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I think i'm making things to complicated


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Do you ever have those moments in time when you have a epiphany. I think i just had one about my acoustic guitar search. I've been an electric player for around 6 years (i'm 17..... so its a long time comparitively), and i'm looking for an acoustic guitar for college. I'm really not only looking for an acoustic guitar for college, but because in reality I really just f'in love the sound of a good acoustic guitar player. I recently decided that my guitar search has become ridiculous. I've only played 2 guitars, but i have a list of around 11 or 12 that i plan on playing. I've looked up reviews side by side, and decided everything I want in the guitar. When my friends look at the data i've collected they assume i'm trying to find ossama bin laden, or some other unsurmontable task, but no i'm just looking for a guitar. There's three guitar shops i've decided to hit soon, and i plan on spending a single day at each shop.... just playing everything i can pick up. I've narrowed my search by reputation to a L-03. Ok not by reputation alone- I played an OM-03 and loved it, but that isn't any reason to base my logic on buying an L-03 (besides quality of larrivee guitars). I really do not know what this post is for... more or less a vent of my anguish dedicated to my incompetent search for a guitar. I really expect no replies, unless you feel the need to write, maybe critize me on my retardation......... whatever you feel is nessecary. Please excuse me while i go kick my cat lol.

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Originally posted by caseykey118

There's three guitar shops i've decided to hit soon, and i plan on spending a single day at each shop.... just playing everything i can pick up.



Bingo. There is no substitute for trying as many guitars as you can before you buy. You will know it when you are playing "the right one."

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Originally posted by caseykey118

There's three guitar shops i've decided to hit soon, and i plan on spending a single day at each shop.... just playing everything i can pick up.



I'll second the advice to try as many guitars as you can. Every time you try something different, you'll learn a little more about your likes and dislikes. Also, if there is a really good shop in your area, do not pass up the possibility of a good used guitar.

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I'll also chime and recommend that you be nice to your cat. They are devious and will exact revenge when you least expect it.


For example, my cat hates bare feet because I'm always tripping on her. When there's a quiet moment and I get to sit down she comes over and acts all "lovey-dovey" (as my mother likes to say). Then, when I lease expect it my feet and shins become her scratching posts! :eek:

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Go ahead and kick your cat for me (I'm allergic to the little bastards) - :D


You have the right idea: get out and play as many guitars as possible. Especially since you are new to acoustic guitar.


I'm not sure that taking a $800 + guitar to a college dorm is a good idea. I would seriously consider buying a beater guitar to take to school and leave the good one at home. I know too many people that lost guitars to either theft or damage at college.

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Originally posted by Hudman

Go ahead and kick your cat for me (I'm allergic to the little bastards) -

You have the right idea: get out and play as many guitars as possible. Especially since you are new to acoustic guitar.

I'm not sure that taking a $800 + guitar to a college dorm is a good idea. I would seriously consider buying a beater guitar to take to school and leave the good one at home. I know too many people that lost guitars to either theft or damage at college.


I'll second that. Find something that you don't have to worry about too much.

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Lots of good advice here.

Casekey, you know the answer to your question/ idea/ frustrating search for THE guitar.

Follow your guts, play as many guits you can, expensive or cheap, take time and enjoy playing and feeling as you go.

Then once you hear and feel the sound/vibes you REALLY like, look at the price tag.

Ever plan to play through amp? You need a guit with preamp installed. Don't save on that now, it'll be more axpensive to add one later.

Does the neck suit you? You may be charmed by fast narrow necks at first, coming from elec guitar. But look into somewhat broader necks also, is good exercise for you.

And again: take all the time you can spare playing guitars. Take your notes home, eliminate cases of doubt.

Once you find the guit you like FOR NOW (that may change later - maybe GAS ahead) look at the price tag. Is that amount worth the risk of highschool life? If not, climb down the scale untill you find that compromise price/satisfaction. At least this way you'll keep as close to your own taste as can be.

And HAVE FUN!!!!!!

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my cat goes insane when I'm tuning up, like when I change strings and then stretch 'em and tune up,


she climbs up on my shoulder and stays there pacing from shoulder to shoulder till the sound is no longer dissonant, when I'm in tune, she'll hop down contented.


do you think I should stop getting her high?

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Originally posted by kwakatak

I'm always tripping on her.

The way to deal with that is to not change your stride when walking through the house if they get under foot. You won't be kicking the cat per-say, but you will give them enough of a nudge to let them know they need to get the hell out of the way when you're coming through. Do that relentlessly and eventualy they'll figure it out.

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The best advise I can give is consider that the search for your guitar will be what you miss once you're playing something at home. So, enjoy the hunt. I'm more addicted to shopping for a guitar than I am to buying or owning one.


Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

If you're in a hurry, you might end up with the wrong one. As stated above, play as many as you can and the right one will find you.



Oh, and find a dog to kick.

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I'd just keep doing what you're doing - minus dissing the cat - and focus on that. Sounds to me like you have some pretty square thinking about the process. Then, that one guitar will shine above the rest.


Cats. I used to have them. My kids were allergic to them. I had a tabby I named Oscar T. Fuzznuts. Big old cat but when he was a kitten he'd perch on my shoulder while I played and purr loudly in my ear. Annoying but cute. Had him neutered so I had to change his name to Oscar T. Wuzznuts. Miss that cat.

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Ok......... first of all... i do not kick my cat. If i did kick my cat.. i would make sure i would kick all animals who walked in my path with equal force (of course compensating for size, shoes i'm wearing, etc...). On a serious note... thanks for all your input and wisdom... i appreciate it greatly. Mr. oscer fuzznuts and wuzznuts are probably the funniest animal names i have ever heard, props to you on that.

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ohhh and another thing.... i would buy a beater guitar for college, but i really don't have enough money to buy a beater guitar and a nice guitar. I just have enough to buy a nice one, actually i don't have enough to buy a nice one.... i'm selling a bunch of random stuff (if anyone wants a saxophone, haro bike, epiphone pickups, mic amplifier from radioshack, rp300 effects pedal, mt-2 metalzone give me a shout). So if i could buy a beater and a nice and just take the beater i would..... but i can't. I'm just praying that no one will mess with my baby at college. If they do i'm not a big guy, but i know some big guys, and hopefully i can pay them or do their homework and have them kick some ass for me haha.

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OMG Casey,

cause you sound that desperate,

forget about the cat, kick it lovingly,

and shop some canadian guits or good price/quality ratio. Go Seagull.

Later on , swap them and shop further.


Cats don't faint on the sound of cedar top guits. :freak:

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being a fellow 17 year old, i suggest something not too expensive-eventually you'll probly want to use your guitar for different things, and having one expensive guitar isn't the answer


i've been playing for about 5 years, and i'm getting in to different tunings and hopefully slide someday.. but thats just too much for one guitar. plus a beater is always nice to have around. and also you may get interested in a nylon string guitar


there's just too many options to jump blindly into buying an expensive guitar if you ask me


p.s. expensive doesn't necessarily mean nice, though it is assuring


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