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Testing 1, 2, 3... 3 songs

Freeman Keller

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This is my first attempt at (1) recording myself, (2) uploading and converting the wav files to mp3, (3) uploading them to Putfile, and (4) linking them here. The playing is crappy, I don't have a clue what I'm doing but this is the only way I can find out if it works. Please feel free to ignore them or be as critical as you want


Hey Hey Hey Hey


Sailors Grave on the Prairie




btw - the first is the 000, the second is the OM12, and the third is my old 'bro

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Freeman Keller, you dog gone sandbagger!!! :D


I love your slide work. I especially enjoyed "Sailors Grave on the Prairie".


Recording can be the most enjoyable and the most tedious task you can do. It can put you on cloud 9 or make you want to throw your computer out a window.


Keep up the good work.

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Freeman, I would love to hear your work, but I can't get putfile to play - I think it is a Mac thing.


baba, I have a Mac too. Try clicking on Click here to download this media (either here or on the putfile page)


Aka http://www.putfile.com/downloadfile/Sailors-Grave-on-the-Prairie


This brings me to a page which says:


Status: Your are on page 1 of 20 before the download page.


After 19 clicks I can download the file.

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baba, I have a Mac too. Try clicking on
(either here or on the putfile page)


This brings me to a page which says:

Your are on page 1 of 20 before the download page.

After 19 clicks I can download the file.



Thanks! It took about 8 minutes to load (I have dialup) but it worked. Wonder why they make you click through 20 windows to get to the file?


Now back to Freeman - I really enjoyed it. You reminded me of Leo Kottke.

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The recordings and the guitars sound nice.The uploading and posting seems to have wen well too.


It sounds like you enjoy playing the slide.Those two sound pretty good but that hey hey sounds like your a bit off on the timing.Your close.slide on the 4 beat and open string on the 1.From your playing i'd say you'd be able to play this one will little problem if you wanted to.Heres a link to the clapton tab of it.:)



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If anything, I would say it sounds like your not yet confident in your recording.



I want to thank everyone for their kind words. RT1 hit that right on the head - I guess it's like public speaking (or playing) - point that (SM57, Dave) at me and my fingers double in size and my foot can't tap.


I know that one of the things I need to do now is just keep the recorder going whenever I sit down to play - the digital thing makes it so easy to keep anything that starts to sound good and blow everything else off. I also need to start experimenting with the recordings themselve - don't have a clue about any of this mixing/editing stuff.


Now that I'm over this hurdle I guess there isn't anything stopping me from doing the Great Pin Test (and I'd like to also do a comparison of strings - my old one is on analog tape). At least when I do the tests you won't have to listen to my playing.


Trina, my wife hates "Roll'n'Tumble" - she thinks it's just a lot of noise. Maybe I should have done "Crossroad Blues" instead.

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I want to thank everyone for their kind words. RT1 hit that right on the head - I guess it's like public speaking (or playing) - point that (SM57, Dave) at me and my fingers double in size and my foot can't tap.

I know that one of the things I need to do now is just keep the recorder going whenever I sit down to play - the digital thing makes it so easy to keep anything that starts to sound good and blow everything else off. I also need to start experimenting with the recordings themselve - don't have a clue about any of this mixing/editing stuff.

Now that I'm over this hurdle I guess there isn't anything stopping me from doing the Great Pin Test (and I'd like to also do a comparison of strings - my old one is on analog tape). At least when I do the tests you won't have to listen to my playing.

Trina, my wife hates "Roll'n'Tumble" - she thinks it's just a lot of noise. Maybe I should have done "Crossroad Blues" instead.



Freeman, if I played what my wife likes I'd have to get castrated to sing.

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originally posted by
Freeman Kellar:

point that (SM57, Dave) at me and my fingers double in size and my foot can't tap.



Ever see the movie "The Jerk" with Steve Martin? Well, that's me. I am a white boy with no idea of what rythm is. I'm trying to tap my foot and snap my fingers and keep from falling down all at the same time. It ain't pretty man!



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may i ask what you used to record(which program, mic, etc. sorry for the noob questions.) sounded great by the way:thu:



Rocko, I have just purchased (from a fellow forumite) a little Boss digital home recorder (happens to be a BR-532). Pretty similar to a lot of inexpensive 4 channel (32 "virtual" channel) units - records to a memory card and has an onboard microphone. You see these new in the $200 plus range, Boss has a brand new model out call the BR-1 or something. I bought a Shure SM57 mic ($100), mic stand (60) and extra memory card (100). So my whole "studio" was under $500. The only thing I don't like about this unit is that it only has one mic input - good thing I don't sing LOL.


Mic is simply pointed at the 12th fret, absolutely no effects (no idea how to do any of that). Push record and watch my fingers forget how towork.


I used Boss's software to upload the .wav file to my PC and Audiacity (free download) to change it to an mp3. Registered at Putfile.com (free) and uploaded the clips. Really very painless. It looks like if you want to record with your PC that Audiacity, a sound card with mic input and the SM57 would be all you need, but I like the portable recorder idea. Here is a great reference for it



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Rocko, I have just purchased (from a fellow forumite) a little Boss digital home recorder (happens to be a BR-532). Pretty similar to a lot of inexpensive 4 channel (32 "virtual" channel) units - records to a memory card and has an onboard microphone. You see these new in the $200 plus range, Boss has a brand new model out call the BR-1 or something. I bought a Shure SM57 mic ($100), mic stand (60) and extra memory card (100). So my whole "studio" was under $500. The only thing I don't like about this unit is that it only has one mic input - good thing I don't sing LOL.

Mic is simply pointed at the 12th fret, absolutely no effects (no idea how to do any of that). Push record and watch my fingers forget how towork.

I used Boss's software to upload the .wav file to my PC and Audiacity (free download) to change it to an mp3. Registered at Putfile.com (free) and uploaded the clips. Really very painless. It looks like if you want to record with your PC that Audiacity, a sound card with mic input and the SM57 would be all you need, but I like the portable recorder idea. Here is a great reference for it




wow thanks for all the info, now i just gotta come up with some dough somehow, being a jobless student doesn't pay much ya know

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