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Cameron amps. What's the dealio?


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Give me a break,, im on my phone,,, ; ) little keyboards n quick typing dont mix

Just info. Use it or do without.

No biggie. Seems like Camerons customers are used to that lol.

No spam,,, just a way out!

Im tired of everybody defending these guys! The info is out there. Do with it what you will : )

Invitation stands!



Well good luck. Still though, after all these years the best amps I've heard live are stock one's, of course stock amps just need more volume and a good OD pedal goes a long way. And I think Eddie Van Halen himself must sit back and laugh watching everyone chase his tone for the past 35 years when he's just using a 5153.

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Ive never seen anyone say a bad thing about Mark(Rockstah) The guy is straight up as they come. Whats your beef with him?


You may not have seen it, Kage, but I have. There were several threads on Metro where people were basically begging him for status and just asking for their amps and money back. He may have righted some of this, but there was certainly a lot of bad {censored} going on.



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You may not have seen it, Kage, but I have. There were several threads on Metro where people were basically begging him for status and just asking for their amps and money back. He may have righted some of this, but there was certainly a lot of bad {censored} going on.


Thanks for the update bro... I definitely missed the drama...

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Give me a break,, im on my phone,,, ; ) little keyboards n quick typing dont mix

Just info. Use it or do without.

No biggie. Seems like Camerons customers are used to that lol.

No spam,,, just a way out!

Im tired of everybody defending these guys! The info is out there. Do with it what you will : )

Invitation stands!


If you are so altruistic about this, why don't you just post the schematics for all these mods? Let people mod their amps themselves or bring the schematics to their own techs. You could even put the layout diagrams together for everyone, right? If you don't do this you're just another "hoarder", right?


Also, what does the Aldrich design have to do with Jose Arredondo's "gift"? That 4 tube gain stage mod is not his and has nothing to do with what he did....





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I agree with Steve, post the schems and let's explore this universe together!


BTW - I already gave away everything you'd ever need to build a two channel high gain/low gain Jose Arredondo mod in my amp building thread. Schematics, layouts, everything, including step by step build instructions. If you were inclined to do it yourself, all you had to do was read the thread and download the schematics, layouts and step by step pictures... Unfortunately, they are all gone now because Cox Communications deleted all the user web space where my pictures were hosted... Eventually, everything will be back up on my commercial website though...


Happy to send the original schematics and layout diagrams to anyone who wants them in the mean time. Let's explore the universe together! ;-)



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BTW - I already gave away everything you'd ever need to build a two channel high gain/low gain Jose Arredondo mod in my amp building thread. Schematics, layouts everything, including step by step build instructions. If you are inclined to do it your self, go for it! It is all there...



It doesn't look like the pics are showing up? Or is it just me...Interested in checking it out anyway :)

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It doesn't look like the pics are showing up? Or is it just me...Interested in checking it out anyway

As I edited above, they are all gone now because Cox Communications (dip{censored}s!) deleted all the user web space where my pictures were hosted... I wasn't about to go through all those posts changing the picture links to a different webspace. Eventually, everything will be back up on my commercial website though...


Tell ya what I'll do though. Here is my last layout diagram and the schematics. Based on Jose's actual mod work. May be some minor errors since I'm not sure if I made final changes once I got the turret board prototype working, but if you can do understand this, you can figure it out.:








Just right click and save them to your computer and they go back to actual size so you can read them...


Explore the universe, fellas! I'm tired of the "hoarders"!!!! :facepalm:



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hahaha Billyblades dropped out of the thread as soon as schematics were asked....


S'ok, I produced the goods anyway. Original Low/High gain Jose Arredondo schems and layout... Knock yourselves out if you care...



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S'ok, I produced the goods anyway. Original Low/High gain Jose Arredondo schems and layout... Knock yourselves out if you care...



Thanks for posting the schematics man. Now THAT'S sharing the wealth, unlike Billyspams who posted his prices right on his first post on this thread and disappeared as soon as he was called on it. :lol:

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Thanks for posting the schematics man. Now THAT'S sharing the wealth, unlike Billyspams who posted his prices right on his first post on this thread and disappeared as soon as he was called on it.

Wish I had time to go back in my thread and re-post all the step by step build pictures, but that would take too long. BTW - this mod is Jose Arredondo stuff, not the Cameron Jose mod - I don't know if what he does is different or not. There is also a whole lot more here as well. DC heaters, footswitching, series/parallel tube buffered efx loop, all kinds of cool stuff...



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I'm not sure where some of you guys get your intel. Some should really just get a life. Let me clarify some points, really none of your business but whatever:

I work for Tone Merchants in North Hollywood...NOT Brad King.

Brad did NOT pay my expenses to get me to the USA.

I took several rides in a Lamborghini that was loaned to Brad NOT rented. If someone said "Hey do you want to drive around in a Lamborghini for a week?" I'm sure you would say "No" right?

I shot a joke video in the car....a joke.

I live by MYSELF in Woodland Hills, CA. A very nice place that I rent, that I PAY FOR. All the furniture is owned by me. I lease a CRV that I pay for.
I like girls, very much. Never had a homosexual experience, never will, never thought about it, never will. If you choose to, that's fine, but it's not my thing.

My wife lives in Canada and runs our Music School.

Again I work for Tone Merchants. Brad King is not affiliated with Tone Merchants. I am not affiliated with Brad. I am not a moderator on Rig-Talk anymore. Brad sent me a pm saying thanks for being a moderator but he has decided to take care of the forum with his tech people and did not need any more moderators.

I enjoy making gear videos. Most guys are awesome, polite, and offer constructive criticism when necessary. The idiots that slag me for no reason make me think twice about ever posting another.

Mark Day

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