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HCAG album projects - still seeking YOUR playing

Freeman Keller

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It is getting closer folks, but we need more material. Please send your originals or covers in either music cd, wav or mp3 to me. CD and large files have to be snail mailed, mp3's can probably be e-mailed. If you have already posted an mp3 on a website and want me to include it shoot me a link. Should be forum "regulars" but I'd like to hear everyone's playing so even if you only have a few hundred posts get it to me. Two or three or four songs - whatever you want to submit.


The links should be up soon, but we want as much there as possible when we start. Right now there is Ellen, Babablowfish, Cripes (with RT1), TAH, Queequeg and even yours truely (that sets the bar real low so you all will sound good).


Come on, lets let the forum hear you play!

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can N00b's contribute? I've got a version of Lagrima that is ready to go.



Sure, shoot it on over. But between now and lauch day you've got to add 200 posts to your counter LOL. Include your forum handle, real name (if you want), name of pieces, original or if cover the author, guitar and any techie stuff if you want (tuning, recording info, your favorate brand of pick, yadda), album if it has been released, permission to use your avatar on the Annex site


Snail mail addy, once again is


Freeman Keller

1212 Washington

Wenatchee, WA 98801


e-mail is freemanDOTkellerATverizonDOTnet - mp3's or links only. I can convert wavs or windows media files to mp3's - for now that is the posting media. If you send me the raw music however I would have it if we ever do decide to make the cd.


Glenn, yes, but if you have some electric background or maybe a little lead, we'll include it. Cripes and RT1's wonderful "One Cheek Symphoney" has some tasteful electric stuff. But remember that this is the AG subforum.

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can N00b's contribute? I've got a version of Lagrima that is ready to go.




Been thinking about this and here is my idea. First, the original album was going to be a cd with music from real regulars - because of limitations (time, the fact that it would be a cd) the decision was about 10 contributors with two songs each.


However now it will be an on line album - totally in mp3 format and you will be able to download the songs you like (none of that skipping track 3 because you hate it) - you can either burn your own cd, load your player or just take a listen. Ellen expressed a concern about newbies contributing music without contributing much to the forum, but I'm not sure I agree and I really want to hear all your playing, so...


How about if we let you contribute based on your level of activity. Obvious thing is to look at your post counter (but if you've been hanging at the political forum throwing one line insults back and forth that could be pretty high). I'm still going to look at that (and factor in whether I really remember your name - since I'm the Daddy on all of this and I get to decide, neener, neener...). If you have less than 500 posts you can submit one song, 500 to 1000, two songs, 1000 to 2000 three or four, more than 2000 lets say five max. I'll be pretty flexible, but that will give everyone a chance. And I suppose it would allow someone to come onto the forum with one post and promote their cd with one song - but is that really bad?


Comments? I think this is reasonable and in keeping with the original idea of a collection of songs by HCAG members.


And Samilyn and any one else - this is an on going project (unlike burning the cd) and I hope people will contribute for a long time. I'm hoping the launch date will be pretty soon, but I also hope to be ftp'ing new music to the site six month from now.

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Ellen expressed a concern about newbies contributing music without contributing much to the forum, but I'm not sure I agree and I really want to hear all your playing, so...

...I'll be pretty flexible, but that will give everyone a chance.



I think flexibilty is key. Post count doesn't matter as much as chiming in when you think you should with quality posts. I hope I didn't sound like I wanted this to be an exclusive project. I just didn't really want it to turn into the Post Pictures of Your Gear thread, which ended up with much non-acoustic-related and even some non-guitar-related content.


But I think that as long as you're at the helm, Freeman, it won't be a big deal because I trust your judgement and you'll probably end up listening to all the tunes anyway and if something doesn't belong for whatever reason, you'll be able to tell.



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But I think that as long as you're at the helm, Freeman, it won't be a big deal because I trust your judgement and you'll probably end up listening to all the tunes anyway and if something doesn't belong for whatever reason, you'll be able to tell.




Yup, and so far it all rocks!

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A quick update on the website - it's up and running, and we'll be posting the url as soon as I get a little further along with the basic forrnatting and content. Freeman uploaded the music over the weekend - I'll be working on member pages this week. The site will be a work in progress - comments and suggestions from all of you will be appreciated to improve the content and presentation of your music.



I don't see any reason why post count should be a factor in submitting music. We have plenty of webspace, and since we're no longer dealing with an 80 minute limit, I think all contributions should be welcome. Nothing can be posted to the site directly by members, so garbage posts/trolls are not a problem. It's about the music, not anyone's status on the board.


As far as the type of music, our initial purpose is to accommodate the HCAG album project, so we're accepting mostly acoustic music, but many of us play electric as well as acoustic. If Freeman can bring himself to listen to and upload electric music, I can set up separate sections for acoustic and electric.


Putfile url's are ok - I don't think you can d/l mp3's directly from the site, but there's a workaround that I posted in another thread that let's you do it. However, if you have broadband it's easier just to email the files to Freeman.

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This is so neat and Krash has been busting his rear to make it happen. I've received some music today from RT1 and Kwakatak and JD-drifter and I'll be uploading them tonight. I'll go along with Krash on number of songs and post count and all - if it gets excessive we'll try to limit it somehow.


And, believe it or not, I do like electric music. Well, some electric music LOL


I want to add one more thing that Krash didn't mention - we did run this whole thing by Jon Chappel, our mod, and he is totally cool with what we are doing. When the url is finally ready to go public I'll ask Jon to kill the present sticky and substitute an announcement. Stay tuned....

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so borrow a mic, download Audacity and make us an indecent one



Perhaps I will subject you to my hideous and horrendous hamfistedness...but not until I repair the Guild, which should start this weekend (after your great help; sorry I haven't e-mailed back, but it's blocked at work and I kinda/sorta "borrow" wireless from neighbors...and it's not always reliable).

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If I had the means to make a decent recording, I'd do it. But I don't even have a mic to plug directly into my computer.


Just get yourself a plain old omni-directional microphone, download a copy of Audacity and try your best to soundproof the room your PC is in and you'll do fine. That's all I did when I started recording a couple of years ago and those recordings were good enough for sharing among peers, which is pretty much all that we're looking to do here.

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Hi I posted this tune a little while ago

its called Canario and is by anonymous.

you can include that if you think its good enough ? or would i need to email the tune again?



Looks like I can open and save it OK so no need to resend it. PM me any more techie information you want included (guitar, recording, etc) and any other info about yourself.

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What's your email?

Or if you can download, take your pick.





a lot of times when I down load a song it lauches the player immediately and won't let me save it. Best to e-mail to me. Make it a separate e-mail for each one so as not to overwhelm my mail server


Raggety, I got yours

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a lot of times when I down load a song it lauches the player immediately and won't let me save it. Best to e-mail to me. Make it a separate e-mail for each one so as not to overwhelm my mail server

Raggety, I got yours



When it finishes d/l'ing into the player, the mp3 file is in windows emporary internet files. It gets deleted at some point - when you close the player or browser, or leave the website - not sure. But while it's there, you can move it to another folder to save it.

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Freeman, I have not been able to find the WAV files of a couple of particular songs, or the CD they are on so....I have three tunes on my myspace site that are downloadable. One is just me and a guitar, the other two are somewhat produced. The two primary are "Never Done That Before" and "Is It Just Pity". Use "I Can't Shake The You In Me" as well, if you like. "Never Done...." is all mine, the other two are collaborations with a lady from Texas named Sherri Davis.

I finally had the time to burn a copy of some rough recordings I did some time ago. all are one takes, me and guitar, clams and all. That I'll get in the mail to you.

Dak's Myspace Site.

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