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About to buy a Gibson Explorer, having some doubts


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For a while I've been really interested in buying a Gibson Explorer, and have decided I want it for my next guitar. I now have the money but am feeling a little nervous pulling the trigger.


The reason I'm feeling nervous is because I've been doing some research and reading reviews and have seen complaints about Gibson's quality issues. I don't want to sink $1000+ into a guitar and not get high quality.


What I want to know, is that these Gibson quality issues as bad as they seem? Am I running too much of a risk in purchasing one? I know I could probably return or exchange it for a new one if it's not to my liking, but I would like to avoid that hassle.


I guess what I'm looking for here is some reassurance, but please be honest.

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you've just gotta be careful picking one out. my 02 LP studio is wonderful. alot of the problems i've heard come in appearance (bad bookmatches, maybe minor fret-problems). just make sure to give a thorough lookover and hand pick it. i wouldn't say the problems are nearly as bad as they get blown up to be, they just ain't quite the company they used to be. alot of the bashing is due to comparisons to the hand-built days.

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My advice to you sir is this:



Stay away from GC or MF or Sam Ash, the Gibsons I have seen there have been the only ones that I have seen this QC issues on.


Don't order online unless you are willing to deal with the hassle of exchanging, quite possibly more than one time, to get a very good one.


Don't believe all the naysayers that will come in and say "All Gibsons are trash after the mid-90s" or whatever.


If YOU like it, and YOU think it plays well, and feels great TO YOU, then plop down the cash.


That being said, my number 1 go-to guitar has been my 01 Explorer since I got it, and I'm having a hard time finding something to compliment the quality of tones I get from my Tele and the Explorer.

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I always hear about the QC issues with Gibson in particular. I do not own a Gibson, though a Les Paul and me would certainly make three......anywho....I have played at stores tons of guitars and found a lot of expensive guitars that I expected to be the cats ass were really quite average. Not just Gibson, but some fenders and jacksons and Rickenbackers, and a few Gretsch...etc...etc...etc...


It's freaking wood and metal and mojo combined people......not all three of those are going to be in harmonious synchronicity on all guitars.


That being said more often than not I have left the store after playing with serious cases of GAS. Yes you have to play the guitars in the store to find one that fits you best....but some of you people make it sound like there is four good guitars produced a year and you have to search the world over to find them. I have found all the guitars I have owned with relative ease.


Most of the guitars I have seen in stores are perfectly fine......including the Gibsons.....now the Epiphones...that's another story for another day. Go play a couple of explorers and give them a good look over....I'm sure you will find a nice one pretty quickly.

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A friend of mine was a planner/buyer for guitar center. She told me that Sam Ash, GC, and MF make up about 40% of Gibson's production. If that's true, then Gibson isn't going to want to screw up any deliveries to the big 3. I think what's lacking at GC and Sam Ash compared to an independent music store is that usually, the independent will fine-tune the factory set-up, which can make all the difference in the world. So go to GC or whoever, find one you like and get a $40 set up from a reputable luthier. It makes a difference.

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Willcutt is local for me, so I have never done mail order from them, but they are a well run shop and have treated me well. I've also bought a couple of Gibsons off of them over the past few years including a black Explorer last spring and had very good luck.


I'd still say you would be better off taking a road trip to a reputable Gibson dealer and trying the guitars in person, unless it is some insane amount of miles to drive.

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Originally posted by jonny toetags

I got one from the family at xmas.

No prob whatsoever other than it being set up to high from the factory.



Gibson does a slightly higher action setup than you would expect from say a shredder guitar etc. It makes it easier if you want to play slide as well, but if you want it lowered it just takes a proper setup and a nut file.


Oh, and nice guitar by the way:thu:

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Originally posted by Alchemist

Gibson does a slightly higher action setup than you would expect from say a shredder guitar etc. It makes it easier if you want to play slide as well, but if you want it lowered it just takes a proper setup and a nut file.

Oh, and nice guitar by the way:thu:



I was lucky...i just lowered the tailpiece and the bridge a bit and it was perfect, no buzz either.

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Interesting timing. Yesterday I just took back a brand new white explorer that I got a few days before. Played it in the store loved it, looked and sounded great, took it home and noticed that the nut was {censored}ed. Buzzing on the d string when strummed open (idiot I only played it acoustically for a couple minutes should've been more thorough) and it was not staying in tune at all. Both because of the nut I'm positive since the frets were fine, i'm guessing it was cut too deep on that one string. Anyway that's a real easy thing that gibson should have spotted if you ask me but it just shows how you have to be careful.

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Originally posted by marder explorer

My advice to you sir is this:

Stay away from GC or MF or Sam Ash, the Gibsons I have seen there have been the only ones that I have seen this QC issues on.

Don't order online unless you are willing to deal with the hassle of exchanging, quite possibly more than one time, to get a very good one.

Don't believe all the naysayers that will come in and say "All Gibsons are trash after the mid-90s" or whatever.

If YOU like it, and YOU think it plays well, and feels great TO YOU, then plop down the cash.

That being said, my number 1 go-to guitar has been my 01 Explorer since I got it, and I'm having a hard time finding something to compliment the quality of tones I get from my Tele and the Explorer.

I have an 96 antique Ivory Gibson Explorer with the eboney fretboard....this has to be the best Guitar I have ever owned...the tone and playability is top notch...

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...try not to look for reassurance in others. Trust your ears, hands, and feelings first. Let them judge the axe in question. The only catch is you may not be happy with what they are telling you ...hence the doubt :)


IMHO one needs to listen to themselves honestly, and ya can't go wrong very often.


Next, if you have the bread to throw down on a Gibson Explorer ...why not have a look at a Dean USA Z?


(my new axe, TC Z, purchased from Music123, $1900.US)




If you have a look on Music123 (http://www.music123.com/search/?d=954730179&b=2134774500), you will see a few Zs ...even a few SIGNED & NUMBERED Zs!!


Further, if you have a look in the Dean forums, you will find they have a *solid* reputation amoung owners.



I have tried a few USA Deans and was incredibly impressed each time. It was hard to decide which to buy (was looking at Z, and V).


Further, since I haven't tested loads & loads of USA Deans, I cannot be an authority on their QA ...but I can say it appears to me that they are extremely well made and


...sound & play like NOTHIN' you've ever heard or played before ...that I can quarantee.


HINT - make sure you bring a clean pair of shorts for your Dean test drive.


Good Luck in your Explorer search!


(edit) Oh and ditto on the comments above regarding where to shop!

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Originally posted by FineLine

Next, if you have the bread to throw down on a Gibson Explorer ...why not have a look at a Dean USA Z?

(my new axe, TC Z, purchased from Music123, $1900.US)



not to knock your guitar but you are taking a pretty steep difference in price between that and what you can get a new explorer for.

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Originally posted by k4df4l

not to knock your guitar but you are taking a pretty steep difference in price between that and what you can get a new explorer for.


...sorry, my bad, meant to say ...try out a USA Dean Z Prof series for $1200.US ...and no worries, that doesn't knock anything :)

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Originally posted by FineLine

...sorry, my bad, meant to say ...try out a USA Dean Z Prof series for $1200.US ...and no worries, that doesn't knock anything


...Hmm actually there is no bad, k4df4l needs to reread the post ...I suggested the person try a USA Dean, I just wasn't 100% specific.

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Originally posted by FineLine

Next, if you have the bread to throw down on a Gibson Explorer ...why not have a look at a Dean USA Z?

(my new axe, TC Z, purchased from Music123, $1900.US)


Originally posted by FineLine

...sorry, my bad, meant to say ...try out a USA Dean Z Prof series for $1200.US ...and no worries, that doesn't knock anything


Originally posted by FineLine

...Hmm actually there is no bad, k4df4l needs to reread the post ...I suggested the person try a USA Dean, I just wasn't 100% specific.



It must be afternoon in your time zone considering you must be hittin the sauce already.:p

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Originally posted by k4df4l

It must be afternoon in your time zone considering you must be hittin the sauce already.


...I'd rather hit the sauce than be a critical prick who also can't read




Have a nice day.

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Go to Guitar Center, play some and pick one out or any major retailer -- the claim to stay away from them is unfounded as well. And the Gibson QA issues, no worse than anybody elses and beter than say, Ibanez! I've feen Fenders with poor fitting necks for instance on showroom floors of stores. I'm really kind of floored that the QA is the reason you don't want to pull the trigger, jeez.


Call Brian Meador over at Chuck Levins Washington Music Center. I was looking for a certain Gibson and had a great conversation with him yesterday, very knowledgable guy as well. They are a very large Gibson retailer. Tell him what you want and if they have it, negotiate a price (they have great deals). If you come to terms, tell him you would really like someone to go over the guitar and make sure the frets are good, everything works, is solid and there are no minor QA issues. Easy..



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