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Any HC members in Nashville? I need your support!


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Ok it's just about time.

After a long 17 year retirement from the stage, I get to do it all over again.

I spent the last 2 years practicing, reading this forum, and buying guitars and gear. I'll be using everything listed in my sig except for the bass and the keyboard.


I'm gonna use 8 guitars and have 11 guitar changes throughout the show. This will either be fun or be a disaster! I picked a helluva tough gig to start over with.


If any of you are in or near the Nashville, Tennessee area, please come out to the show on Saturday, April 15th. I'd love to meet ya.


If you like Rush, you'll like us. If not, then that could be a problem.


Here's the info on the gig:



BTW, the club is on the corner of 12th & Porter. Imagine that!



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Originally posted by jjpistols

they call you the workin' band

that's what you am

highpitched canadian bump, with drum solo
have a great show, Pete


Thanks man! It's appreciated.

I may have some video to post a few weeks after the gig.

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best of Luck Pete, I doubt I will see any of the forumites bands in action areound here..( BFE middle of nowhere Kansas) until August when the fiancee and I are going to Texas for a week on South Padre Island...hoping to catch JJ and the bricks while down there..hopefully he has a show



oh yeah best of luck, and anychance of something from 2112? tears has been one of my favorites of theirs for a long long time

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