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Casinos and Les Pauls - pickguard on, or off?

Phil O'Keefe

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I don't like floating pickguards full stop. I know they're a necessity with a carved top, but I just find they get in the way a lot. The only Gibby pickguards I really like are the flat-to body ones on SGs, LP Jr / Sp types, and the like.

I can live with the white one on a Casino if it's not the natural finish, i suppose, but i think it looks better without. Actually, I took the pickguard off my Epi LP Std after about five years of owning it - this was around 18 months ago, and i still can't get over just how much classier it looks without it.

*Some* gibsons can look nice with the pup covers removed - I want a faded Ivory LP Custom with exposed all-black bobbins, just like Jonesy's Never Mind The Bollocks Custom! (What other reason is there to want an LP?). In general, though, I thinkthey look better with the covers - without, they can look a bit cheap. The SG Specials can be great guitars, but IMHO they look really cheap and nasty due to the lack of covers. Can't be that much more pricey to put covered ones on - hell, Epi can manage it, but then I suppose gibson don't want the Special starting to look too close to the standard, given there's a fair price premium to be paid for those who want to "upgrade" to the Std model.

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Thanks for the replies and votes everyone. :cool:

I decided to leave the LP "as is", and keep the pickguard off the Casino. The LP PG doesn't get in my way, nor does it thump / rattle like the Casino guard did, and I think they look fine either way, so I'm leaving it alone. The Casino, OTOH, looks MUCH better IMHO without the guard, and it doesn't make an audible "thump" when I play it now that it's gone. :)

The votes were pretty evenly split though. I don't know why I'm surprised by that, but I was... for some reason I thought there would be more votes listed for one option over another for the LP, but it was closer than I expected.

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I have a cherry red Casino and have been reluctant to take off the pickguard for 2 reasons...

1. I have a very strong pick attack and don't want to scrape the finish.
2. On the casino, if you remove the pickguard, you're left with a small little hole or if you leave the screw in, a visible screw coming out.

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Originally posted by RoboCop00

I have a cherry red Casino and have been reluctant to take off the pickguard for 2 reasons...

1. I have a very strong pick attack and don't want to scrape the finish.

2. On the casino, if you remove the pickguard, you're left with a small little hole or if you leave the screw in, a visible screw coming out.



True, but the tiny hole doesn't bug me the way the big-ass white pickguard did.

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