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WHO said black guitars are boring??!!


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Personally, when I say black is boring, I'm more referring to just solid black finishes. My UV's black, but it's also got the mirror pickguard, 'n' all the fancy binding 'n' whacky inlays 'n' whatnot.


My RG7620's got a boring flat black finish. One of these days when I've got some extra cash, I might strip it down and have something airbrushed on it or something. :)

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Originally posted by LaXu

Nice J-Custom, but I would've chosen another color.

Now this, is a boring black guitar:


To add insult to injury - it's mine!


I guess in Finland you want something brighter...it is dark enough during most part of the year ;)


Wanted to be different, everyone I know who has 8670 (except one guy who has violet) has the blue one... I liked the black one

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Originally posted by superpoo

its a bunch of dano effects housed in there. theres a tuner and stuff too, it looks pretty intense



What he said. Fuzz, tremolo, chorus, echo, phase shift, vibrato, compressor, graphic EQ, passive distortion, tuner, & amplifier. All kinds of pickup switching options. 55 control devices to be exact. I've been away this weekend--Hope everybody had a good one!

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