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Didja ever get that GAS . . .

The Anomaly

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. . . that "general, I just want sum'n" GAS?


I have it now, I want a guitar. I don't know exactly what kind, just a new guitar. I'm all over the place looking for all kinds of {censored}. Agiles, Carvins, Godins, PRSi, Gibsons, humbuckers, P-90's, P-Rails. All of it.


Then, I'm going to go to my gig tonight, and play one of my really nice axes, while the other really nice axes stay home, and wonder why I was looking in the first place :facepalm:



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I was feeling the same way for a few weeks. Came so close to ordering a new 60's Tribute LP but I held off. Then my wife lost her job yesterday so I am REALLY glad I didnt go through with it :lol: I have enough gear right now but I know what you are feeling. Sometimes you just gotta have something NEW :love:

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Yeah, I get that every now and then lol. Its friggin annoying. Then I play my rig through my 412 and I dont want anything anymore. I do have 2 guitars that are pretty much permanently on my GAS list, though.

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Constantly. :lol: Right now I'm gassing for something but I don't know what...so I've been buying parts to put together a partscaster. It seems to be working as I haven't made a major purchase in a bit...


I was wondering why you were looking at Agile's man. I mean, I like my Agile and for the money they are nice guitars but compared to what you already have, yeah, well, you can't really make that comparison fairly.


I really "need" a second 2x12 though.... :lol::facepalm:

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. . . that "general, I just want sum'n" GAS?

I have it now, I want a guitar. I don't know exactly what kind, just a new guitar. I'm all over the place looking for all kinds of {censored}. Agiles, Carvins, Godins, PRSi, Gibsons, humbuckers, P-90's, P-Rails. All of it.

Then, I'm going to go to my gig tonight, and play one of my really nice axes, while the other really nice axes stay home, and wonder why I was looking in the first place



I need nothing. The Dr Z Maz a just got wasn't needed.

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Im actually really gassing for an epiphone goth series guitar...either the V or LP...right now. Almost bought the V last weekend, but my mom couldnt get to GC in miami in time. I want something to play nonbrootz with.

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All the time.
It's usually how I end up with cheapie guitars that I never really use or need.
There's a particularly unusual-looking squier showmaster on CL nagging me today, actually


Quoted for the mother{censored}ing truth! That's EXACTLY what happens. :mad:

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I'm actually to the point where I'm thinking about selling more of my gear to pay down debt. I figure I have a solid amp and a great guitar & I don't gig so WTF do I need all this {censored} for? Time to focus on improving skill and not gear for this guy...

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Yep. In general prowling for gear online has become a daily routine.

I can somehow manage living with wanting to own EVERYTHING....dreaming about being rich and having a massive gear collection.

That kind of GAS is easy......just realize that I could never afford that kind of lifestyle......nor can I afford to be buying {censored} constantly (or at least shouldn't be).

I also don't like trading and selling stuff all of the time. Gotta base my GAS on NEED, not want. :o


I've tried to kill the GAS monster, but it's always lurking in the shadows waiting for a good deal to pop up.

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I've had that lately... just the general nagging feeling that I need to buy something.

It changes daily, too. It goes back and forth between a Carvin Legacy, some sort of rack guitar preamp, a decent mic preamp, a feedback eliminator, and the Crate GX130C that's a a local pawnshop that I could get for about $3 more than dirt.


But whenever i feel really serious about buying something, something comes up and I have to push the purchase off a day or two.

By the time I can purchase whatever I wanted, I've realized that I don't want it anymore.

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I fought gas for about 2 years....gas for a telecaster style guitar. I researched and researched watched Craigslist and E-Bay, Musicians Friend and Guitar Center...... I considered everything from $100 cheapies to $2000 Custom shop teles. I finally decided that NOW I'm REALLY going to buy one. I showed my wife a couple I had boiled it down to and she says to me...."They're all real nice but why do you want to buy another guitar anyway? You don't even play guitar in the band." (I play bass). So after that long exhausting, two year search.... I had a new bass four days later.!!!:facepalm::lol:

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I'll get the feeling, but it's not hard to dismiss it.. Because generally its at a time where I have an average amount to spend.. Say $300-500.. All my gear is better than anything I can get in that price range, so I would never be happy just spending that money on gear that will just end up being inferior, unless it's a used gem like my 80's HM strat I found for that price. When I spend over a grand, I'm definitely not buying just because I have gas, but because I've figured out what will be an improvement over what I have.. But even then I'm finding these days, I have my sounds covered.. I have plenty of guitars that cover all grounds.. My amps are pretty much ingrained in my brain since I've had them for so long and I have some cool pedals and recording gear... There's not one thing I can't do, and do it well, with what I have.

And when I do find myself wanting more from my sound, I turn some knobs or add an eq pedal or what ever can get a new tone but still with my gear.. And that has been working for me.. Like today, I scooped the mids, then added some back with an eq pedal in the loop. Did a recording that sounds really good and different than my normal tone... I'm happy.. And when I want my old tone back, I just turn them knobs back.. Lol

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