Members Freeman Keller Posted March 2, 2007 Members Posted March 2, 2007 I was sittin' here picking and thinking (hard for me to do two things at once) and it seemed like lots of good threads come up here only to be lost into the bowels of the HGAC past. So we are doomed to repeat the same questions and answers, to bookmark those things that we each think is important (you ought to see the mess in "My Favorites") and generally reinvent the acoustic guitar wheel. I've looked at how other forums handle the same questions, various references, links, and things like that and they all do it differently. But many have some kind of FAQ, usually setup and maintained by the moderators, where we can go for answers to, duh, Frequently Asked Questions. I think our mods do a great job of handling the trolls and spam and all the other little unpleasantries, and I really don't think Jon or the others should have to maintain a FAQ, but rather, we could do it ourselves. I am in a rather unique position on this forum since I happen to have the first post of a sticky. I can edit that post - both the title and the content. I'm considering doing just that. I would changing the title from "Is My Guitar Sick" to "HGAC FAQ - Stings, Pins, Problems, Proceedures" or something like that. I'm thinking of cutting and pasting the whole "Sick Guitar" text and pictures into a new "Sick Guitar" thread that isn't stuck - it will get a few comments and then sink into the past. In place of the current text and pictures I can put simple one line description of threads and links that WE agree are Frequently Ask Questions along with the link to that thread. Something like How to evaluate action and condition of your guitar (http:// Sick Guitar Thread) How to adjust the action of your guitar (http:// How to fix my sick gutiar thread) How does humidity affect an acoutic guitar (http:// Jim's great work on humidity and other links) How do I choose strings for my guitar (http:// String Test) How do pins affect the sound of my guitar (http:// Pin Test) What is the best guitar for $500 (http:// Epi Masterbuilt, of course) You get the idea. What'cha think?
Members Hudman Posted March 2, 2007 Members Posted March 2, 2007 You are probably better off adding it to your sticky. Our new mod ignored the PM's I sent him about making the hygrometer case install thread a sticky. No response at all....:arg:
Members guit30 Posted March 2, 2007 Members Posted March 2, 2007 Sounds good, we are fortunate to have a luthier available when things go southJim
Members kwakatak Posted March 2, 2007 Members Posted March 2, 2007 It sounds like a great idea but like Hudman said, we're on our own here. Maybe if we approached another mod and asked them to either forward the message or just step in and do it themselves. How did you get the sticky, Freeman? Did derivicus do it before he got disbarred? I see the HCEG (Electric Guitar) forum and I'm actually jealous that their mod is so on top of things. They've got tons of stickies like: - the monthly SPAM sticky, the weekly jam thread (a favorite of mine), - a stolen gear sticky (very useful IMO since I once had gear stolen a long time ago), - a report fake ebay auctions sticky, - a killer links sticky (which should be absolutely mandatory IMO), - a few mojo stickies (concerning the lest fortunate and suffering forumites), ... and most importantly - a forum rules sticky OTOH I also notice a lot of the same type of n00bish topics come up on a regular basis there just like they do here. I guess there's no sticky that says "look before you leap, aka Use The Search Function"
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