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VH vs Tesla


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Tonight, I sat around and jammed with an old buddy and listened to some stuff I hadn't heard in a great while. So, my question is this...


Modern Day Cowboy




Drop Dead Legs


Great songs, great guitar work, both...which do you prefer and why?

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Modern Day Cowboy for me. I was telling my wife how I was surprised that Tesla weren't more popular. They had a rawer straight rock sound like GNR and more depth and passion in their music than the hair metal bands (most of whom were about the party and the music highly reflected that). I saw them on the Psychotic Supper tour and they were excellent. There first three studio albums and Five Man Acoustical Jam are great rock records. The have a classic sound, that is to say they don't sound your typical dated 1980s rock and pop/hair metal albums.

Drop Dead Legs is a great song musically, but I'm just not a DLR fan. I saw the Eat Em Smile tour and it was a great show, but Dave isn't really a singer. I like singers who can actually sing.

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Modern Day Cowboy is an ok song, not great. Totally dated sounding now.

Drop Dead Legs is still F*ing awesome! Eddie's playing is so loose, yet totally locked in with Alex. I think it's a way better song...and it's just a filler tune!

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Originally posted by B Money

Drop Dead Legs is still F*ing awesome! Eddie's playing is so loose, yet totally locked in with Alex. I think it's a way better song...and it's just a filler tune!

I agree. The main riff is really badass, and all those fills kinda sound like he was just making {censored} up on the spot and doing it kind of hamfistedly....but it really works. And the tone...:eek:

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Though I am an ardent Van Halen-is-the-greatest-rock-band-ever supporter, I have to say "Modern Day Cowboy" is simply one of the best songs to come out in the 80's. Tesla was an awesome "working man's" band, sort of the anithesis to Van Halen, a well-to-do party band. Modern Day's intro is one of the greatest ever. I hate I've never attempted to learn to play it.

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I can't believe there is a post about Tesla. While I love "Old School" EVH, Telsa is one of my favorite bands of all time. They still tour and there newest alblum "Into the Now" is Excellent!!

As for the vote, I will go with MDC, I would LOVE to see that song in Guitar Hero!!

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I think that Tesla dropped off the face of the earth because they didn't really fit into the scene at the time. Grunge was coming up and Tesla was more like a supercharged classic rock band. Great riffs and stuff, but they weren't grunge or alternative so they weren't part of that movement and they weren't heavy enough to be carried through by all the hardcore people that still liked guitar tricks and leads. If they had hit the scene big about 5 years earlier they would have had the momentum and reputation to survive on a larger scale.

While I like Tesla, Drop Dead Legs is one of the sleaziest sounding songs VH ever did. One of my all time favorites as well as my favorite VH album. Great big fat tone, attitude and it is just one sexy mofo. Every track on that album is great with I'll Wait being the only song that I could live without.

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