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Recording 2 or more tracks???

Misha III

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Is it possible to listen to the first track at the same time that I record the second one???


The problem is that when I do that I end up with a second track that is the first track + the new one! :(


Do I absolutely have to use an outside source to hear the first track? When it is coming from my computer, the software wants to record everything that is coming from the computer and treated by the soundcard!


Help me please... :cry:


Here is my lousy playing: http://h1.ripway.com/JazzIVWoman/MP3du18novemvre07.mp3


I tried to match the tracks but it didn't work very well!




elEcTriK, I know... but if I could figure it out I would do it again with my acoustic and my electric!

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Hi Misha,


What software are you using? There should be a way to deselect the channel so that you can automatically record to a new one. Audacity and Reaper both have this function, though Reaper IMO is a much better multitrack program than Audacity.

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Hi Kwakatak!


I'm using Cool Edit pro 2.1.


I will try to download Reaper I think.


I will try to use the correct function tomorrow... now I have to go to bed!

Thank's for your help!



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Reaper is a very good program. n-Track Studio is another one. With n-Track all you do is hit the record button and the track get recorded. Once you've stopped recording, hit the rewind button and it'll back that track up to the beginning. Then, if you want to record another track all you do is hit record again. The original track will play and the new track will be recorded along side. You can repeat that as for as many tracks you have room for and your computer can handle.

I would suggest playing using headphones once the first track is recorded if you're using a microphone or the sound from the speakers will also be picked up by the mic.

Reaper will work somewhat the same but is not quite as simple to get going.

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Cool song :thu: Is that your own? It has kind of a Joe Satriani melody to it.


Anyhow...I would also suggest downloading the free version of Audacity. I have a version of Reaper downloaded but I haven't tried it. Audacity does the same as Reaper meaning that as soon as you click record a separate track starts recording alongside the original track. I use still Audacity but I am wondering if Reaper is any better than Audacity?


Another important factor is your soundcard. On my PC whenever I do an overdub there is always a delay between the original track and the new one I am overdubbing at the time. When I say "delay" I mean it sounds like a delay effect has been added to whatever you are recording be it guitar or vocals. I can minimize the delay somewhat by turning down the output of the original track. This "delay" never shows up on the actual recording...it's just while you are recording the overdub. It's very annoying. I am wondering if anyone else has this problem as well and how they remedy it? Is there a remedy for this or is it because of my soundcard?


Anyhow...good luck with recording Misha. It's very nice to hear another forum member playing :)

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Kristal Audio Engine is freeware, does 16 track recording/mixing, and it's easy to play one or more tracks while you record another. There's a link at the Annex in the Links section.

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Reaper is a very good program. n-Track Studio is another one. With n-Track all you do is hit the record button and the track get recorded. Once you've stopped recording, hit the rewind button and it'll back that track up to the beginning. Then, if you want to record another track all you do is hit record again. The original track will play and the new track will be recorded along side. You can repeat that as for as many tracks you have room for and your computer can handle.


This is essentially how Audacity works, too.

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This is essentially how Audacity works, too.



+1 Highly recommend Audacity. It's free and very powerful. Lots of people use it for multi-track recording. I have a copy of Audacity that I generally use for waveform editing and mastering; it is pretty useful for that too.



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I think I've got it now!


I've got a new soundcard ( E-MU 0404 PCI) and it's much more complicated than the integrated one! Acutally, it is not the same thing at all! I have to use/create patchmix before I get any sound out of it!


Yesterday it wasn't recording loud enough. I had to amplify each wave to hear it fine that's why I could barely hear the second and yet non-amplified wave added to the first one!




Of course, it's not perfect. There is a weird metal noise at some times like an alarm clock... but it is still better than yesterday!


I don't play well, but I like to "compose" (if I can say so) melodies. - I need to listen to Joe Satriani now! -


Thank's everybody! You've been very helpful!


This way, I'm gonna be able to practice/improve my rythm! :wave:


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