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Will a Jap Les Paul copy blow my Agile Away?


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Originally posted by fretmonster

Very nice looking. But I'm a little confused from your comments. Better or worse than an Agile?




I wasn't comparing it to anything, really. I have never played an Agile. I've played Gibsons Les Pauls of course, even owned one once years ago, but I was trying to describe the Stellar on it's own merits. It's certainly a great guitar for the price.


The point I was trying to make on my webpage is that economy guitars today are vastly superior to the economy guitars of the sixties and seventies.

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If a given maker used woods that where better suited to getting your wet dream tone. &/Or its neck profile and fret type where better suited to you for playability. Then yes, thatd be a better lp type guitar for you imo.

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Originally posted by fretmonster

So then you don't consider the Stellar to be an economy guitar right? I'm not being sarcastic here, just curious.

I would assume that the Stellar would be better in the tone dept. myself. Not sure about playability though.



No, I do consider the Stellar an economy guitar. Geez, it only cost two C notes.


I am not comparing it with anything, it stands on its own as a good sounding guitar.


As I stated on my webpage, once it's set up properly , I find it's playability is very good.


Get one for yourself and see. They have a 30 day return policy and thousands of good feedback posts.

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Originally posted by OldFenderGuy

Most of today's mid priced Korean guitars are much higher quality than some of the "Upper End" stuff we played back in the 1970's.

But then again, a lot of the tone you can get from a guitar depends on the player and their technique.

A poor player can make a $200 guitar, or a $2,000 guitar, sound horrible.

Just the opposite is true for a good player with a lot of experience.

The higher dollar guitars (with additional whistles & bells) might be necessary in a studio environment, but if you are on stage, blaring through giant amps, unless you are into 'headstock envy' just about any of today's guitars would do the job.




troll :rolleyes:










































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Originally posted by OldFenderGuy

Most of today's mid priced Korean guitars are much higher quality than some of the "Upper End" stuff we played back in the 1970's.

But then again, a lot of the tone you can get from a guitar depends on the player and their technique.

A poor player can make a $200 guitar, or a $2,000 guitar, sound horrible.

Just the opposite is true for a good player with a lot of experience.

The higher dollar guitars (with additional whistles & bells) might be necessary in a studio environment, but if you are on stage, blaring through giant amps, unless you are into 'headstock envy' just about any of today's guitars would do the job.


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Originally posted by Doctorx

No, I do consider the Stellar an economy guitar. Geez, it only cost two C notes.

I am not comparing it with anything, it stands on its own as a good sounding guitar.

As I stated on my webpage,
once it's set up properly
, I find it's playability is very good.

Get one for yourself and see. They have a 30 day return policy and thousands of good feedback posts.


Doh!!! My bad, I thought the Stellar was an old Jap copy. Need to work on my reading comprehension I guess.:confused:

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Originally posted by jjpistols

let me introduce to you, one and all, the man who taught me to appreciate strats - Mr OldFenderGuy - my vote for Troll of the Year!


Thank You One And All....


I will wear my new title proudly, as it was a hard fought battle to get to the top... :cool:


And, in conclusion, I can only say;


"I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own"...




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Originally posted by OldFenderGuy

Thank You One And All....

I will wear my new title proudly, as it was a hard fought battle to get to the top...

And, in conclusion, I can only say;

"I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own"...





:rolleyes: that's your opinion

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Most of today's mid priced Korean guitars are much higher quality than some of the "Upper End" stuff we played back in the 1970's.


But then again, a lot of the tone you can get from a guitar depends on the player and their technique.


A poor player can make a $200 guitar, or a $2,000 guitar, sound horrible.


Just the opposite is true for a good player with a lot of experience.


The higher dollar guitars (with additional whistles & bells) might be necessary in a studio environment, but if you are on stage, blaring through giant amps, unless you are into 'headstock envy' just about any of today's guitars would do the job. Most of today's mid priced Korean guitars are much higher quality than some of the "Upper End" stuff we played back in the 1970's.


I agree completely. Read my comments on my Stellar Les Paul page for some comments about this.

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Originally posted by aclarke

God, I cringe when I read that.

I'm waiting for a "Jap vs Spic fender" thread title.



I never thought of 'Jap' as a pejorative. I thought it was just short for 'Japanese'...and don't we use 'Mexi-Strat' and 'Tex-Mex' with impunity?



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Originally posted by larryguitar

I never thought of 'Jap' as a pejorative. I thought it was just short for 'Japanese'...and don't we use 'Mexi-Strat' and 'Tex-Mex' with impunity?



+1 on that


I was posting about jap guitars on the T-60 forum when I was abruptly interrupted by a pop-up that said I had a private message. It was a message from the mediator explaining that I might offend somebody and to please revise my comments.


That and the fact that a thread will start out about guitars and two posts later some guy will volunteer what he's fixing for dinner then the thread turns into an incoherent free-for-all, has led me to believe that either they all have A.D.D., or H.B.D. (Hippie Burnout Disorder) or they are all just TROLLS.


Wait a minute wasn't OFG a T-60 carrying member? ;)

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Jap as War Slur

Jap, n was first used in 1860 to refer to members of the Japanese embassy in the United States. It was later popularized during World War II to describe those of Japanese/Asian descent, and used as a disparaging term to describe Japanese people.

the Jap attack on Pearl Harbor...

Note: characterized as an anachronism. Many Americans find the term extremely offensive and racist, but a Japanese living in Japan would have trouble understanding their violent reactions, as the term would not be racist to him.[citation needed] Many non-Americans use the term as a natural abbreviation of the word "Japanese". [citation needed]

Unsurprisingly, in Japanese dictionaries, the term "Jap" is only defined as a disparaging term used against the Japanese people, like it is the case in many English language dictionaries. [1] These dictionaries accurately reflect the fact that the term "Jap" is not used in Japan as a neutral abbreviation for Japan or its people.




Main Entry: Jap

Pronunciation: 'jap

Function: noun or adjective

usually disparaging : JAPANESE






edited to show quotes more clearly :wave:

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Originally posted by fretmonster

Damn JJ, I thought you were just the class clown, and a guy that could play some mean guitar. It's obviously just a front as you moonlight your way through grad school huh? You shameless sellout.



yeah - I got a phd in google and wiki, and a masters in copy and paste :thu:

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Whatever - your qoute "Buy a real Les Paul. They blow everything away."


Proves you've got headstock envy - If you read into what others have said and what guitar distributers and the trends of the Fender/Gibson manufacturers you'll know one thing:


Not all Gibsons are worth DICK let alone $2000.00 for a "Real Les Paul" - Some are worth it but some down right SUCK and you have to pick/choose.


Personally paying $2000.00 for a guitar unless I'm getting an endorsement, have a record contract, gigging every week and making good coin, is out of my price range and sanity.


I've played Gibsons and for the most part they don't feel any different as long as the neck specs are the same there's no difference.


Replace the PUPS on a $159.00 model with the same wood construction and blind folded you couldn't tell the difference.

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if you`re going to use the abbreviation, use a period after...Jap.

Then it may be seen as less offensive, buy why risk offending anybody? MIJ used the same number of letters as jap, and for the record... having been in Japan for several years, they do know what the word means and I`d wager some would find the term racist...jjpistols is quoting from some books and my guess is, has never been to Japan `cause if he had been he`d already know that. I`m certain he`ll correct me if I wrong . Now, the Japanese have their own subtle ways of slurring people of other nations. I was talking camera with a retired woman in class one day and mentioned my Nikon point and shoot digital. After she looked it up she said oh yes, we have a term for those in Japan, and it translated into a dumb Korean camera. Had she not been a paying customer of the school I would have pointed out how unbelievably rude that was but let it slide. Believe it or not there are still some very hard feelings in this neighborhood left over from WW II and because I`m just a guest in the country I try to keep my opinions on certain things to myself, but I can`t help observing. I think the term Jap just perpetuates the negative feelings and unless someone actually enjoys offending people why take the chance? Still, not my posiition to be the general manager of the universe, we already have a certain super power trying to do that.

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Originally posted by zenbu

...jjpistols is quoting from some books and my guess is, has never been to Japan `cause if he had been he`d already know that. I`m certain he`ll correct me if I wrong .




you are correct - I've never been to Japan - hope to go sometime



while I myself am rarely offended by words, I do keep track of those which are offensive to others, and those which are just mean



I thought I documented the quoted material well enough - does the lack of the quote box confuse? I'll go change that in the first post - thems words ain't mine ;)

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confuse who, me? don`t worry I`ve been the recipient of your low blows before though usually they have some 4 letter words attached. If I were confused I`d not have thought you were quoting from books. you may rarely be offended by words but you often use em here.

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Originally posted by zenbu

confuse who, me? don`t worry I`ve been the recipient of your low blows before though usually they have some 4 letter words attached. If I were confused I`d not have thought you were quoting from books. you may rarely be offended by words but you often use em here.





yeah I say {censored} a lot




pretty scary isn't it?

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and BTW Zenbu, why are you calling me out on anything? yes - you get confused - you made bitchy little posts in a thread where you clearly (to everyone, not just me) misinterpreted what you read - other than that, I don't think we've had much interaction




are you doing that here? a couple people said they thought the term "jap" was not viewed as offensive by most



I thought I could share the history of it, and show that it is indeed offensive to some - I don't think they were being out of line, and I'm not preaching to them, merely informing



and somehow out of that you are offended by me?




so I say again: {censored}










edited: link to thread inserted :wave:

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