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About to buy a Gibson Explorer, having some doubts


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Originally posted by FineLine

...I'd rather hit the sauce than be a critical prick who also can't read


Have a nice day.


man..bringing the heat!! you're all sorts of bitchy. :thu:


You have managed to take one simple comment and turn it into a federal case, but sure...I'm the one being a prick.

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Originally posted by marder explorer

My advice to you sir is this:

Stay away from GC or MF or Sam Ash, the Gibsons I have seen there have been the only ones that I have seen this QC issues on.

Don't order online unless you are willing to deal with the hassle of exchanging, quite possibly more than one time, to get a very good one.

Don't believe all the naysayers that will come in and say "All Gibsons are trash after the mid-90s" or whatever.

If YOU like it, and YOU think it plays well, and feels great TO YOU, then plop down the cash.

That being said, my number 1 go-to guitar has been my 01 Explorer since I got it, and I'm having a hard time finding something to compliment the quality of tones I get from my Tele and the Explorer.




I agree with you 100%. I just had a large debate on a similar issue of another forum in regards to this matter, albeit on another manufacturer. I am a stickler for the "Try Before You Buy" Method of purchasing an instrument, new or used. One other thing - whenever a musician on this forum says that "Gibsons that you buy at GC or MF are of poorer quality than any other place", most must comprehend certain matters. If it is true that GC OR MF make up 40% of Gibson's shipping orders, the employees of the manufacturer are under the gun (and then some!) for meeting a deadline. They produce more because they feel that if they don't meet their deadline, they will lose their client. With all the umbrella coverage of Gibson's subsidiaries, employees of Gibson do not receive the benefits or coverage that they used to. Also bonuses that were once given to them (return on total assets, or ROTA) has been reduced or eliminated all together. Along with employee apathy and increased production in a shorter period of time, the QC system is not going to get any stronger, Especially if production runs over shifts. QC personnel are reduced down to one person over an entire plant to resolve issues in several depts. over an 8 - 12 hour period, mostly to save money. Most issues, as long as they are within company specs (where their could possibly be a wider margin than what the comsumer is reported) are lessened by all of the above reasoning. Unfortunately, in most business situations of the present, is the American way. "Try before you buy":)

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The Gibson Explorer is a decent axe. I bought a "blem" from MF for my son about two years ago for about $680.


I couldn't really find any "blem" on it, but it did have a weird buzz on the low E. Found out after taking it in that it was just a bad string that was starting to unravel just underneath the bridge knife point. Other than that, it's what you would expect from a Gibson, good "working-man" quality.


Do expect the pups on that guitar to be hot. If cutting distortion tones and low-end chunk with a generous portion of harmonic overtones are your thing, the Gibby Exlplorer won't disappoint. I went with the '58 Epi version myself because I wanted more of a vintage tone and look.

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