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Average intelligence of bicycle riders (rant)


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The only roads designed for motor vehicles are dual carriageways and motorways, which cyclists are not allowed on. Everything else is a multi-purpose road, and bicycles pre-date cars by quite a long way.

Just sayin'.


There are plenty of times I've driven along dual carriageways and A roads and seen plenty an arrogant cyclist.


Just sayin... :)

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Way I see it, you take a risk when you get on a road designed for motor vehicles. If you feel you shouldn't be subject to the rules of that road, no bike licenses, insurances, etc, if you get knocked off through your own stupidity, your fault!



Show us where said bicycle licenses and insurance can be obtained. You're spouting this {censored} as if we CHOOSE not to have a license or insurance. Simple fact of the matter is there AREN'T any licenses or insurance that we could obtain even if we wanted to.


My bike is covered on my home insurance, but that's covering my vehicle for damage or theft. It doesn't cover your vehicle for any damage I may cause to it, but as far as I'm aware (and please educate me if I'm wrong), there simply isn't any insurance policy I can take out for my bike which will pay out for 3rd party damage.

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There's a spectrum of personality types that ride bikes. I'm completely baffled by the arrogant/stupid type that hog the road, wear subdued colors, ride as if they're guarenteed complete immunity to vehicle collision by virtue of some "road rights" yada. Every time I see one of these fools the "yep, {censored}er's gonna be road pizza one day" voice goes off in my head. Absurb arrogant stupidy is absurd; I just don't get it.

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There are plenty of times I've driven along dual carriageways and A roads and seen plenty an arrogant cyclist.

Just sayin...


Actually I've just checked, and I was wrong. Cyclists ARE allowed on dual carriageways.


How arrogant those cyclists must have been to cycle on a road which wasn't in any way, shape, or form designed solely for cars. How arrogant indeed.

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Show us where said bicycle licenses and insurance can be obtained. You're spouting this {censored} as if we
not to have a license or insurance. Simple fact of the matter is there AREN'T any licenses or insurance that we could obtain even if we wanted to.

My bike is covered on my home insurance, but that's covering my vehicle for damage or theft. It doesn't cover your vehicle for any damage I may cause to it, but as far as I'm aware (and please educate me if I'm wrong), there simply isn't any insurance policy I can take out for my bike which will pay out for 3rd party damage.



No problem!




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Actually I've just checked, and I was wrong. Cyclists ARE allowed on dual carriageways.

How arrogant those cyclists must have been to cycle on a road which wasn't in any way, shape, or form designed solely for cars. How arrogant indeed.





Are we really going to get into the designs and origins of the dual carriageway!? lol.


Fact is, a car travelling at 60mph + cyclists who don't give a {censored} = recipe for disaster.


In fact the other night, I personally witnessed two cyclists traveling around a roundabout the wrong way so as to avoid having to go all the way around it turning right.


I'm not trying to campaign for all cyclists off the road and the fact that there's no mandatory licensing or insurances is not their fault. All I'm saying is that cyclists tend to put their fate into the hands of motorists rather too vividly and there seems to be an overall lack of regard for other road users from that community.


I do not care how "bumpy" or poor condition some cycle paths are - some of the roads around me are in terrible condition too. The fact is, they are there to keep you safe and away from motorists on busy stretches of road. So be considerate and use them!

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I {censored}ing hate asshole cyclists...If he would have said "I'd have taken you to the cleaners in your stupid fancy car!"...I would have probably punched him in the face.

If you can't travel the speed limit on your bike then you shouldn't be on that road. Plain and simple.

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I was actually just googling this, and came in say that I found that I was incorrect. However, by law cyclists are not required to have third party insurance. Let me ask you this: would you 'waste' money on 3rd party car insurance if the law didn't state that you had to? or would you go the cheapest possible route, and only insure your car against damage caused by yourself?


FWIW, I also just realised that my home insurance does actually include public liability insurance, so I am indeed covered if I crash into your car and the damage caused happens to be my fault, not yours.



If you feel you shouldn't be subject to the rules of that road, no bike licenses, insurances, etc, if you get knocked off through your own stupidity, your fault!



So being that A) I couldn't possibly obtain a bicycle license if I tried, and B) I do have the insurance cover you're talking about, even though there is no law that requires me to, what is your stance on that?


Your arguments are complete dog{censored}.

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I was actually just googling this, and came in say that I found that I was incorrect. However, by law cyclists are not required to have third party insurance. Let me ask you this: would you 'waste' money on 3rd party car insurance if the law didn't state that you had to? or would you go the cheapest possible route, and only insure your car against damage caused by yourself?

FWIW, I also just realised that my home insurance does actually include public liability insurance, so I am indeed covered if I crash into your car and the damage caused happens to be my fault, not yours.

This only applies to motorways, which we are not allowed on.

So being that
I couldn't possibly obtain a bicycle license if I tried, and
I do have the insurance cover you're talking about, even though there is no law that requires me to, what is your stance on that?

Your arguments are complete dog{censored}.



My arguments are only dog{censored} because it seems that NO law applies to you! As said above, why should you pay attention to things like traffic signals, zebra crossings... why should you be mindful when cars are coming your way at 60mph... why on EARTH should you be required to wear a safety helmet? I mean, afterall you are God's gift to the commuting world and you're so green and healthy that we should breathe your fart-gas...


Like I've already said, as the taxpaying car-driving majority, you're absolutely correct. My points are absolutely irrelevant. The majority is always wrong, of course!


Your home insurance may cover public liability, but let's be honest. If you smack into a car and {censored} up all their paintwork and do some damage, are you really going to stand there and write down your information for the poor sod who now has a nice big repair bill? Or are you going to do what all cyclists do, call him a dickhead for owning a car and managing through a fate of life to get in your way, and toddle off down the road only later to whine to someone how a moron motorist almost killed you?


I bet the reality is probably the latter!

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Driving to work today. It's no secret I despise cyclists using public roads but, as this is a democracy and I'm clearly in the minority, I make a point of giving them all the space as is safely possible and patience too.

So, on the way in, doing about 40mph, a cyclist came straight out of a side road in front of me, causing me to brake very harshly, almost causing an accident with the guy behind me. He was arrogant enough to turn around, look at me and give me the finger, which I promptly returned.

He then spent the next few minutes riding in front of me slow and ensuring I couldn't overtake by weaving around. Rather than retaliate, I took off down another road and made my journey a different way.

It turns out this monk is someone in the same company. So we had our conversation in the kitchen... amazingly while he was relaying this morning's incident of a stupid motorist who almost killed him to someone else...

I first inquired why he wasn't using the purpose built cycle path directly to his left. His response was that cycle paths are often too bumpy to use and that, as he pays tax, he paid for the roads too... er... no he didn't, it's road tax users who pay for them, but nevermind.

Apparently, cyclists also have a right to just bomb out of side roads and it's up to the motorist to be psychic...

I also inquired that, as he wasn't wearing ANY protective gear, i.e. cycle helmet, I asked him what his intentions would have been if things would have happened different and there would have been an accident? I mean, 2 tonnes of metal vs soft fleshy human?

His response: "I'd have taken you to the cleaners in your stupid fancy car!"...

Are cyclists all this thick? I mean, I know this is the British mentality in that no matter how wrong or inconsiderate or plain stupid you are, you're still right, but really....



I'm a biker, so first off, {censored} you ;)


But really, I would have been tempted to smack the {censored} out of him right then and there. Go hacksaw his bike frame in half.

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My arguments are only dog{censored} because it seems that NO law applies to you! As said above, why should you pay attention to things like traffic signals, zebra crossings... why should you be mindful when cars are coming your way at 60mph... why on EARTH should you be required to wear a safety helmet? I mean, afterall you are God's gift to the commuting world and you're so green and healthy that we should breathe your fart-gas...

Like I've already said, as the taxpaying car-driving majority, you're absolutely correct. My points are absolutely irrelevant. The majority is always wrong, of course!



It seems that you're mostly just angry that car users pay so much tax on things (emissions, VAT on insurance etc). You're obviously bitter that cyclists don't have to pay those things.


I've said it before, but your issue lies with the authorities that set the laws and regulations for cyclists, rather than cyclists in general themselves.

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There is absolutely nothing in that article that states anything about bicycle usage, except for the section on Italy. Last time I checked, we don't live in Italy.

If someone passes a law that states that, then you have a valid point. Until then, {censored} off.



Thats fine. And when some car going 55 mpg knocks your slow sorry ass off the road and puts you in the hospital I will be sitting back laughing my ass off.

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I have never understood this law. Where I live (can't speak for everywhere) bikes are required to be in the road, not on sidewalks. I feel like this is one of those weird laws from the 1920s that never changed, when bikes were probably faster than cars. Look at the two worst case scenarios for this - 1) car hits a cyclists 2) cyclist hits a pedestrian - Nobody can deny 2 is the lesser evil.

That being said cyclists are my biggest pet peave. Why do you have to wear those super tight pants and a jersey? You're not competing. You're not cutting a tenth of a second off your time by cutting down on wind resistance. You look like a complete idiot. Are you being paid by Snickers to advertise for them? This would be like me going out to throw a football around with friends and putting on full pads.

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I have never understood this law. Where I live (can't speak for everywhere) bikes are required to be in the road, not on sidewalks. I feel like this is one of those weird laws from the 1920s that never changed, when bikes were probably faster than cars. Look at the two worst case scenarios for this - 1) car hits a cyclists 2) cyclist hits a pedestrian - Nobody can deny 2 is the lesser evil.

That being said cyclists are my biggest pet peave. Why do you have to wear those super tight pants and a jersey? You're not competing. You're not cutting a tenth of a second off your time by cutting down on wind resistance. You look like a complete idiot. Are you being paid by Snickers to advertise for them? This would be like me going out to throw a football around with friends and putting on full pads.




Every time I drive my Toyota Yaris I dress myself in full nascar gear...You mad bro?

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That being said cyclists are my biggest pet peave. Why do you have to wear those super tight pants and a jersey? You're not competing. You're not cutting a tenth of a second off your time by cutting down on wind resistance. You look like a complete idiot.



Not that I wear lycra because I would feel like a tit, but it's definitely more comfortable. I sometimes wear padded undershorts if I'm going on a longer ride and there's a massive comfort advantage with them. When you're on a bike for 100 miles then comfort becomes quite important..

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...when some car going 55 mpg knocks your slow sorry ass off the road and puts you in the hospital I will be sitting back laughing my ass off.

Why do you have to wear those super tight pants and a jersey? You're not competing. You're not cutting a tenth of a second off your time by cutting down on wind resistance. You look like a complete idiot.

Why not take a deep look into mirror and figure out how much such attitudes actually affect your driving styles and your actions when encountering a cyclist in traffic.

And you wonder why we cyclists seem like assholes...? :facepalm:

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It seems that you're mostly just angry that car users pay so much tax on things (emissions, VAT on insurance etc). You're obviously bitter that cyclists don't have to pay those things.

I've said it before, but your issue lies with the authorities that set the laws and regulations for cyclists, rather than cyclists in general themselves.



No, absolutely not! I'm quite happy to pay my fair share in tax. Nobody LOVES paying taxes, it's just part of life. FWIW - I don't actually agree with the

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I would be willing to bet that just as high of a percentage of drivers are inconsiderate on the road.



Oh absolutely, I'm not claiming they're not! But, they're all insured (and if not, the cops quickly sort that one out) and I've not yet seen car drivers willfully mounting pavements without at least checking for pedestrians or cyclists!

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Why not take a deep look into mirror and figure out how much such attitudes actually affect your driving styles and your actions when encountering a cyclist in traffic.

And you wonder why we cyclists seem like assholes...?


Like I said, the majority of car drivers DO look out for cyclists and extend them every courtesy... it just seems to me that the sentiment is rarely, if ever, returned!

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I do not care how "bumpy" or poor condition some cycle paths are - some of the roads around me are in terrible condition too.

Bumpy road in terrible condition is nothing for a car. Bumpy road in a terrible condition CAN BE DEADLY FOR CYCLIST.

Wake me up when your roads look something akin to this:

Because it's basically motorist's equivalent to a poor road for a cyclist. Bumps, potholes, random objects and road blocks, glass shards, loose gravel can all cause serious accidents, even death, for cyclists. We don't have hundreds of kilograms of mass or four wheels to keep us glued to the road. Even tiny stuff can send us flying in the air or sliding down the road with our faces.

Road condition proper for cars =/= road condition proper for driving a bicycle safely.

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Like I said, the majority of car drivers DO look out for cyclists and extend them every courtesy... it just seems to me that the sentiment is rarely, if ever, returned!



True. One thing that drives me crazy is idiots biking the wrong way on a one way road in my neighborhood. When I turn onto it, I instinctively only look for traffic coming from the right, because that's the only direction any traffic should be coming from. A few times I've nearly hit morons flying down the road on bikes going in the wrong direction as I made the turn. Then they get pissed at me as if they aren't supposed to follow the same laws that cars do.

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