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Phil Jacques

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It all showed up at once today. Pretty fun time setting it all up. I still need to get some cables for the pedals but I am waiting for my new cab anyway so it's alright. I am extremely anxious to let this thing rip though!


Anyone who remembers my Framus Refurb thread a while back knows I already had it as well as the Ground Control Pro and GCX Switcher. However, everything else is brand new!







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it IS a drawer. and the tuner is there because I have not found a rack tuner I liked so I stuck with what worked. I don't mind sliding it out to tune, not like it takes any more effort then bending over to read a rack display. The ISP Decimator in the rack is for the lead ch only. I like to play with 2 different levels of noise reduction on the lead channel depending on the songs I play, but I tend to set even the lowest one JUST aggressive enough that even with a compressor/sustainer, I don't get the sustain on the clean side that I really like. The clean CH on this amp for some reason is still very hissy so this is just the best and simplest way that I have found to make everything work the way I enjoy it. Maybe it's not 100% right but it works.


As for the cab, I have a Marshall 1960B with V30s and GK100s in an X but I liked the sound of a Mesa 4x12 Recto with this amp when I tried it at my buddies so I ordered one of them from Sweetwater last night. The Marshall is being saved for a Jet City JCA100HDM I am ordering very shortly for a secondary less aggressive rig for a Classic Rock/Alice in Chains-ey type band I am playing in with my Father.


No, lol... I don't have roadies. But I do have a small enclosed trailer that my band hauls it's gear around in rather than clogging up inside of multiple vehicles and instead of taking 10 minutes to hook everything up, I only have to plug in the cab, ground control and flip on the wireless and I am ready to go now.


And finally, oddly enough... It's not as heavy as I thought it would be. I did get 1/2" construction for the extra protection JUST INCASE, but we had to carry it down a flight of stairs last night and it really wasn't too bad. Sure it's a little bulky and awkward, but it's still lighter to carry than a cab, although it is about as deep as 2 cabs.

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for a metal rig-- that's pretty nice. oblivion dc rocks a rig really similar-- and his sounds ridiculously good. i'm not a big metal dude, and it's fat, clear, and about as menacing as i could imagine a high gain rig to sound- so i know yer onto something.


elegant too-- nice!

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You guys!:lol:

Noise Reduction and High gain go hand in hand. You need different "levels" of reduction for clean, crunch, and Autodestruct. The HammerDrop you might use on crunch or lead would squash your cleans. It's a balancing act to be sure. I had a unit that was midi programable for different situations, but it broke.:( Now I use a G-Rack and the reduction in my G-major for "fine tuning".


Again, sweet rig.

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The whole rack drawer?!?


yeah-- doesn't it pull out, and you put it on the floor as your pedalboard? when i've seen guys do that, they just pull the thing out of the rack, play it on the floor, and slide it back into the hole in the rack for transport-- it doesn't really LIVE there.

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yeah-- doesn't it pull out, and you put it on the floor as your pedalboard? when i've seen guys do that, they just pull the thing out of the rack, play it on the floor, and slide it back into the hole in the rack for transport-- it doesn't really LIVE there.



Sure it does! Pedals go into the loop system. Ground control does the switching.

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The beauty is, you push one button, and the pedals you want on (or off) do just that. It can also change channels on your amp. And programs on your fx units.

You can even (ready?) change the order of your pedals, if you rig the loops that way.


I've been using those things since the '90s.


But...it can be complicated....

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You never finshed that Refurb thread?? I actually looked at it the other day cos someone asked me about blackfacing a Cobra. Looks like it turned out well tho! Nice.


My Roadking lives in a rack like that (but with 8U). I've got a GCP for switching and stuff, but I think I really need a good couple of days (or more) programming and learning how it all works. Got an EM Customs switcher for the pedals and channel changing on my amp, a sliding tray like yours obviously, a L6 Filter Modeller Pro for remote Wah and other mad {censored}, a Rocktron Xpression for Time based stuff in the FX loop, a Korg DTR2000 and a Senny EW100G@ wireless in the rack.


Been having bad problems with earth hum however, it's the actual rack rail causing the grief, so I dunno what to do...tried tape, humfrees, lifting grounds....


I'm gonna control my Whammy via midi too with an expression pedal. Got a Rocktron Hex but I might dump that in favour of a modified Crybaby. Then I can hook up the switch of the wah to the second expression port on the GCP and assign the L6's bypass to that midi CC. Giving me a wah that can be turned on and off conventionally. When controlling Whammy I'll just set it so the switch does nothing. Or that's the plan anyway!


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