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NP(s)D: I haz a problem


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Guitarslinger, that SUF sounds awesome! You can always induce GAS! :love:


So, I've played around with the Ultimate Drive a bit more. The thing has a ton of gain in it. Like, a whole lot of gain. Turning that down to more manageable levels really helped me find some sweet spots with the pedal.


I figured out some nice settings to use it as a boost as well as a stand alone dirt box.


I'm trading it off to Yarbicus as I have a bunch of dirt pedals already and these are cheap enough if I feel the need for one again I can pick it up, but overall I'm pretty impressed with the pedal for the price. If anyone is needing a modern sounding dirt pedal on the cheap, I'd suggest they at least give this a try.

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Alrighty! The Evilbay purchases keep rolling in. (Not my Voodooman pedals purchase however. :mad::facepalm: A story for another thread. ) And since I've been drinking Jameson all night, I think its time to review these as well. Sure, why not right? :D


I am now the proud owner of a DOD GFX25 Envelop Filter and a FX64 Icebox Chorus. Why? Because I have issues. We've been over this, so STFU.


First, we'll start with the Icebox Chorus. This...well, its a chorus. I'm still trying to figure out what the purpose of these things is. I'm pretty sure they were heavily used in the 80s and on Nirvana albums. Outside of that, I'm not exactly sure what the purpose of them is. Can anyone educate me? I mean, really, this thing can do the 80s distorted chorus thing BIG TIME. In fact, in 15 minutes of messing with it, that's about all I could get from it. The controls seem...well, I'm not sure. It went from doing next to nothing to full on 80s power rock in a twist of a knob. I think I might be able to cop some Nirvana tones out of it as well. I'm not saying its an EHX Clone or anything, but....it seems able to do some things, I just need to learn what. Really though, WTF do people use chorus for besides Nirvana and 80s rock? :confused:


Next, the Envelop Filter. I always thought these were only for funk bands. Then I heard The Black Key's "Next Girl." And after I heard it, I asked what the effect was on top of the fuzz and guitarbilly said it was an envelop filter so I ended up with one. :facepalm: What did I learn about this effect? Well, I learned an envelop filter pretty much does nothing to a clean tone. I mean, nothing. I thought it wasn't working. No, it was on, but apparently EFing a clean tone (Bravo on 4 or so) doesn't really do much. However, when I kicked on my DOD FX50B then I could really tell the effect. I got the "wacka wacka" funk effect going full force. It was awesome. I have yet to hook it up with a fuzz to try and cop a bad imitation of TBK's "Next Girl" but when I do, I might try and make a video of it so you can all laugh at how bad I am at playing guitar.


Oh, about the actual pedal, its pretty cool. I mean, I don't know much about envelop filters, but it does its job well. I think its gonna be tough to tame it down enough to do what I want, but I think it can do it.


All in all for ~$55 worth of pedals, I'm not complaining. The DOD stuff is underrated because 1) its DOD and 2) its cheap. Do I think this is the best stuff on the market? Hell no. But, if you need an inexpensive chorus, especially powerful enough to do 80s stuff, I'd suggest the Icebox. And if you needed a cheap envelop filter, the DOD isn't bad either. I was surprised by how quiet both pedals were as well. Even powered by my $40 dunlop power block knockoff they didn't have a bunch of hiss to them. I was impressed by that.


Did any of this make sense? :lol:

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Coal Chamber.


I hate that band. I mean, even in the depths of the 90s nu-metal onslaught (which fortunately I never got into all that much) I never liked coal chamber. I suppose I could slap some ridiculously heavy strings on my Agile and tune to A or something but...I still don't know how the chorus fits in. :lol: (Please don't make me youtube their "songs" I don't know that I could take that. )


Is chorus used on occasion to "fatten" up leads or something? I'm starting to think I'm more a "flange" sorta guy. I've found all sorts of uses for my DOD flanger. (And by all sorts I mean running it behind lots of gain giving it a cool "flange" effect. I like flanged hi-gain, so sue me. :o ) But...the chorus...I can think of some uses for it, but...overall, I'm just thinking I'm not a "chorus" kinda dude. :lol:



*Ok, "Hate" is a strong term. I've probably only heard three of their songs all the way through. I didn't like them when I liked a some nu-metal, I pretty much hate them not that nu-metal is all buy anathema to me. :lol:


Honestly, the moral of my {censored}ty reviews is this:


DOD stuff doesn't automatically suck. Sure, you can pick it up cheap, especially the MIC stuff before it became digitech, but by & large its decent stuff. For $30-40 you can get serviceable pedals that are solidly built. Can you get better for more money? Of course, but for the money, they often are pretty good pedals.

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Chorus a must for grunge, dream pop, mope-rock, David Gilmour, etc.

I LOVE chorus. I always have, and always will. I have a MIJ Boss CE-2 on the way. I love my EQD Sea Machine too!


Will listen too when I won't wake wifey. She has fallen asleep in the recliner using my headphones. :mad:


I want to learn more about chorus, I just know jack crap about its applications. I have lusted over that Sea Machine even though I couldn't discern any use for it besides making cool sounds. :lol:


I'm stricken with the pedals = cool sounds disease aren't i? :lol::facepalm:

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So, is there anybody else anywhere near us, or is it just us?



I dunno. Its sort of a dead zone around here. I don't even know how close we are. Like 90 minutes or something? chad_sux & darkmetal are over in the quad cities, a bunch of chicago guys and a rockford dude.

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Alrighty! The Evilbay purchases keep rolling in. (Not my Voodooman pedals purchase however.
A story for another thread. ) And since I've been drinking Jameson all night, I think its time to review these as well. Sure, why not right?

I am now the proud owner of a DOD GFX25 Envelop Filter and a FX64 Icebox Chorus. Why? Because I have issues. We've been over this, so STFU.

First, we'll start with the Icebox Chorus. This...well, its a chorus. I'm still trying to figure out what the purpose of these things is. I'm pretty sure they were heavily used in the 80s and on Nirvana albums. Outside of that, I'm not exactly sure what the purpose of them is. Can anyone educate me? I mean, really, this thing can do the 80s distorted chorus thing BIG TIME. In fact, in 15 minutes of messing with it, that's about all I could get from it. The controls seem...well, I'm not sure. It went from doing next to nothing to full on 80s power rock in a twist of a knob. I think I might be able to cop some Nirvana tones out of it as well. I'm not saying its an EHX Clone or anything, but....it seems able to do some things, I just need to learn what. Really though, WTF do people use chorus for besides Nirvana and 80s rock?

Next, the Envelop Filter. I always thought these were only for funk bands. Then I heard The Black Key's "Next Girl." And after I heard it, I asked what the effect was on top of the fuzz and guitarbilly said it was an envelop filter so I ended up with one.
What did I learn about this effect? Well, I learned an envelop filter pretty much does nothing to a clean tone. I mean, nothing. I thought it wasn't working. No, it was on, but apparently EFing a clean tone (Bravo on 4 or so) doesn't really do much. However, when I kicked on my DOD FX50B then I could really tell the effect. I got the "wacka wacka" funk effect going full force. It was awesome. I have yet to hook it up with a fuzz to try and cop a bad imitation of TBK's "Next Girl" but when I do, I might try and make a video of it so you can all laugh at how bad I am at playing guitar.

Oh, about the actual pedal, its pretty cool. I mean, I don't know much about envelop filters, but it does its job well. I think its gonna be tough to tame it down enough to do what I want, but I think it can do it.

All in all for ~$55 worth of pedals, I'm not complaining. The DOD stuff is underrated because 1) its DOD and 2) its cheap. Do I think this is the best stuff on the market? Hell no. But, if you need an inexpensive chorus, especially powerful enough to do 80s stuff, I'd suggest the Icebox. And if you needed a cheap envelop filter, the DOD isn't bad either. I was surprised by how quiet both pedals were as well. Even powered by my $40 dunlop power block knockoff they didn't have a bunch of hiss to them. I was impressed by that.

Did any of this make sense?

I bought a cheap chorus pedal years ago, clearance from MF, $19 if I remember right. An Arion Stereo Chorus. Sounds good enough I never thought about needing another. I thought I'd see where they're available now and found them on Ebay anywhere from $27 to $225???

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Is chorus used on occasion to "fatten" up leads or something? I'm starting to think I'm more a "flange" sorta guy. I've found all sorts of uses for my DOD flanger. (And by all sorts I mean running it behind lots of gain giving it a cool "flange" effect. I like flanged hi-gain, so sue me.
) But...the chorus...I can think of some uses for it, but...overall, I'm just thinking I'm not a "chorus" kinda dude.


I think I prefer flangers two, my Boss BF-2 has never left my board and even though I like my chorus, my flanger just always seams to fit better.

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Will listen too when I won't wake wifey. She has fallen asleep in the recliner using my headphones.

I want to learn more about chorus, I just know jack crap about its applications. I have lusted over that Sea Machine even though I couldn't discern any use for it besides making cool sounds.

I'm stricken with the pedals = cool sounds disease aren't i?



Just use a slow rate with a short to medium depth. Subtle is the key. Stereo chorus is even better. Used to be a huge part of my tone in the 80's -90's but I've gone pretty dry these days. Like to pick it up again. It really gives a nice soft wall of sound.

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Just use a slow rate with a short to medium depth. Subtle is the key. Stereo chorus is even better. Used to be a huge part of my tone in the 80's -90's but I've gone pretty dry these days. Like to pick it up again. It really gives a nice soft wall of sound.



The Icebox can do stereo, but I don't know anything about that. (Surprise!) How's it work?

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The Icebox can do stereo, but I don't know anything about that. (Surprise!) How's it work?




Plug your guitar into the input and the two stereo outputs that run into two amps. While one amp is doing the rise (lack of better tech word), the other amp is doing the opposite wave. Makes for a really cool full sound. Dean DeLeo of STP does this also. Pink Floyd tunes sound really cool that way.

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Plug your guitar into the input and the two stereo outputs that run into two amps. While one amp is doing the rise (lack of better tech word), the other amp is doing the opposite wave. Makes for a really cool full sound. Dean DeLeo of STP does this also. Pink Floyd tunes sound really cool that way.


Damn, that does sound cool. I will have to give this a shot. :D

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