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What happens if I break my neck!?


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Guitar neck that is!


Right my question is this. I have a few decent guitars that I practice with at home, all bolt-on and all easily replacable if anything terrible were to happen!


However the guitar I want to practice with is my Schecter C1-Classic. I always have great practices with it however I am constantly worried that there something might go wrong and the neck breaks!


The C1 Classic is a neck-thru model and I fear that if anything ever did go dreadfully wrong that would be it!


So if a neck-thru guitar ends up with a broken neck is there any hope for repair?





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Yes you can repair it. But chances are for such an inexpensive guitar you'd just replace. Used you can get one for $350-$500 depending on condition/case. I sold mine recently for $475.

And I don't wanna know what the hell you could possibly be doing to break a C-1 neck, they're pretty sturdy.

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Are you using your guitar as a cricket bat?

You do realize that musical instruments tend to be built for use in making music, which is why some violins have lasted for more than 400 years without needing to have their necks replaced.

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guitars are like classic cars...... why the hell buy it if you aren't gonna use it!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate that, and trust me been there done that. had a bunch of classic old cars and no one would ever go crusin with me "cause they didn't want anything to happen to it"
same with guitars i know people who had even new guitars and where like "i'm not gonna take it outta the case cause i don't wanna scratch it" hell its just a guitar what the hell you think its for it ain't a mantle piece well............. unless its like a 58' gibby or something along those lines. hell even if i had on i'd still play the {censored} out of it.

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Well it's been solid as a rock! I'm over the moon with the quality of it so you're right it will have to take some serious knocks to break that neck. I was just wondering what the cost of a worst case scenario would be.

But too true, if 350-400 dollars (a fair whack of the Queen's English Pound Sterling *puts hand on heart* hehe) then a replacement may as well be in order!

Cheers man


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Sorry guys it sounds like you got the wrong end of the stick!

I want to give this guitar some playing! And I have been doing! It's not something that lies locked away in a vault!

I was just concerned that 5 too many beers in me or someone else and it gets buggered up and it could need to be put to rest!

Just me worrying!

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A well made set neck or neck thru is not likely to break any more then a well made bolt on. Granted Gibson pretty much got the whole "buy bolt on so you can replace broken neck" thing with their poor qaulity neck joints and overdone imo neck to body angle. Sg necks broke off a lot due to these two factors. Giving other makers ready chance to say how their bolt ons could be easilly replaced if they got broken. If Gibson had used better neck joints and less steep neck to body angle from the start, theyred of never been the history of set neck guitars necks breaking that there was.


In simple terms, if your bolt on, set neck, or neck thru is neck breakage prone. Its time to change brands. Or stop bashing it about!


In fairness to gibson, they have improved the neck joints on their guitars. So they arent as breakage prone as they used to be.


If you have a habbit of breaking necks, is time to stop playing guitars and take up wrestling or somesuch thing instead.



If strong necks are important to you, buy only 3-5 peice necks. Irregardless of wether bolton, set or neck thru. They are stronger then one peice necks. Not as importanrt in guitar as is in bass though. Due to the much greater tension pull of bass strings

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Originally posted by schecterboy

Guitar neck that is!

Right my question is this. I have a few decent guitars that I practice with at home, all bolt-on and all easily replacable if anything terrible were to happen!

However the guitar I want to practice with is my Schecter C1-Classic. I always have great practices with it however I am constantly worried that there something might go wrong and the neck breaks!

The C1 Classic is a neck-thru model and I fear that if anything ever did go dreadfully wrong that would be it!

So if a neck-thru guitar ends up with a broken neck is there any hope for repair?



Any neck can be luthier repaired. :thu: If not, I wouldn't even consider buying anything neck-thru, or most likely even anything set neck.

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Originally posted by leopardstar

look if your gonna try and be a troll, then you need to take some lessons from archdemon, or no soul cuz that was a pretty piss poor attempt. ether that or your reallly high, right?

get off my jock bitch

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Originally posted by schecterboy

I was just wondering what the cost of a worst case scenario would be.



Worst scenario : You don't play your guitar because of fear of breaking it.


Cost? You end up enjoying your instrument less because of this.


BTW, I'm not being a smart ass and I don't invalidate your worries. It's quite understandable that you wish not to lose the use of your favorite instrument. But interestingly, if you leave it at home, you already have. You guitar is worth something the minute you take it out and play it.

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Originally posted by trey85stang

whats the deal with people on here being scared their neck-thru guitar's neck is going to break?

I would also like to know how many people have snapped the neck of their bolt-on and just went out and got another neck......Not 'zatcly an every day thing.

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