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Peavey 6505+ Half Stack at bedroom levels


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lol I have the 112 combo, which is "only" 60 watts, and {censored} is shaking on my walls with the volume between 1 and 2.


I think I've gotten mine to about 2.5 before I bailed in fear of my life :). But it sounds ok down low, like someone else said, it's got more than enough preamp gain to do the low volume thing pretty well.

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6505+ and the 5150 line in general are some of the absolute worst amps to purchase for bedroom playing... sure they have tons of gain, but they will sound like a fizzy MESS...



No offense, but have you even tried this? I've owned 3 of them (a 5150, a 5150 II and a 6505+) over the last 13 years and they all sound and record great at very low volumes. I have no idea what you're talking about.


Do these sound like a fizzy mess? They were recorded at lower than TV volume:





To the OP, I think the clips I posted speak for themselves. People who claim that this amp sounds fizzy or bad at low volumes (or any volume) either have never played one, had something else wrong in the signal chain or have an agenda.

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Look into a JCA50H if you want a 1/2 stack. JCAs have the best master volume, the volume doesn't jump and you can get great tones at any volume. Get a boost pedal for your metal tones and you're all set.



Seconded - works great for me at home!

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It goes from whisper level to band level somewhere between .5 and 1 on the Master Volume. It's not bad, but not great depending on how quiet it needs to be in your room. Why not look at the combo that 50 or 60 watts?


because the volume difference is negligible. come the {censored} on, we have been using tubes for how long now?



you want 5150 tone in your bedroom, get a small clean amp and a hardwire tl-2 and stick the 5150 in a practice space where it can be played.

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No offense, but have you even tried this? I've owned 3 of them (a 5150, a 5150 II and a 6505+) over the last 13 years and they all sound and record great at very low volumes. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Do these sound like a fizzy mess? They were recorded at lower than TV volume:

To the OP, I think the clips I posted speak for themselves. People who claim that this amp sounds fizzy or bad at low volumes (or any volume) either have never played one, had something else wrong in the signal chain or have an agenda.



I think they sound fizzy at high volumes too. Lower it gets a little worse. At least compared to other high gainers. I own a 6505+ and XXX.


I personally like the fizzyness though. So I am not knocking the amp for being fizzy.

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I think they sound fizzy at high volumes too. Lower it gets a little worse. At least compared to other high gainers. I own a 6505+ and XXX.

I personally like the fizzyness though. So I am not knocking the amp for being fizzy.



They definitely have sizzle. You might call it fizz, but it's definitely not a "fizzy mess" like Mizati20 suggested.

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I think Imma have to buy another cab doesn't seem like anyone has much good to say about the peavey anywhere I search. Hopefully I'll be able to play through some when the time comes to buy.



Mesa cab with v30s (either 2x12 or 4x12). I used to have the Peavey 5150 4x12 slant. Not a fan.

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I have a XXX 4x12 cab. I don't know what all the dislike is about. It sounds pretty good for the price. I mean its not a Mesa or a 1960...But it does the job.


it's because you're deaf.


the speakers in that thing put out the {censored}tiest amount of high end, good god. i'm still recovering form the eardrum shredding i got when the other guitarist in my first band ran his jcm 800 through one of those.


in another band, the other guitarist had the same cab, but he put eminence speakers in it.

it was too dark.

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I really don't understand why peavey doesn't redesign there cabs and put better speakers in em. But I have a feeling I'll be buying a Mesa 4x12 I like there products very quality.



New speakers won't help. I put V30s and G12T75s in mine. Didn't improve it. It has more to do with the cab's construction and building materials. The stock speakers really aren't that bad if they're used in a decent cab!

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