run through with only one amp though. I'll give it a shot with my other amps sometime soon.


I think it would help if I could actually play lead too. I know lots of you guys use an OD for a lead boost and well, I can't really play leads..like at all, so I can't really do a pedal justice on if its a good boost for that sort of thing.


DOD FX50B Super Overdrive:


Classic Vibe Tele->FX50B-> Peavey Bravo


Ok, now this is a damn cool pedal IMO. As a straight up OD it has a definite "fuzz" quality to it. (Which, since it shares much of a circuit with the Supra Distortion which can be made into a sweet fuzz isn't all that surprising I guess.) Just using the pedal for drive it has a nice fuzzy OD tone which I like (though I think many wouldn't.) It responded well to volume changes on the guitar.


As a boost...holy crap! This thing threw the Bravo straight into 80s metal territory without sounding like poop! It was pretty cool. Again, I can't speak to its "lead boost" ability, but first I had the Bravo on the "Ultra" channel pre gain ~4.5 post ~4.5 and holy hell melt your face 80s style. Taking the Bravo to just the regular crunch channel it still gave it a nice hearty growl. Probably not everyone's cup of tea, but I think in a band it would make for a nice hard rock sound.


The Tone knob made a difference and the Drive...well, I didn't have it cranked to the "Boost" territory (all the way up) and it still threw tons of roaring crunch into the equation.



There is a wordy n00b look at a couple of pedals. After checking my email the other day apparently I won an envelop filter and fuzz pedal. :facepalm: Maybe I will do a review on them as I take a moratorium from perusing eBay.

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I did that a little over a week ago, but wasn't even drinking. I bought 3 Joyo pedals, liked the Vintage OD the best. The Califirnia (Mesa) clone is pretty powerful.


I enjoyed your reviews. You even did some vids, which...well, are much better than my rambling. :thu:


I have a love/hate attraction with the Joyo pedals. I :love: they are cheap and tend to sound pretty good. I hate they are essentially clones of more expensive pedals MIC. *le sigh*


Have you given the Ultimate Drive a shot? It...I dunno what I was expecting, but as my review says, I need to spend more time with it to figure it out.

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I went into Guitar Center the other day to buy a 1spot daisy chain and came out with an EHX Stereo Pulsar, a BBE Green Screamer, a BBE AM64 and four right angle plugs also in tow.


And that's after putting a used Boss CS2 back on the shelf.


Pedals are an addicting game.

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I went into Guitar Center the other day to buy a 1spot daisy chain and came out with an EHX Stereo Pulsar, a BBE Green Screamer, a BBE AM64 and four right angle plugs also in tow.

And that's after putting a used Boss CS2 back on the shelf.

Pedals are an addicting game.


They are. I have so many...and....I don't really know how to use/have a use for most of them. :facepalm:


I can hook myself up with a ton of flavors of OD, distortion, and fuzz if I want though. :lol:

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At least you bought cheap pedals.

Absinthe + Stomp Under Foot = bad bad news


:lol: Oh god, I could blow a paycheck on SUF or EQD or Wilson.


This all wouldn't be so bad if we didn't just spend ~$2500 getting stuff done to the house. I'm not spending money I don't have, but its still packages showing up and wifey just sorta rolls her eyes.


Oh, I'm loving the Monarch btw! I haven't played with it enough yet, but that is a really cool pedal with the limited usage I've gotten from it so far.

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Sorry Gene. I want to blame you for my pedal sickness, but..
.you just pointed it in a quality direction


exactly!! :thu:


I'm glad you like the Monarch.


The '72 SUF Triangle is :love::eek:


This is my first SUF from the classic, limited line. There are only 4 other '72 triangles with these special old transistors.

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I'm glad you like the Monarch.

The '72 SUF Triangle is

This is my first SUF from the classic, limited line. There are only 4 other '72 triangles with these special old transistors.


Yeah, the Monarch...I can see that doing a lot for me as I progress in my playing ability.


I can only imagine what that SUF Triangle is like. NOS transistors + SUF build quality.... :eek:


My pedals are getting to a point where I'm actually looking at something like this to enable myself to get even more pedals and set them up in some sort of bizarre setup for no good reason at all. :lol::facepalm:

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don't buy into the true bypass looper hype.

a nice $39 buffer from This1smyne first in the chain, and you're golden as long as you're not using anything from electro-harmonix.



Well...I surprisingly only have one EHX pedal. I do have lots of DOD pedals which are noisy in their own right. Its not so much for the buffer aspect (I don't think) as to make a bunch of mini loops of pedals.


For example: Instead of OD->OD->Distortion->Fuzz-> etc. taking them out of the linear chain and turning them on in their own right without sending the signal through all of the others.


Or doesn't that matter all that much? I just sort of think it makes sense. (Why I would ever need a rig of 4 individual loops of pedals I dunno....)

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I enjoyed your reviews. You even did some vids, which...well, are much better than my rambling.

I have a love/hate attraction with the Joyo pedals. I
they are cheap and tend to sound pretty good. I hate they are essentially clones of more expensive pedals MIC. *le sigh*

Have you given the Ultimate Drive a shot? It...I dunno what I was expecting, but as my review says, I need to spend more time with it to figure it out.

I bought a Ultimate OD on that order as well. It's beefier than the Vintage. In all honesty, I haven't given them a full hour of playtime yet. I've been working 60-70 hours a week lately, and haven't had a lot of desire to pick up a guitar.


Thanks for the kind words btw!

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I bought a Ultimate OD on that order as well. It's beefier than the Vintage. In all honesty, I haven't given them a full hour of playtime yet. I've been working 60-70 hours a week lately, and haven't had a lot of desire to pick up a guitar.


Understand dude. :thu:


I've been finding out that while I love hearing other people play higher gain stuff, I don't have the skills to make them sound good. Not that playing lower gain stuff like a hack makes you less of a hack, just a mildly less annoying one. Or so I'd like to believe.

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In for more on that OCD clone. I bought a Made By Mike OCD clone about a year ago...I'm still struggling with it :(


Picked up an old Dod FX80B (Compressor/Sustainer) the other day. It was cheap tho, and digging around on the web, it seems to be a well thought of pedal. I lost my CS3 at a show about 2-3 years ago and have been meaning to get another comp....

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Ovid, you are the man!

Hey, if anyone of you that are buying multiple pedals want to sell you Ultimate Drive, let me know! Pretty sure I want one.



Man, I had the best ebay experience ever with the Joyo purchases I made. I bought 3 pedals, for $120 on a Friday night from California, had them at my door the next Monday (3 days later) in Virginia. Priority Shipping is included in the $40 pedal purchase!

These people are top notch!!!



You may like the Vintage OD as well, its really nice!

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Man, I had the best ebay experience ever with the Joyo purchases I made. I bought 3 pedals, for $120 on a Friday night from California, had them at my door the next Monday (3 days later) in Virginia. Priority Shipping is included in the $40 pedal purchase!

These people are top notch!!!

You may like the Vintage OD as well, its really nice!



Cool. Not into TS style OD so probably DNW Vintage OD.

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